Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Silence Brown (31273) & Jonah Hamilton
48662. Dorothy Hamilton. Born ca 1739 in Brookfield, MA. Dorothy died in Mendon, MA in 1789.

Dorothy, known as Dolly, Hamilton first married Benjamin Aldrich, second John Holden as his second wife.
On 27 Nov 1767 Dorothy first married Benjamin Aldrich in Brookfield, MA. Born on 7 Jul 1747 in Mendon, MA.

Benjamin, son of Jacob and Mary (Fletcher) Aldrich.
On 28 Apr 1783 Dorothy second married John Holden (45883) , son of Dea. James Holden (26944) (2 Aug 1711-1741) & Susanna Hall (11 Jan 1715-). Born 4 Mar 1736/7 in Worcester, MA.155 John was baptized in Sutton, MA, in Nov 1740.155 John died in Mendon, MA on 9 Feb 1818.155

From The Holden Genealogy, pages 234–235:155
    John Holden served in the Colonial forces in 1755–1760, and in the American Revolution.
    John Holden of Mendon enlisted 1 May, 1755, in company commanded by Captain Ephraim Doolittle, in the expedition against Crown Point, and served until 11 December. His travel was allowed from Albany home. He was in the service the following year, having enlisted prior to 15 April, and had joined the forces moving against Crown Point prior to July21. He was at Camp William Henry28 August, at which time his descriptive list states he was aged 19 years, born in Sutton and a resident of Mendon. On 11 October, he was reported “sick.” He was a member of company commanded by Captain-Lieutenant Nathan Tyler, in Lieutenant-Colonel Thwing’s regiment.
    He again enlisted in 1757 and marched from Mendon to Westfield, 16 August. This tour of duty was on an alarm, and was but fourteen days; he was a corporal in company commanded by Captain Phinehas Lovett,ColonelAbrahamWilliams’regiment. Hewasanapprentice of Nathaniel Tyler, Esq., and was allowed for forage for his horse. He again enlisted 29 March, 1758, in Captain Nathan Tyler’s com- pany, Colonel William Williams’ regiment, and served to the “west- ward.” The next year he enlisted 26 March in the same regiment, raised for the invasion of Canada, and served until 3 Dec., 1759, as sergeant in company commanded by Captain John Furnass.
    He enlisted 20 March, 1760, in Colonel John Chandler’s regiment, and was mustered in 25 April, in company commanded by Captain Jonathan Shores, in which he served as sergeant until 3 December. Captain Shores was succeeded by Captain Daniel Reed 15 August. One hundred and twenty miles travel home was allowed.
    John Holden of Mendon, Adjutant of the 7th Worcester County regiment, Colonel Wheelock, 19 April, 1775, served nine days at CambridgeandRoxbury. HewasAdjutantofColonelJosephRead’s regimentatRoxbury,May,1775. Heservedfrom24Aprilto1Aug., 1775, in Read’s regiment. He continued in the army. From 1 Jan., 1777, to 31 Dec., 1779, he was attached to Colonel Thomas Nixon’s Continental regiment; 26 months as lieutenant, and as captain from 10 March, 1779. He continued in the service until 13 April, 1780. He signed an order at Mendon as late captain, 6th Massachusetts regiment, for ration allowance due him 28 February, 1784.
Their children include:
Betsey Holden (26 Feb 1784-)
Jabez Holden (20 Apr 1786-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.