Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Samuel Buck (6806) & Rachel Leavins
18926. Nathaniel Buck. Born on 16 Jul 1672 in Cambridge, MA.27 Nathaniel died in Cambridge, MA, on 19 Jul 1672.27
18927. Hannah Buck. Born on 3 Jan 1674 in Cambridge, MA.27 Hannah died in Cambridge, MA, on 13 Apr 1675; she was 1.
18928. Rachel Buck. Born on 7 Jul 1676 in Cambridge, MA.27 Rachel died in Woburn, MA, on 23 Feb 1698; she was 21.124
On 18 Dec 1694 when Rachel was 18, she married Jabez Brooks (11930) , son of John Brooks (6043) (ca 1623-29 Sep 1691) & Eunice Mousall (4023) (ca 1628-1 Jan 1684), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 17 Jul 1673 in Woburn, MA. Jabez died in Woburn, MA, on 30 Jan 1747; he was 73.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144 Occupation: Husbandman.

Jabez first married Rachel Buck, second Hephzibah Cutter.

From The Brooks Family, page 10:167
Jabez Brooks, of Woburn, husbandman, “in consideration of love, good will, and affection .... towards my loving wife, Hepsibeth Brooks,” conveys certain household articles and weariug apparel, one large Bible, one silver spoon, a large cupboard, and all “my linen,” and a bond due to her from “my son,” Ebenezer Brooks . . , Jan. 16, 1739-40. On the same date, Jabez Brooks, in a similar conveyance, mentions his sons, Nathaniel Brooks, husbandman, Samuel Brooks, husbandman, John Brooks and Ebenezer Brooks, housewrights, aud Benjamin Brooks, husbandman, all of Woburn, to whom he conveys his right in a “way leading from the country road between my house and Mr. Belknap's house to the Richanlsons’ Row, to lie for an open road,” etc. The originals of these deeds, with many other papers of this family, are deposited in the Wyman Collection in the Woburn Public Library.

"Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Jabez Brooks, who departed this life, January ye 30th, Anno Dom'i, 1746-7, in ye 74th year of his age"
Their children include:
Rachel Brooks (29 Nov 1695-21 Jun 1750)
18929. Hannah Buck. Born on 18 Aug 1680 in Cambridge, MA.27
18930. Sarah Buck. Born on 5 Jul 1684 in Cambridge, MA.27
18931. Samuel Buck. Born on 3 Dec 1686 in Cambridge, MA.27 Occupation: Farmer.

There were two contemporary Samuel Bucks in Woburn at the same time, sons of the brothers Samuel and Ephraim Buck. The older brother Samuel and his wife Rachel had a son Samuel born 1686 in Cambridge. The younger brother Ephraim and his wife Sarah had a son Samuel born 1682 in Woburn. Each married and had families, but it’s not clear which is which.

One Samuel married first Abigail Wyman and had children Samuel, James, Abigail and Hannah, and that Samuel married second Sarah Walker and had Sarah, Rachel, Judith, Elizabeth, James, Mary and Elizabeth. The other Samuel married Hannah and had children Samuel, Hannah, Sarah, and Zebediah. All the chidren from both families were born in Woburn.

One secondary source, the Transcripts of Epitaphs in Woburn First and Second Burial Grounds, says that Abigail (Wyman) Buck was the wife of Samuel Buck b. 13 Nov 1682, son of Ephraim Buck. On the other hand, Cutter in his Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut in his writeup on Edwin Agustus Buck has Samuel Buck b. 1682 marry Hannah.

Perhaps the Samuel who named a daughter Rachel is the son of Samuel & Rachel Buck.

Ca 1711 Samuel first married Abigail Wyman (19966) , daughter of Cornet Jonathan Wyman (22116) (13 Jul 1661-15 Dec 1736) & Hannah Fowle (7246) (ca 1671-). Born on 1 Jun 1691 in Woburn, MA.124 Abigail died in Woburn, MA, on 26 Dec 1720; she was 29.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144
Their children include:
Samuel Buck (7 May 1713-23 Oct 1803)
James Buck (Died young) (26 Feb 1715-18 Dec 1723)
Abigail Buck (6 Jan 1717-)
Hannah Buck (9 Dec 1719-13 Oct 1803)
On 21 Sep 1721 when Samuel was 34, he second married Sarah Walker (16973) , daughter of Dea. Samuel Walker (8918) (25 Jan 1667-28 Sep 1744) & Judith Heywood (6254) (13 Jun 1667-14 Nov 1724), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 16 Mar 1691 in Woburn, MA.124
Their children include:
Sarah Buck (27 Jun 1722-)
Rachel Buck (2 Jan 1724-)
Judith Buck (3 Jan 1727-)
Elizabeth Buck (Died soon) (3 Jan 1727-3 Jan 1727)
James Buck (9 May 1728-)
Mary Buck (Twin) (3 Aug 1730-)
Elizabeth Buck (Twin, died young) (3 Aug 1730-25 Jul 1730)
Samuel third married Rebecca.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.