Pane-Joyce Genealogy
26952. Ebenezer Holden. Born ca 1713 in Lebanon, CT.155 Ebenezer died in Granville, Hampton County, Massachustts in 1780.155
Ebenezer Holden (ca 1730-Nov 1790)
Ebenezer second married Sybil. Born in 1727.155
Their children include:
Darius Holden (20 Feb 1746-)
Adonijah Holden (12 May 1748-)
Elizabeth Holden (5 Oct 1751-)
Sybil Holden (5 Dec 1754-)
26953. Elizabeth Holden. Born ca 1719.
26954. Dr. Jabez Holden. Born on 7 Sep 1721 in Windham, CT.155 Jabez died in Sandisfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, on 24 Feb 1798; he was 76.155

From The Holden Genealogy, page 152–153:155
    Jabez Holden was a physician. His descendants know nothing of his antecedents. Ebenezer Holden was of Bedford Plantation (now Granville) in 1745, and added to his original holding there, one of his purchases being of Daniel Brown of Bedford in 1748. Four years prior to this, 29 Sept., 1744, Jabez Holden of Fomfret, Conn., bought a homestall in No. 3 of the Housatonic Townships, which later became Sandisfield. He did not then settle there, but in March, 1752 bought 62 acres in Oxford, where he remained until at least 1760.2 He was one of the proprietors of house lots in Sandisfield, between December, 1758 and 10 March, 1760, and his name appears among the subscribers to the Covenant of the Congregational Church at Sandisfield dated 14 Feb., 1756, but he signed at a later date. He was admitted to the church by letter from “Ashford” 13 Sept., 1761. Miss Larned fails to mention Dr. Holden in her history of Windham County.
    He was enumerated in the Census of 1790 as of Sandisfield, having in his family two females. His son Samuel was head of another family in that town.
On 3 Oct 1751 when Jabez was 30, he married Rebecca Ward (23684) , daughter of Eleazer Ward (8977) (26 Feb 1672-18 Jan 1751) & Deliverance Trowbridge (11506) (30 Dec 1679-), in Oxford, MA.155 Born on 30 Dec 1715 in Newton, MA.212 Rebecca died in Sandisfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, on 1 Jul 1782; she was 66.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Holden (14 Mar 1753-)
Samauel Holden (10 Aug 1755-)
Dr. William Holden (10 Jun 1757-9 Jun 1786)
26955. William Holden. Born on 5 Sep 1723 in Windham, CT.155
26956. Benjamin Holden. Born on 5 May 1725 in Windham, CT.155

From The Holden Genealogy, page 100:155
    Benjamin served in 1755 and 1756, in 1st Conn, regiment; from April to Nov., 1758, in 3d R’g’t and 30 June, 1759, was one of the men who had “not joined” the 4th R’g’t at Lake George.
On 3 Feb 1757 when Benjamin was 31, he married Rebecca Lille in Scotland, CT.155
26957. Joseph Holden. Born on 5 May 1725 in Windham, CT.155
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.