Pane-Joyce Genealogy
52032. George Cook. Born ca 1740.251 George died in West Indies in 1762.251

From Jane Fletcher Fiske’s Thomas Cooke of Rhode Island:251
    On 6 Jan. 1755 George Cook of Tiverton, aged 14 and upwards, son to Thomas and Freelove Cook, chose John Sisson, yeoman of Dartmouth, as his guardian. On 12 May the town council rendered their consent to this null and void, since George’s father was living and he therefore had no right to choose a guardian. On 3 April 1758 George Cook, grandson and heir of Capt. John Pearce of Tiverton, deceased, now about 18 year old, chose his uncle Oliver Cook guardian of his person and estate until he should be 21, signing a statement to the effect that he would be ruled and governed by him. On 6 Dec. 1762 the town council received information that George Cook had deceased in the West Indies and voted to give Thomas Cook of Portsmouth administation on the estate of his late son.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.