Pane-Joyce Genealogy
François Hamelink (51996) & Tanneke Verstraten
61519. Maria Hamelink. Born on 17 Feb 1782 in Zaamslag, Zeeland. Maria died in Axel, Zeeland, on 26 Dec 1819; she was 37.94

Childen of Pieter Faas and Maria Hamelink include:
    i. Francoise Faas, b. Jul 1805 at Axel, d. 18 Aug 1805 age 23 days; and
    ii. Francois Faas, b. Jul 1807, d. 24 Nov 1807 at Axel age 4 months and 12 days.94
On 9 Nov 1803 when Maria was 21, she married Pieter Faas, son of Arij Faas (-9 May 1781) & Neeltje Goossen (ca May 1734-2 Apr 1815), in Axel, Zeeland.94 9 nov 1803. (17 brumaire 12). pieter faas 27, * and bapt axel 25 aug 1776, jm boerknegt, fil ary + and neeltje goosen, werkvrouw zaamslag, to maria hamelink 21 1/2, * zaamslag 17 feb 1782, jd dienstbare, fil francoijs + and tanneke verstraaten, werkvrouw axel. wit simon faas 38, arbeider, jacobus faas 48, arbeider, bros zaamslag; levinus den beer 38, arbeider and jacobus haak 25, arbeider, goed bekende. 299. Born ca 1776 in Axel, Zeeland. Pieter was baptized in Axel, Zeeland, on 25 Aug 1776. Pieter died in Axel, Zeeland on 26 Sep 1841.94 Marriage bans on 30 Oct 1802 at Axel, Zeeland. 30 oct 1803. (7 brumaire 12). pieter faas 27, jm boerknegt, fil arij + and neeltje goosen, live zaamslag, to maria hamelink 22, jd dienstbaare, fil francois + and tanneke verstraaten. 17 brumaire 16 nov 1803.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.