Pane-Joyce Genealogy
John Parker (17460) & Deliverance Dodge
36333. Sarah Parker. Born on 5 Jul 1690 in Reading, MA.81 Sarah died in Reading, MA, on 9 Jul 1690.81
36334. Hananiah Parker. Born on 10 Oct 1691 in Reading, MA.81 Hananiah died in Port Royal in 1711.25

Hanniah deid on service of Queen Anne's War, while in the Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Expedition.108
36335. Andrew Parker. Born 14 Feb 1692/3 in Reading, MA.81 Andrew died in Lexington, MA on 8 Apr 1776.282

Andrew “was nineteen years old when he moved with his father to Lexington. He was a husbandman and wood worker, energetic and industrious, of strong physique and great size. He was fence viewer in 1725; constable.”108
On 2 Aug 1720 Andrew married Sarah Whitney (11761) , daughter of Isaiah Whitney (3948) (16 Sep 1671-7 Jan 1712) & Sarah Woodward (3 Oct 1675-), in Lexington, MA.282 Born on 9 Apr 1705 in Lexington, MA.232 Sarah died in Lexington, MA, on 18 Dec 1774; she was 69.282

Andrew and Sarah joined the church at Lexington, 4 Nov 1724, when three of their children were baptized.
Their children include:
Sarah Parker (9 Feb 1720/1-12 Mar 1774)
Jonas Parker (6 Feb 1721/2-19 Apr 1775)
Amos Parker (27 Jul 1723-23 Dec 1790)
Elizabeth Parker (Died young) (ca 1725-)
Thomas Parker (ca 1727-3 Jul 1789)
Abigail Parker (ca 1729-8 Oct 1801)
Lucy Parker (ca 1731-)
Andrew Parker (Died young) (ca 1733-11 Oct 1736)
Elizabeth Parker (ca 1735-)
Dea. Andrew Parker (1 Apr 1738-May 1791)
Keziah Parker (ca 1740-7 Aug 1776)
Ebenezer Parker (ca 1742-)
Mary Parker (ca 1744-)
36336. Lieut. Josiah Parker. Born on 11 Apr 1694 in Reading, MA.81 Josiah died in Lexington, MA, on 8 Oct 1756; he was 62.282

From the Parker Genealogy, pages 43–44:231
    Josiah seems to have inherited the sturdy qualities and industry of his father, the assessor, constable, joiner and farmer of Reading. He was 18 when his parents and three brothers removed with him from his native town to Lexington in 1712. He worked with his brothers upon the new farm, also in his father's shop, where the latter taught his sons in making all kinds of wooden implements, wagons and furniture. He was of use to his father in many ways, notably in surveying and proving the bounds of his estate, and in the same manner to his neighbors and townsmen, who needed such service. When he had been but two years in Lexington he was one of the three chosen by “ye freeholders” of the town to “estimate and fix the boundary line” between Lexington and her mother town, Cambridge.
    He of course belonged to the military company, in the days when soldiers were scarce and the Indians and French sometimes too common for the comfort of the English settlers. Hananiah Parker, his brother, of much promise, had already perished in the Port Royal Expedition. Loving memories of him doubtless inspired the three remaining brothers to more active training and in anticipation of coming troubles. Josiah Parker soon became “dark” of the company. His duties were to call together the soldiers, keep the attendance and “fine” records and post notices of the coming drill day.
    Among the preserved records we find such slips as the following, which were required to be published in a public place a certain time before the occurrence of the event named therein:
    “Lexington September : ye 16th : 1729 : Was Appointed & Observed as a training Day By Capt : Joseph Bowman & ye Major Part of his Company: & Before said Captain Dismised his Company he ordered & Appointed tuesday ye twenty first Day of October : Next Insuing to Be Observed & attended as a training Day in said town & also Published & Declared ye Same at ye head of his Company.
    “Attest Josiah Perker Cark of ye Company above said.”
On 8 Dec 1718 when Josiah was 24, he married Anna Stone, daughter of John Stone (12 May 1663-3 Feb 1711/2) & Rachel Shepard (ca 1665-17 Mar 1723/4), in Lexington, MA.282 Born on 27 Nov 1694 in Lexington, MA.232 Anna died in Lexington, MA, on 8 Sep 1760; she was 65.282

Anna, of Lexington.
Their children include:
Anna Parker (9 Sep 1719-)
Deliverance Parker (28 May 1721-9 Aug 1799)
Mary Parker (Died young) (3 Jul 1723-)
Lieut. Josiah Parker (11 Apr 1725-18 Apr 1774)
Lois Parker (Died young) (20 Aug 1727-18 Nov 1738)
Capt. John Parker (13 Jul 1729-17 Sep 1775)
Thaddeus Parker (2 Sep 1731-Feb 1789)
Joseph Parker (28 Nov 1733-4 Sep 1787)
36337. Mary Parker. Born on 19 Nov 1695 in Reading, MA.81 Mary died in Reading, MA, on 14 Jun 1709; she was 13.81
36338. John Parker. Born in 1696 in Reading, MA.108 John was baptized in 1696. John died in 1696.108
36339. Edie Parker. Born on 19 Aug 1697 in Reading, MA.81 Edie died in Reading, MA, on 23 Jun 1709; she was 11.81
36340. John Parker. Born on 8 Nov 1703 in Reading, MA.81 John died in Framingham, MA, on 23 Feb 1783; he was 79.359 Occupation: Yeoman.

From Temple’s History of Framingham:359
    John Parker settled in Shrewsbury. He and his wife Experience were admitted to the church in Shrewsbury in 1732. Th only surviving brother of Mrs. Parker died in 1736, and her father desired them to retire to Framingham and take the hoem place (the Col. David Brewer place, now [1887] James Fenton’s), and 6 Jan 1737 gave them a deed of the same, conditioned that said John and Experience should support said Clayes and wife during their lives, and give them Christian burial. The estate comprised the home-lot of 8 1/2 acres and buildings, and 55 acres lying on both sides of teh road leading from Caleb Bridges’ to the meeting-house. Peter Clayes died 1739, and John Parker sold part of the home-lot and buildings to James and John Clayes, and built where is now the house of Rev. Dr. Peter Parker. He and his wife were admitted the Framingham church 1738; selectman. In his will he gives 10 shillings to daughter Submit Bent, and the rest of the estate to son Peter.
18 Feb 1730/1 John married Experience Clayes, daughter of Peter Clayes (ca 1668-19 Apr 1736) & Mary Preston (15 Feb 1672-), in Shrewsbury, MA.232 Born on 19 Nov 1702 in Framingham, MA.359 Experience died in Framingham, MA, on 31 Oct 1780; she was 77.359
Their children include:
John Parker (28 Jan 1732-)
Experience Parker (8 Oct 1733-)
Hananiah Parker (ca 1735-)
Abigail Parker (1 Dec 1736-)
Peter Parker (3 Oct 1738-5 Nov 1803)
Submit Parker (3 Dec 1742-)
Nathan Parker (ca 1746-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.