Pane-Joyce Genealogy
33322. Elizabeth Rathbone. Born 14 Mar 1691/2 in New Shoreham, RI.

Jonathan and Elizabeth were first cousins. Their fathers were brothers.
12 Jan 1711/2 Elizabeth married Jonathan Rathbone (33292) , son of John Rathbone (15778) (ca 1655/6-bef 9 Mar 1722/3) & Ann Dodge (16477) (ca 1660/1665-ca 1723), in New Shoreham, RI. Born on 22 May 1691 in New Shoreham, RI.389 Jonathan died in Colchester, CT, on 1 Apr 1766; he was 74.389

From the Rathbone Genealogy:389
    “He was in 1731 a member of the Fort Hill church, which was organized about 1726, and which held to open communion. Following a synopsis of his will, made at ‘Colchester, county of Hartford, colony of Connecticut, in New England,’ and dated March 31, 1766:
    “He first orders all his just debts to be paid; then to his well-beloved wife Katharine Rathbone he gives ‘£24.12 in lawful money; £8.4 to be paid her yearly for three years, two cows and the black mare, with saddle and bridle; also my negro boy, called Abraham, during her natural life, then he to go free.’ He provides also that she shall have a comfortable maintenance out of the estate during widowhood; that she is to have free use of the largest room, and is be allowed to pass and repass to the cellar. He gives to his daughter Elizabeth Burrows £20 out of the estate, exclusive of what she already has received, to be paid one year after his decease. To his son Joshua he gives one-half of his movalbe estate, farming tools, and negro boy Jacob to live with him until he arrives at the age of 35 years, when he is to go free. The other half of his movalbe estate is directed to be divided between the heirs of his son Joshua and the heirs of his son John deceased; the two sons of the latter, Amos and Abel, also to have the land designated for their father. ‘I give my son Joshua that farm on which he now resides, and one-half of the farm I now live on, during the life of his three weak children.’ He gives to his son Isaiah ‘one-half of the improvements on the farm on which he now lives.’ One-half of the farm called Round Hill farm, that he designated for his son Jonathan, he gives to the latter's daughter Abigail, and the other half to his son Joshua. ‘I give my negro woman Jane her freedom; she not to be controlled; but to dwell in my house and to take care of my three weak children and to be maintained out of my estate, and to have her bed and furniture.’ He directs that his negro boy Ezra is to be brought up until he is 21 years of age, when he is to be freed and to be paid out of the estate £10 in lawful money. ‘I denominate and appoint my son Joshua Rathbone to be my executor of my last will and testament, revoking all others and acknowledging this to be my last. In witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal, this 31st day of March A.D. 1766
    “‘Jonathan Rathbone’”
Their children include:
John Rathbone (1 Jan 1715-27 Nov 1755)
Jonathan Rathbone (ca 1720-5 Dec 1755)
Isaiah Rathbone (7 Sep 1723-Jun 1789)
Dea. Joshua Rathbone (7 Sep 1723-3 Jun 1807)
Joseph Rathbone (ca 1725-)
33323. Rebecca Rathbone. Born on 14 Mar 1694.98 Rebecca died in New London, CT 13 Feb 1727/8.98
On 29 Oct 1713 when Rebecca was 19, she married William Harris (20250) , son of Samuel Harris (7363) (14 Jul 1665-4 Mar 1724/5) & Elizabeth Gibson (ca 1665-8 Apr 1745), in New London, CT.98 Born on 29 Feb 1692 in New London, CT.98

William was living in North Carolina in Jun 1743.
33324. Grace Rathbone. Born on 16 Jul 1695.
On 9 May 1714 when Grace was 18, she married Josiah Gates (4761) , son of Thomas Gates (ca 1642-10 Aug 1726) & Elizabeth Freeman (1880) (23 Jun 1648-bef 10 Jul 1730). Born on 8 Mar 1681 in Stow, MA.
33325. Mary Rathbone. Born 6 Mar 1696/7.
Ca 1717 Mary married John Gardiner, son of George Gardiner (ca 1647-ca 1724) & Tabitha Tefft (ca 1653-aft 29 Oct 1722). Born ca 1679.
33326. Margaret Rathbone. Born on 29 Nov 1700 in New Shoreham, RI. Margaret died in East Greenwich, RI, on 14 Mar 1756; she was 55.
On 15 May 1724 when Margaret was 23, she married Henry Greene, son of Benjamin Greene (10 Jan 1665-7 Jan 1718/9) & Humility Coggeshall (Jan 1671-aft Jan 1718/9), in New Shoreham, RI. Born ca 1696 in East Greenwich, RI. Henry died in West Greenwich, RI 21 Feb 1751/2.
33327. Mercy Rathbone. Born 14 Feb 1702/3 in New Shoreham, RI.

Mercy, widow of Nathaniel, was given a certificate to move from Exeter to West Greenwich in January of 1759
Ca 1726 Mercy married Nathaniel Rathbone (33297) , son of John Rathbone (15778) (ca 1655/6-bef 9 Mar 1722/3) & Ann Dodge (16477) (ca 1660/1665-ca 1723). Born on 6 Feb 1708 in New Shoreham, RI.389 Nathaniel died in Exeter, RI bef 31 Jul 1750.

Nathaniel was admitted as freeman in Exeter in May 1735.
Their children include:
33328. Hannah Rathbone. Born 22 Mar 1705/6.
33329. Joseph Rathbone. Born on 4 Oct 1707.
Joseph married Abigail Wilbur.
33330. Benjamin Rathbone. Born 26 Feb 1709/10 in New Shoreham, RI. Benjamin died in Colchester, CT on 17 Jul 1777.
On 11 Nov 1742 Benjamin married Mary Cahoon, daughter of Nathaniel Cahoon (2 Feb 1674/5-) & Jane Jones. Born on 11 Dec 1711 in Warwick, RI. Mary died in Colchester, CT aft Jul 1777.
33331. (a son) Rathbone. Born on 1 Apr 1712.
33332. Job Rathbone. Born on 15 Jun 1714.
Job married Mary Harris.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.