Pane-Joyce Genealogy
William Sherman (32765) & Martha Wilbor
49571. Sarah Sherman. Born on 27 May 1696 in Dartmouth, MA.368

Children of John and Sarah (Shearman) Cornell, born at Dartmouth:368
    i. Job Cornell, b. 10 Jan 1724/5, d. before 1762, m. 1751 Mary Davis (dau. of John & Abigail Davis);
    ii. Isaac Cornell, b. 17 Jun 1728, m. 1752 Priscilla Mosher; and
    iii. Jesse Cornell, b. 23 Mar 1732, m. 1 May 1778 Zilpha Tripp.
On 7 Apr 1724 when Sarah was 27, she married John Cornell (38109) , son of Stephen Cornell (18752) (1656-) & Hannah Mosher (9 May 1673-after 23 Jan 1716/7), in Little Compton, RI.271 They were married by Thomas Church, Justice. Born say 1700. John died in Dartmouth, MA in Sep 1762.247

From The Genealogy of the Cornell Family:247
    1741, John to Hix, John is placed as son of Stephen because he fits that place and no other is found for him.
1762, will John of Dartmouth, dated 1755, son Job being dead I give to his two sons Job and John, eight parts of my Homestead, daughter-in-law Mary to have use of same; son Isaac.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.