Pane-Joyce Genealogy
32971. Susanna Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca 1661. Susanna Hendrickse was baptized on 16 Jan 1661. Susanna Hendrickse died in 1710.
On 10 Sep 1682 Susanna Hendrickse married Roelof Vanderlinde, son of Joost Vanderlinde (ca 1610-13 Feb 1709) & Fytje Roelofs Van Gelder (ca 1619-30 Mar 1681), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Roelof Vanderlinde, y.m., from Wageningen in Gelderland & susanna Hendricks Bronckhorst, y.d., from Midwout on LI. Born ca 1657 in Wageningen, Gelderland. Roelof died in 1730.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
25 Apr 1702. Roelof Van der Linde, widower of Susanna Hendrikse Blinkerhof & Rachel Kreson, widow of Jan Du Ry
Their children include:
Pieter Vanderlinde (ca 1685-bef 10 Apr 1725)
Claesje Vanderlinde (22 Jun 1685-bef Jul 1715)
Maritje Vanderlinde (ca Feb 1698-1750)
32972. Cornelia Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca 1668. Cornelia Hendrickse died in Sep 1707. Buried on 7 Sep 1707 in Bergen, New Jersey.
On 10 Aug 1690 Cornelia Hendrickse married Isaac Van Giesen (32937) , son of Reynier Sebastiaenszen Van Giesen (15664) (ca 1640-May 1707) & Dircktje Cornelese Van Groenland (-Oct 1698), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Isaack Van Giesen, y.m., from Bergen & Cornelia Hendrickx, y.d., from Midwout, L.I., living at Hackensack. Born ca 1666 in Bergen, New Jersey. Isaac was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 26 Dec 1666.422 Isaack, son of Reynier Van Giesen & Dirckje Cornelis, witnesses Ide van Voorst, Hans Didericks, & Janneke Edsall.

Isaac first marred Cornelia Hendericks Brinkerhoff, second Hillegond Classze Kuiper, and third Anna Breyant, widow of Nicasius Kip.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church
10 Oct 1713. Isack Van Gÿsee, w. of Hillegond Kuÿper, & Anna Breyand, w. of Nicasis Kip, both living here

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Isaac probably lived at Bergen, or perhaps at Secaucus, until Dec. 4, 1697, when he bought from John Berry a tract of 200 acres in New Barbadoes, between the Saddle river and the Hackensack river. Three or four years later he sold this land to his father-in-law, Hendrick Joris Blinkerhoff (one of the original purchasers of Acquackanonk), for £150. Either no deed was passed at the time, or else it was lost, and on May 30, 1710, Isaac confirmed the title in the heirs of Blinkerhoff. Claesje Blinkerhoff, executrix of Hendrick Joris Blinkerhoff, and Cornells Blinkerhoff, his son and heir-at-law, conveyed their interest in the premises, the same day, by assignment entered on the face of the deed. This was doubtless the land occupied by the Van Giesens for a century and a half, in the village of Hackensack; it was bounded on the north by the Voorhis line, a short distance south of the New York, Susquehanna and Western railroad, and extended from that line southerly to a line somewhat south of Warren street.
    With his second wife Hillegond he joined the Hackensack church, by letter from Bergen, Jan. 2, 1709.
    He was elected to the Assembly in 1721,and in 1739 was appointed Judge of the Bergen county common pleas, and lieutenant colonel of the Bergen county regiment of militia. Administration on the estate of Isaac Van Giesen, yeoman, late of Hackensack, was granted to Hendrick Van Giesen, Aug. 20, 1741.
    The inventory of his personal estate, and his widow Antje's selection, dated August, 1741, are in the possession [in 1901] of Augustus Van Gieson, of Paterson.
Their children include:
Reynier Van Giesen (Died soon) (ca Dec 1692-May 1693)
Reynier Van Giesen (Died young) (22 Mar 1694-Mar 1703)
Joris Van Giesen (22 Sep 1696-)
Dirckje Van Giesen (15 Aug 1699-)
Claesje Van Giesen (ca Apr 1702-)
Reynier Van Giesen (ca Nov 1704-Apr 1783)
32973. Geertje Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca 1669. Geertje Hendrickse was baptized on 20 Feb 1669.
32974. Aeltje Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca 1668.
On 25 Jun 1688 Aeltje Hendrickse married Bastiaen Ryniers Van Giesen (32936) , son of Reynier Sebastiaenszen Van Giesen (15664) (ca 1640-May 1707) & Dircktje Cornelese Van Groenland (-Oct 1698), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Bastiaen Van Giesen, ym, liv. achquechnonk & Aeltje Hendrickx, yd, liv. Hackensack, both fr Midwout. Born ca 1661. Bastiaen Ryniers died aft 1730.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Administration was granted on Bastiaen’s estate to his son Hendrick, July 22, 1751. He bought a large tract of land in the present Montclair township, adjacent to Third river, prior to 1696,8 and took up his residence on this purchase, to which he added from time to time.9 He perhaps also bought the eastern half of Lot No. 2, on Totowa, extending from Redwoods avenue nearly to North Twelfth street, and from the river to the mountain, embracing about 300 acres. 10 Family tradition says that "he bought of an Indian nearly the whole of Totowa, from Totowa avenue westerly to the Singack or Totowa road, and including the Falls." This, of course, is an error, so far as concerns the dimensions of the purchase. The tradition goes on to the effect that Bastiaen's purchase of the Indian was as much land as he could walk around in a day, the consideration being one dollar. While they were walking along, the Indian tried to make Van Giesen understand how the Red men had been gradually driven off their lands. Not being able to talk Dutch, he signed to Bastiaen to sit down beside him on a log, near one end; then he gradually shoved along, until Bastiaen was crowded off the log, signifying that in like manner the Indians had been pushed off their lands. Bastiaen was chosen one of the deacons of the Acquackanonk church, March l8, 1694, and again in 1697, and elder in 1700, 1706, 1712, 1719, 1721 and 1730.
Their children include:
Hendrick Van Giesen (3 Aug 1689-1764/5)
Reynier Van Giesen (22 Jul 1693-bef Oct 1768)
Johannes Van Giesen (26 Jun 1687-29 Apr 1731)
Abraham Van Giesen (ca Jul 1702-)
Dirck Van Giesen (3 Aug 1705-between 16 FEb 1784 and 11 Apr 1787)
32975. Cornelis Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born on 7 Apr 1673 in Midwout, LI. Cornelis Hendrickse died in Bergen, New Jersey, on 1 Sep 1770; he was 97. Buried on 3 Sep 1770 in Bergen, New Jersey.

Cornelis, son of Hendrick Jorise Blinkerhoff & Clasje Cornelis Bogaert.
On 24 May 1708 when Cornelis Hendrickse was 35, he married Aechetie Hartmanse Vreeland, daughter of Hartman Michielsen Vreeland (ca Oct 1651-Jan 1707) & Maritje Dirckse Braecke (ca 1652-), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Cornelis Hendricksen Blinkerhoff, y.m., born at Witmond, Kings Co. & Aagje Hartmans Vreeland, y.d., born at Gemoenepan. Born on 19 Jun 1685 in Gemoenapan, Jersey City, NJ. Aechetie Hartmanse was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, in 1685.422 Echtje, dau. of Hertman Magielse & Merritje Dirckse Braack. Aechetie Hartmanse died in Bergen, New Jersey, on 20 Feb 1761; she was 75. Buried on 23 Feb 1761 in Bergen, New Jersey.
Their children include:
Marritje Brinckerhoff (27 Feb 1709-19 Jul 1794)
Claasje Brinckerhoff (31 Dec 1710-21 May 1787)
Hendrik Brinckerhoff (ca 1712-12 Aug 1795)
Aagtje Brinckerhoff (ca 1712-3 Oct 1802)
32976. Joris Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca 1675.
32977. Dirck Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca Feb 1677 in Gemoenepa, NJ. Dirck Hendrickse was baptized in New York, New York, on 7 Feb 1677. Dirck Hendrickse died on 1 Sep 1770.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
17 Oct 1702. Dirk Hartemansche, y.m., from Gemoenepan, & Margritie Dirkse Banta, y.d., b. Ackinsack
On 17 Oct 1702 Dirck Hendrickse first married Margrietje Sebase Banta (15941) , daughter of Seba Epke Banta (5951) (ca 1654-1700) & Marritje Ariaense Sip (6457) (ca 1659-1710), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born on 7 Jun 1682 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Margrietje Sebase was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 26 Jun 1682.422 Margrietje, dau. of Sibe Epkese & mareytje Ariaens Sips, witnesses Hendrick Epkese & Aeltje Daniels. Margrietje Sebase died bef Oct 1733.
Their children include:
Hendrick Brinckerhoff (Died young) (ca Oct 1705-)
Arian Brinckerhoff (ca Aug 1708-)
Hendrick Brinckerhoff (9 Nov 1709-1760)
Joris Brinckerhoff (Twin, died young) (13 Jan 1715-)
Seba Brinckerhoff (Twin) (13 Jan 1715-aft 1797)
On 13 Oct 1733 Dirck Hendrickse second married Abigail Abramse Ackerman, daughter of Abraham Davidtse Ackerman (3 May 1659-1710) & Aeltje Van Laer (14 May 1663-1710), in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Born on 19 Jan 1685 in Bergen, New Jersey. Abigail Abramse died on 19 Sep 1736; she was 51.
32978. Geesje Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born on 20 Feb 1678.
32979. Margrietje Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born on 13 Jun 1681. Margrietje Hendrickse died in Bergen, New Jersey, on 12 Dec 1754; she was 73. Buried on 15 Dec 1754 in Bergen, New Jersey.
On 6 May 1705 when Margrietje Hendrickse was 23, she married Matthys Michaels De Mott, son of Michael De Mott (ca 1652-ca 1696) & Anna Westbroeck (ca 1656-), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Mathys De Mot, y.m., born at Kingstown, living at Bergen & Margrita Blinckerhof, y.d., living at Hackensack. Born ca 1680 in New York. Matthys Michaels died in Bergen Point, Hudson County, New Jersey on 18 Mar 1756. Buried on 20 Mar 1656 in Bergen, New Jersey. Occupation: Blacksmith. Marriage bans on 14 Apr 1705 at Hackensack Reformed Church.347

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
14 Apr 1705. Mattÿs DeMot, y.m., b. Kinstown in the Esopus & Margrita Blinkerhof, y.d., b. Hackensack
Their children include:
Clasje De Mott (ca 1706-Mar 1788)
Michael De Mott (7 Aug 1708-16 Nov 1799)
Hendrick De Mott (Died soon) (ca 1710-2 Jan 1711)
Antje De Mott (ca 1711-)
Hendrick De Mott (7 Apr 1715-10 May 1802)
Johannes De Mott (ca 1716-8 Dec 1740)
Joris De Mott (ca 1718-9 Oct 1800)
Jacob De Mott (ca 1720-23 Aug 1789)
Geesje De Mott (Died young) (ca 1725-11 Apr 1744)
32980. Jacobus Hendrickse Brinckerhoff. Born ca Mar 1685 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Jacobus Hendrickse was baptized in Flatlands, Kings County, New York, on 29 Mar 1685. Jacobus Hendrickse died in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey on 1 Sep 1770.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
17 Apr 1708. Jacobus Hendrickse Blinkerhof, y.m. & Angenitie Hendrickse Banta, y.d., both b. & l. Hackinsack
On 17 Apr 1708 Jacobus Hendrickse married Angenitje Hendrikse Banta (15951) , daughter of Hendrick Epke Banta (5952) (Jun 1655-1740) & Maritje Lubbertse Westervelt (6549) (2 Jul 1654-), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born ca 1682 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Angenitje Hendrikse was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 18 Apr 1682.422 Angenietje, dau. of Hendrick Epkese & Mareya Lubbertse, witnesses Sibi Epkese [Hendrick’s brother] & wife. Angenitje Hendrikse died in 1731.
Their children include:
Hendrick Brinckerhoff (Died soon) (ca May 1709-)
Hendrick Brinckerhoff (1 Nov 1710-27 May 1760)
Maritje Brinckerhoff (Died young) (ca Nov 1714-)
Joris Brinckerhoff (9 Oct 1719-3 Jan 1810)
Jacob Brinckerhoff (ca Nov 1721-1771)
Maritje Brinckerhoff (22 Oct 1724-)
Margaret Brinckerhoff (4 Oct 1729-11 Mar 1802)
Hendrickse Brinckerhoff (1 Nov 1710-27 May 1760)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.