Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Krijn Hamelink (64802) & Elisabeth Willemsen
67389. Jan Hamelink. Born on 5 Mar 1856 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94
On 9 Dec 1880 when Jan was 24, he married Elisabeth van Iwaarden, daughter of Jan van Iwaarden (14 Feb 1830-) & Cornelia Holland (ca 1839-), in Krabbendijke, Zeeland.94 Born ca 1860 in Kruiningen, Zeeland.
67390. Cornelis Hamelink. Born on 22 Feb 1857 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94

Jan and Cornelis married cousins named Elisabeth Iwaarden; their fathers were brothers.

Cornelis Hamelink
Emigrant in 1891 Krabbendijke
Leeftijd (age) : 34
Beroep (occupation) : arbeider (labourer)
Kerkgenootschap (religion) : Christelijk Gereformeerd (Christian Reformed)
Jaar vertrek (year of departure) : 1891
Plaats van vertrek (place of departure) : Krabbendijke
Vetrekt met zijn (departs with his) vrouw (wife)
Aantal kinderen (number of children) : 2
Reden van vertrek (reason of departure) : Verbetering van bestaan (Amelioration of existence)
Bestemming (destination) : Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika
Bron (source) : Staten van landverhuizingen (archief Provinciaal Bestuur Zeeland)
In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/4, pagina (page) 8894

1900 Federal Census. Kenosha, Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Roll 1794, page 10B
457 Fremont Avenue
    Cornelius Hamelink, head, b. Feb 1857, 43, m. 15 years, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1891, roller (brass factory)
    Elizabeth Hamelink, wife, b. Ocdt 1860, 39, m. 15 years, 4 children, 3 living, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1891
    Henry Hamelink, son, b. Jul 1887, 12, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1891, at school
    Elizabeth C. Hamelink, daughter, b. Oct 1888, 11, b. ditto, imm. 1891, at school
    Cornelius Hamelink, son, b. Oct 1896, 3, b. WI, parents b. Holland
    Minnie Van Liere, boarder, b. Oct 1881, 18, single, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1893, dressmaker (apprentice)
    Sadie Deenallic, boarder, b. Arp 1886, 14, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1890, topper (hosiery)

1904 Kenosha City Directory
    Cornelius Hamelink, furnace -tndr. Frost Mfg. Co., h. 913 Park
    Henry L. Hamelink, carder C-K. Hosery Co., h. 913 Park
    Peter Hamelink, lab. h576 Garden

1905 Wisconsin Census. Kenosha, Kenosha County
Cornelius Hamelink, head, 48, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, laborter
    Elizabeth Hamelink, wife, 44, b. Holland, parents b. Holland
    Henry L. Hamelink, son, 18, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, laborer
    Elizabeth Hamelink, daughter, 16, b. ditto, laborer
    Cornelius Hamelink, son, 8, b. WI, parents b. Holland
    Christ Hamelink, son, 3, b. ditto
    John Deyring, boarder, 25, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, laborer
On 7 May 1885 when Cornelis was 28, he married Elisabeth van Iwaarden, daughter of Leendert van Iwaarden (18 Jan 1828-29 Jun 1869) & Dina Kole (22 Dec 1829-24 Oct 1864), in Krabbendijke, Zeeland.94 Born ca 1861 in Kruiningen, Zeeland.
Their children include:
Cornelius Hamelink (Oct 1896-)
Chris Hamelink (ca 1902-)
67391. Maria Hamelink. Born on 5 Sep 1858 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94 Maria died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 6 Dec 1910; she was 52. Buried on 12 Jun 1910 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Maria’s and her brother Josias’ spouses were half siblings; Jan Staal was the son of Pieter Staal and his first wife Cornelia de Rijke while Pieternella Stall was the daughter of Pieter Stall and his second wife Maria Oostdijk.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Maria Hamelink Staal
Lot :96_W
Space :1
Date of death: 12/06/1910
Funeral director: VanStrien-Creston Chapel,
Service date: 12/06/1910
On 10 Apr 1878 when Maria was 19, she married Jan Staal, son of Pieter Staal (ca 1832-8 May 1892) & Cornelia de Rijke (ca 1831-1 Apr 1857), in Krabbendijke, Zeeland.94 Born ca 1856 in Kruiningen, Zeeland. Jan died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan in Jun 1918. Buried on 28 Jun 1918 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Jan Staal
Emigrant in 1889 Krabbendijke
Leeftijd (age) : 33
Beroep (occupation) : schipper (skipper)
Kerkgenootschap (religion) : Christelijk Gereformeerd (Christian Reformed)
Jaar vertrek (year of departure) : 1889
Plaats van vertrek (place of departure) : Krabbendijke
Vetrekt met zijn (departs with his) vrouw (wife)
Reden van vertrek (reason of departure) : Verbetering van positie (Amelioration of position)
Bestemming (destination) : Verenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika
Bron (source) : Staten van landverhuizingen (archief Provinciaal Bestuur Zeeland)
In: Genealogische Afschriften 810/4, pagina (page) 7594

1910 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 6, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 657, page 7B
410 West Leonard St.
    John Stal, head, 54, m1. 32 years, imm. 1889, sand paperer, furn shop
    Maria Stal, wife, 52, m1. 32 years, no children
Both were born in Holland as were their parents.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: John Staal
Lot :97_W
Space :10
Service date: 06/28/1918
67392. Josias Hamelink. Born on 30 Jul 1860 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94 Josias died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan in Sep 1938. Buried on 14 Sep 1938 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Josias, also spelled Josiah, Hamelink.

Josias Hamelink
Emigrant on Monday, August 19, 1901 Krabbendijke
Geboortedatum (date of birth) : 30-07-1860
Geboorteplaats (place of birth) : Zaamslag
Burgerlijke staat (marital status) : Gehuwd
Kerkgenootschap (religion) : Gereformeerd
Beroep (profession) : schipper
Datum vertrek (date of departure) : 19-08-1901
Bestemming (destination) : Noord-Amerika
Bron : Bevolkingsregister gemeente Krabbendijke
In: Gemeentearchief Reimerswaal (Kruiningen)94

1904 Grand Rapids City Directory
Josias Hamelink, lab, h 285 8th
    Kryn lab, bds 285 8th

New York Passenger Lists
Ship Amsterdam, departed Rotterdam, arrived New York 3 Sep 1901
    Josias Hamelink, 41, skipper (mariner)
    Pieternella Hamelink, 50
    Elizabeth Hamelink, 19
    Pieter Hamelink, 17, skipper (mariner)
    Kryn Hamelink, 11
The last residence of the family was Krabbendyke, final destination Grand Rapids, Mich., passage paid by Josias, contact brother-in-law Jan Staal in Grand Rapids.
(Jan Stall Josias’ brother-in-law in two ways. Jan’s wife was Maria, Josias’s sister; while Jan was Pieternella’s half brother, son of Pieter Staal and Cornelia de Rijke.)

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Kent
    14 Feb 1906, Grand Rapids. Samuel Volbeda, minister. Witnesses Mrs. S. Volbeda & C Groendyk, both of Grand Rapids
    Josias Hamelink, 45, of Grand Rapids, b, Netherlands, laborer, son of K. & Elizabeth Hamelink, m. once before
    Jonkje Dykstra Kok, 35, of Grand Rapids, b. Netherlands, housekeeper, daughter of Wm. Dykstra & Vanderveen, m. once before

1920 Grand Rapids City Directory
    Peter Hamelink, capr, h853 10th
Josias Hamelink, lab, r 853 10th

1928 Grand Rapids City Directory
Josiah Hamelink, r853 10th NW

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Josiah Hamelink
Lot :92_W
Space :13
Service date: 09/14/1938
On 16 Feb 1882 when Josias was 21, he first married Pieternella Staal, daughter of Pieter Staal (ca 1832-8 May 1892) & Maria Oostdijk (ca 1826-), in Krabbendijke, Zeeland.94 Born on 5 Aug 1861 in Kruiningen, Zeeland. Pieternella died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 12 Nov 1903; she was 42. Buried on 16 Nov 1903 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Death Certificate
Pieternella Hamelink, residence 285 Eighth St., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Born 5 Aug 186a, d. 12 Nov 1903 at Grand Rapids, married, housewife, b. Netherlands, daughter of Peter Staal & Mary Oostdyk both b. Netherlands. Informant G. Van Strien. Died of phthisis pulnionalis. Burial 16 Nov 1903 at Greenwood Cemetery.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Hamelink (Died unmarried) (5 Aug 1882-25 Nov 1901)
Peter Hamelink (ca 1884-bef 1937)
Kryn Hamelink (ca 1890-)
On 24 Feb 1906 when Josias was 45, he second married Jennie Dykstra, daughter of William Dykstra, in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born ca 1871 in Netherlands. Jennie died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan on 9 Nov 1907. Buried on 9 Nov 1907 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Jennie, originally Jonke, Hamelink, married first a Mr Kok.

Death Certificate
Jennie Hamelink. b. 24 Jan 1871, d. 5 Nov 1907 at Grand Rapids, married. b. Netherlands, daughter of William Dykstra b. Netherlands (mother unknown). Informant Gerrit VanSturm[?hard to read]. Died of acute indigestion & albuminuria, contributory pregnancy. Burial 9 Nov 1907 at Greenwood Cemetery.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Jennie Hamelink
Lot :92_W
Space :14
Date of death: 11/09/1907
Funeral director: VanStrien-Creston Chapel,
Service date: 11/09/1907
67393. Pieter Hamelink. Born on 2 Aug 1862 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94 Pieter died in Terneuzen, Zeeland, on 25 Jan 1871; he was 8.94
67394. Krijn Hamelink. Born on 7 Aug 1864 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94
67395. Cornelia Hamelink. Born on 20 Sep 1867 in Zaamslag, Zeeland.94 Cornelia died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan in Jul 1941. Buried on 24 Jul 1941 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Kent
    20 Sep 1892, Grand Rapids. P. Ekster, minister of the gospel. Witnesses Marinus Vermaire & Fetse Sytema, both of Grand Rapids
    Martin Kloot, 26, of Grand Rapids, b. Netherlands, laborer, son of Leander Kloot & Hendrina Boslooper
    Cornelia Hamelink, 25, of Grand Rapids, b. Netherlands, daughter of Kryn Hamelink & Elizabeth Willemse

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Cornelia Kloet
Lot :140
Space :13
Service date: 07/24/1941
On 20 Sep 1892 when Cornelia was 25, she married Marinus Kloet, son of Leendert Kloet (7 Feb 1838-16 Jan 1872) & Henderina Boslooper (11 Mar 1837-11 Jan 1918), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 4 May 1866 in Elkerzee, Zeeland.94 Marinus died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan in Nov 1944. Buried on 6 Nov 1944 in Greenwood Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Marinus, also known as Martin, Kloet, also spelled Kloot.

1900 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 6, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 722, page 4B
193 Tenth Street
    Martin Kloot, head, b. May 1866, 34, m. 7 years, b. Netherlands, parents b. Netherlands, imm. 1888, day laborer
    Cornelia Kloot, wife, b. Sept 1867, 32, m. 7 years, 3 children, all living, b. Netherlands, parents b. Netherlands, imm. 1891
    Leendert Kloot, son, b. Jun 1893, 6, b. MI, parents b. Netherlands, at school
    Elizabeth Kloot, daughter, b. Jul 1894, 5, b. ditto, at school
    Henry Kloot, son, b. Apr 1896, 4, b. ditto

1910 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 1, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 776, pages 4A-B
193 Tenth Street
    Marinus Kloet, head, 44, m. 17 years, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1882, contractor, own self
    Cornelia Kloet, wife, 42, m. 17 years, 9 children, 8 living, b. Holland, parents b. Holland
    Lenard Kloet, son, 16, b. MI, parents b. Holland, printer, shop
    Elizabeth Kloet, daughter, 15, b. ditto
    Henry Kloet, son, 14
    Wilhemina Kloet, daughter, 7, b. ditto
    Mary Kloet, daughter, 5, b. ditto
    Cornelia Kloet, daughter, 3, b. ditto
    Christian Kloet, 1 year 10 months, b. ditto
    John Kloet, son, 2 months, b. ditto

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 1, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 776, pages 4A-B
815 Tenth Street
    Martin Kloet, head, 53, imm. 1889, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, contractor, home
    Cornelia Kloet, wife, 52, imm. 1891, b. Holland, parents b. Holland
    Leonard Kloet, son, 26, b. MI, parents b. Holland, bookkeeper, transfer co.
    Elizabeth Kloet, daughter, 25, b. ditto
    Wilhemenia Kloet, daughter, 17, b. ditto
    Marie Kloet, daughter, 15, b. ditto
    Cornelia Kloet, daughter, 12, b. ditto
    Ken Kloet, son, 11, b. ditto
    John Kloet, son, 9, b. ditto
    George Kloet, 6, b. ditto

1925 Grand Rapids City Directory
Christ Kloet, student, r815 10th NW
    Cornelia Kloet, bkpr, r815 10th NW
    Doris Kloet, sten Schuil Printing Co, r815 10th NW
    Eliz Kloet, r815 10th NW
    Marie Kloet, clk H Leonard & Sons, r815 10th NW
    Martin Kloet, (Verhey & Kloet), h815 10th NW
    Wilhelmina Kloet, tch, r815 10th NW

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1000, page 9A
815 Tenth Street
    Martin Kloet, head, 63, m. age 26, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm. 1889, contractor, installation sewer & water
    Cornelia Kloet, wife, 62, m. age 25, b. Holland, parents b. Holland, imm 1890
    Elizabeth Kloet, daughter, 35, single, b. ditto
    Marie Kloet, daughter, 25, single, b. ditto
    Cornelius Kloet, son, 23, single, b. ditto
    Christopher Kloet, son, 21, single, b. ditto, engraver, printing shop
    John Kloet, son, 20, single, b. ditto
    George Kloet, 17, b. ditto

1940 Grand Rapids City Directory
Marinus (Cornelia) Kloet, supt, h815 10th NW

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1897, page 1A
813 10th Street
    Marinus Kloet, head, 73, 2nd grade, b. Netherlands, assistent superintendant, server const[?]
    Corneler Kloet, wife, 72, no education, b. Netherlands
    Elizaabeth Kloet, daugher, 45, 8th grade, b. MI, housekeeper, private home
    Mary Kloet, daughter, 35, 1 year HS, b. MI, bookkeeping, furniture factory
    George Kloet, son, 27, single, 4 years HS, b. MI, clerk, drug store
The family lived in the same house in 1935.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Marinus Kloet
Lot :140
Space :12
Service date: 11/06/1944
Their children include:
Leonard K. Kloet (11 Jun 1893-15 Dec 1985)
Elizabeth C. Kloet (Died unmarried) (16 Jul 1894-26 Aug 1982)
Henry Kloet (10 Apr 1896-5 Mar 1975)
Wilhelmena Kloet (ca 1903-)
Marie J. Kloet (Died unmarried) (6 Aug 1904-20 Nov 1991)
Cornelia Kloet (1 Apr 1907-19 Jan 2006)
Christian John Kloet (30 Jun 1908-19 Jul 1996)
John Peter Kloet (5 Feb 1910-24 Nov 1998)
George Cornelius Kloet (7 Jan 1913-12 Sep 1989)
67396. Johannes Hamelink. Born in 1870 in Terneuzen, Zeeland. Johannes died in Zaamslag, Zeeland on 20 Jan 1871.94
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D. Pane-Joyce
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