Pane-Joyce Genealogy
67963. Olive Jane Phelps. Born in Feb 1845 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Olive Jane died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan on 30 Mar 1927. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

Newaygo County Republican, 26 December 1901 “Local and General News”:
“Samuel Judd W.R.C. No 242 has elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Gibe; S. Vice Pres., Mrs. Race; J.V. Pres., Mrs. Oastrom; Chaplain, Mrs. Annie Smith; Treasurer, Mrs. Ricket; Conductor, Mrs. Ann Thompson; Guard, Mrs. Foggerty.”

Newaygo Republican, 21 January 1904, “Local News”:
“The following officers were unintentially ommitted in the W. R. C. election report last week: S. V. President, Mrs. Olive Race; J. V. President, Mrs. Bertha Smith.”

Newaygo Republican, 4 February 1904, “Local News”:

“The W.R.C. of this village has elected the following committees: Press correspondent, Mrs. Sarah Gibe; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Rilla Ricket; conference committee, Mrs. Olive Race, Mrs. Mary Ostrom, Mrs. Adelia Thompson, Mrs. Caroline Gates; executive committee, Mrs. Mary Ostrom, Mrs. Caroline Gates, Mrs. Rilla Ricket, Mrs. Bertha Smith; finance committee, Mrs. Standish, Mrs. Adelia Thompson, Mrs. Jennie Riblet; relief committee, Mrs. Bertha Smith, Mrs. Ann Thompson, Mrs. Violet Kelly.”

Newaygo County Death Certificate - Olive J. Phelps Race, widow died 30 March 1927 in the village of Newaygo. Cause was labor pneumonia. She had no occupation. She and her parents Asa G. Phelps and Marrietta Jones were all born in New York.

CARD OF THANKS - Newaygo Republican - April 1927


        We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and aid in our recent bereavement, also to the Cement company employees and various lodges for their beautiful flowers, Mr. Truman for his words of sympathy and kindness, those who assisted in singing and those who tendered their autos at the funeral.

        The Children of Mrs. Olive J. Race

(Newaygo Republican, 1928)

In loving memory of my dear mother, Olive J. Race, who passed away one year ago, March 30, 1927.
In silence she suffered,
        In patience she bore,
Till God called her home,
        To suffer no more.
        Mrs. Daniel S. Edwards

Death Index: Olive Jones was born 10 February 1845 in New York to Asa G. Phelps and Marsetta Jones. A widow, she died March 30, 1927 In the Village of Newaygo, Newaygo County. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 May 2013), Asa G Phelps in entry for Olive J Race, 1927.

Medical: Died of Labor Pneumonia on 30 March 1927 at her home. She was 82 years, one month and 20 days old.
On 3 Jul 1862 Olive Jane married Peter Edward Race (66732) , son of John W. Race (64706) (22 Feb 1803-6 Jun 1869) & Margaretha Thompson (64388) (1807-aft 1884), in Potter, Yates County, New York. Marriage Records, Yates County Ny. Born on 1 Jun 1834 in Copake, Columbia County, New York.696 Peter Edward died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 8 Feb 1921; he was 86. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery. Occupation: Farmer.

In the 1860 Yates County, New York Census, Peter is listed as not being able to read or write.

Genealogical Gleanings Abstracted from the “Yates County Chronicle” edited by Dianne Stenzel, Bowie MD: Heritage Books, 1992.
    Peter Race and Olive Jane Phelps, both of Potter, Yates Co., were married 3 Jul 1862 by Rev. U.S. Hall, in Potter. (17 Jul 1862)

New York Registers of Officers and Enlisted Men Mustered into Federal Service
    Potter, Yates County, Peter Race, 31, b. Columbia County, carpenter, 15 Eng. 20 Sep 1864

New York Town Clerks’ Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War
Peter Race, b. 2 Nov 1826 Taghkanic NY, son of John W. Race & Margaret Thompson, farmer, residence Potter Center. Enlisted 29 Aug 1865 at Potter. Regiment 15th Engineers, Company R, Private. Helped build bridges and corduroy roads in front of Petersburg.
(Two entries above is Peter’s Smith’s record.)

Birth record of Edward J. b. 29 June 1869 states that Peter was a carpenter in Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan.

1870 Federal Census. Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 682, page 524B
    Peter Race, 35, carpenter & joiner, $500 real estate, $400 personal estate, b. NY
    Olive Race, 25, keeping house, b. NY
    Ada Race, 3, b. MI
    Edward Race, 1, b. MI
Olive’s parents live next door.

Atlas of Newaygo County, Michigan, Philadelpha: C.O. Titus, 1880.
    Croton Township. N. Race and P. Race had 40-acre farms across East 36th Street from each other. Norton’s farm was bounded on the south by 36th Street and on the west by Chestnut Avenue (including where the Four Seasons Trailer Park is now), while Peter’s was bounded on the north by 36th Street and the west by Chest Avenue. This was before the Hardy Dam was built; part of Norton’s 40 acres is now underwater in the Hardy Dam Pond. The atlas shows a house on N. Race’s property, but not one on P. Race’s property.

Birth Record of Margaret Phelps 19 November 1874 states that Peter was a carpenter in Wyoming Township, Kent County, Michigan.

1880 Federal Census. Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 598, page 435D
    Peter Race, 46, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Olive Race, wife, 35, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Ada Race, daughter 13, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Edward Race, son, 11, b. MI, parents b. NY
    Earnest Race, son, 7, b. ditto
    Mary E. Race, daughter, 6, b. ditto
    Bertha Race, daughter, 2, b. ditto
Peter’s brother Norton lives next door.

1884 Croton Township, Newaygo County Census has six children living with Peter and Olive. He is a farmer. All of the children over six can read and write. Peter cannot. Olive is 39; Ada - 17; Edward - 14; Ernest - 10; Maryette - 8; Bertha - 6; and “No Name” is eight months old.

Civil War Pension - Peter applied as an invalid on 11 July 1890; application number 786.445, certificate number 556.493. On 21 March 1921, Olive applied as his widow for a pension; application number 1171766, certificate number 906785. He faught with Company K 15th NY Engineers. Pension records received from the from the National Archives, 23 December 1998, included forms and affidavits for both Peter’s initial and renewel requests for his pension and Olive’s request following Peter’s death. The following facts or statements are from this information:

Mary Ann Phelps Lafler stated that Peter and Olive were married:
“On this 5th day of April, A.D. 1921, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Ontario in the matter of the application of Olive Jane Race for pension as the widow of Peter Race, Mary Ann Lafler, aged 74 years, whose Post Office address is Naples, Ontario County, N.Y. , states that she is a sister of the above named applicant, Olive Jane Race, who was married to Peter Race at Potter, NY, on July 3rd, 1862. This this deponent was personally present at said marriage and witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Hall. That, through her relation and association with her said sister, this deponent knows that the said Olive Jane Race had not been married prior to her marriage to the said Peter Race and that she has not remarried since the death of the said Peter Race and that said applicant was never divorced from the said Peter Race and that, from the time of said marriage to and including the date of the death of the said Peter Race, the said applicant continually resided with her said husband, and as his wife.” Signed by Mary Ann Lafler, herself.

1894 Michigan State Special Census for Surviving Soldiers Sailors and Marines, and Widows, Etc. - Peter was Private in Company K 15th New York Engineers. He enlisted 30 Auguest 1864 and was discharged 13 June 1865. He served seven months and 13 days.

Petition - In 1895 Peter Race and 16 other Civil War veterans from Newaygo County signed a petition asking for passage of Joint Senate Resolution No. 11. This resolution requested, “. . . making an appropriation for the erection of of a statue of ‘Michigan’s War Governor,’ Austin Blair, upon the Capitol grounds adjacent to the Capitol building in the City of Lansing.” In addition to Peter, Samuel H. Harden also signed.

1900 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan Census
Roll 735, page 8A
    Peter Race, head, b. Jun 1834, 65, b. NY, parents b. NY, farm labor
    Olivia J. Race, wife, b. Feb 1845, 55, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. PA
    Bertha Fowler, daugher, b. Feb 1879, 21, b. MI, parents b. NY
    Earnest Race, son, b. Aug 1872, 27, b. ditto, farm labor
    John A Race, son, b. Oct 1883, 16, b. ditto, farm labor
    Franklin Race, son, b. Jul 1889, 10, b. ditto, at school
    Edwin A. Fowler, son-in-law, b. Apr 1879, 29, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. PA, brick mason
    Dwight A. Fowler, grandson, b. Apr 1900, 1 month, b. MI, parents b. MI

Newaygo Republican, 29 May 1902, “Real Estate Transfers”:
“Peter Race and wife to John Bruce and wife pt sw 1/4 sec 18 Brooks -- $50.”

Newaygo Republican,
25 December 1902, “Local and General News”:
“At the annual election of officers of Samuel Judd Post the following elective and appointed officers were chosen for the ensuing year; Commander, J. H. Edwards; S.V.C., Geo. Morse; J.V. C., L. Meeker; Adjutant, S.V. Gibe; Q. M., S. D. Thompson; Chap., A. G. Phelps; Surgeon, John Pittwood; O. D., J. H. Morey; O. G., Geo. Rockell; Sargeant, W. H. Ostrom; Q. M. Sergt. Peter Race.”

Newaygo Republican, 23 March 1905, “Local News”:
“Mr. and Mrs. Peter Race, went to Grand Rapids Friday, to attend the funeral of Miss Cassie Phelps, a niece of Mrs. Race.”

Newaygo Republican, 14 December 1905, “G.A.R.,” :
        “Samuel Judd Post G.A.R. elected the following officers at the annual meeting last Sarurday evening: Commander, J. H. Edwards; Senior Vice Commander, G. W. Morse; Junior Vice Commander, Levi Hall; Chaplain, Asa G. Phelps; Treas., S. D. Thompson; Adjutant, W. H. Ostrom; Surgeon, L. R. Meeker; Delegate to State Encampment, Peter Race; L. R. Meeker, Alternate.”

Newaygo Republican, 10 May 1906, “Boiler Explodes, Ralph Byers Instantly Killed,” :
    “On Thursday morning last, Wheeler & Burns’ mill was to start again after a few days idleness on account of the accident to the engine told of in the Republican two weeks age. At 7:30, according to the testimony, the boiler was two-thirds full of water and carrying eighty-five pounds of steam, when sudddenly the boiler exploded, instantly killing Ralph Byers, a young man who recently came from Manton, Wexford County. Six or seven other men were there waiting for the mill to start, but miraculously escaped injury. The explosion was heard a long distance and in a few moments a curious throng had gathered at the ruins.
    The boiler had been moved about thirty feet from its foundation and a large hole in the bottom, with the steel al bent and twisted around the edges, showed where it had given away. The body of the deceased lay a few feet beyond it.
    A coroner’s jury was impanelled, consisting of George W. Fry, Peter Race, John Bailey, Lyman R. Meeker, David D. Joslin and W. W. Ricket. After hearing the testimony of Messrs. Burns, Wheeler, W.J.W. McCams and Dr. Whitehead, and deliberating on the same, the jury returned a verdict that ‘the said Ralph Byers, being at work in the saw mill of Burns & Wheeler in the village of Newaygo, it happened that accidentally and casually and by misfortune, the boiler of said saw mill exploded, whereby the skull of said Ralph Byers was fractured and then and there instantly died.’
    Relatives of the deceased were notified by telephone of the accident and the yong man’s father arrived Thursday evening and took the body to Manton for burial. The cause of the explosion is uncertain, but there are plenty of theories, some tenable, others ridiculous; but the fact remains that it is a very sad affair, no matter how it happened. We understatnd it to be the intention of the Messrs. Burns & Wheeler to employ a traction engine for sawing the logs at present in the yard, but that no attempt will be made to repair the old boiler or replace it with a new one.”

1910 Federal Census. Brooks Twp, Newaygo County, MI
Roll T624_666, page 9A
Township Line
    Peter Race, head, 75, m. 49 years, b. NY, parents, b. NY, farmer, general farmer
    Olive Race, wife, 65, m. 49 years, 10 children, 5 living, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. CT
    Ernest Race, son, 38, b. MI, parents, b. NY
    Frank Race, son, 21, b. ditto, deliveryman, department store
    Dwight E. Fowler, grandson, 10, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Iva M. Fowler, granddaugher, 8, b. ditto

Newaygo Republican, 17 July 1913, “Local News”:
“Mr. and Mrs. Peter Race of this village celebrated their golden wedding July 3. Six children and seven grandchildren were present, beside other relatives and friends, and a most enjoyable day was spent. Mrs. Race was presented with a gold wedding ring, while Mr. Race received a gold watch chain. An elegant dinner was served.”

1920 Federal Census. Garfield Twp, Newaygo County, MI
Roll 787, page 11A
Cooper Street, Newaygo Village
    Peter Race, head, 85, b. NY, parents, b. NY
    Olive J. Race, wife, 75, 10 children, 5 living, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Ernest Race, son, 40, single, b. MI, parents b. NY, farmer, tenant farmer

Newaygo County Death Certificate
- Peter died 8 February 1921 in the village of Newaygo. He was married, a farmer, and 86 years, eight months and seven days old. His father was John Race and his mother unknown.

John Braden, Terry Wantz, compilers and editors, Published by the Newaygo County Society of History and Genealogy, July 1984, p. 71
    Peter Edward Race was born June 1,1834, in Columbia County, New York, and died at his home in Newaygo, February 8, 1921, aged 86 years, 7 months and 8 days.
    When a young man he moved with his parents from Columbia County to Yates County, New York, He was married to Olive J. Phelps, July 3, 1862 and to this union, 10 children were born. In 1865, he answered his country’s call and enlisted at Potter’s Center, N.Y. in Co. K. 15th N.Y. Engineers, and served to the end of the war.
    In 1866 he moved to Michigan, living in different place, finally settling in Newaygo, and has lived there about 30 years. Mr. Race has been a member of the G.A.R. about 37 years.
    He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife; 3 sons, Ernest, Albert, and Frank, of Newaygo; 3 daughters, Mrs. George Leisgang of Grand Rpaids, Mrs. D. S. Edwards and Mrs. George HIggins of Newaygo; 14 grandchildren; 8 great grandchildren; 2 brothers, Charles of Holland and Walter of Newport, Washington and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the residence on a Thursday under the auspices of the G.A.R., Rev. F. G. Wright officiating. Those attending from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. George Leisgang of Grand Rapids, Charles Race of Holland, and James Merrill of Thompsonville. The Civil War veterans attending the funeral were J. H. Edwards, John Thompson, George Rockel, James Merrill, H. D. Woodward, S. B. Gibe, P.L. Pickett and James Eisminger.

MEMORIAM (Newaygo Republican, 1928)


In loving memory of my dear
father, Peter race, who passed away
seven years ago, February 8, 1921.
        Today recalls sad memories
Of our loved one gone to rest,
        And the ones who miss him today,
Are the ones who loved him best.
        Mrs. Daniel S. Edwards

Newaygo Cemetery
Peter Race. 1834-1921. Section F, Lot 158, Grave 2
    Olive Race. 1845-1927. Section F, Lot 158, Grave 4

Medical: Died of Albuminria Uracina Coman.
Their children include:
Alice Race (Died soon) (19 Mar 1863-18 Mar 1864)
Maggie Race (Died soon) (31 Mar 1865-15 Oct 1865)
Ada Race (3 May 1867-28 Dec 1942)
Edward James Race (29 Jun 1868-18 Feb 1905)
Ernest Erwin Race (Died unmarried) (14 Aug 1872-24 Jun 1947)
Margaret Race (Died young) (19 Nov 1874-bef 1880)
Marietta Race (19 Nov 1876-17 Jan 1962)
Bertha Race (27 Feb 1879-1962)
Albert James Race (1 Oct 1883-26 Sep 1965)
Franklin Ora Race (26 Jul 1888-Oct 1970)
67964. Mary Ann Phelps. Born on 13 Mar 1847 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Mary Ann died in Naples, Ontario County, New York, on 10 Jan 1923; she was 75. Buried in Rose Ridge Cemetery, Naples.

Vital Records of Yates County
    May R. Phelps, b. 13 Jar 1847, Town of Potter, parents Asa J. & Margarette Phelps.
Is this Mary’s birth record? Perhaps it was hard to read and letters mistranscribed.

In 1920 Mary was living with her son Russel’s family in Naples.
She first did not marry Oliver L. Hunter, son of Lorin H. Hunter (25 Jan 1794-21 May 1877) & Huldah Ann Lee (30 Dec 1804-3 Apr 1879). Born ca 1829 in Sharon, CT. Oliver L. died in Ashland, Chemung County, New York in Sep 1880. Buried in Rushville Cemetery. Occupation: Miller.

1850 Federal Census. Elmira, Chemung County, New York
Roll 486, page 287A
    Lorin Hunter, 56, farmer, b. CT
    Huldah Hunter, 45, b. CT
    Miles Hunter, 26, farmer, b. CT
    Oliver Hunter, 21, farmer, b. CT
    Wm. Hunter, 16, farmer, b. NY
    Rebecca Hunter, 12, b. NY
    George Hunter, 8, b. NY

1860 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 769
Post Office Italy
    Loren Hunter, 66, farmer, $4200 real estate, $1405 personal estate, b. CT
    Huldah A. Hunter, 56, b. CT
    Maria Hunter, 26, b. NY
    Oliver Hunter, 24, farmer, b. NY
    George Hunter, 18, farmer, b. NY
The age listed for Oliver is inconsistent with the rest of the records. If he was 35 in 1863, he woud have been about 32 in 1860.

1863 Civil War Draft Registrations
Oliver Hunter, 35, miller, resident of Italy, Yates Co. NY, b. NJ

1870 Federal Census. Ashland, Chemung County, New York
Roll 914, page 6A
Post Office Wellsburg
    Oliver L. Hunter, 42, miller, $150 real estate, $200 personal estate, b. CT
    Mariah Hunter, 36, keeping house, b. NY
    Elsie G. Hunter, 8, b. NY
    George S. Hunter, 6, b. NY

1880 Federal Census Mortality Schedule. Ashland, Chemung County, New York
Oliver Hunter, 51, d. Sepember, b. NY, parents b. NY, married, miller, died of cancer of the liver

Rushville Cemetery:661
    Hunter Oliver L. Son [of L. & H. Hunter] [Lorin Hunter plot]
There’s no date listed.
Their children include:
George Riley Phelps (Illegitimate) (28 Jan 1862-29 Jun 1937)
She second did not marry Amos Jones (66083) , son of Enos Jones (62814) (16 Jul 1807-aft 1880) & Margaret Sabin (ca 1806-aft 1880). Born on 10 Jan 1843 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Amos died in Petersburg, Rensselaer County, New York, on 8 Apr 1914; he was 71. Buried in Meadowlawn Cemetery, Petersburg.

New York Town Clerks’ Registers of Men who Served in the Civil War
Amos Jones, b. 10 Jan 1843 at Potter, Yates Co., residence Potter. Private, 85th Inf. Enlisted 1 Nov 1862 at Geneva, mustered 14 Nov 1862 as Private. Son of Amos Jones & Margaret Sabins. Laborer. Reenlisted 1 Jan 1864 at Plymouth, NC. Taken prisoner at Plymouth 20 Apr 1864. Paroled 6 Jun 1865. Discharged 9 Jun 1865. Present address Potter Center.

Fold 3 Civil War Pension Card.
Amos Jones, Company G 85th Regiment New York Infantry
Invalid Date of Filing - Nov. 24, 1876 App. No. 227998 Certificate No. 365875
Widow Date of Filing - April 16, 1914 App. No. 1.025.987 Certificate No. 776.676
Amos died Apr. 8, 1914 at Petersburg, New York.

1875 New York Census. Petersburg, Rensselaer County
Amos Jones, 33, farm laborer
    Mary E. Jones, 33, wife
    Amos H. Jones, 9, son
    Ellie M. Jones, 7, daughter
    Mary H. Jones, 4, daughter
All weree born in Rensselaer County.

1880 Federal Census. Petersburg, Rensselaer County, New York
Roll 921, page 138D
    Amos Jones, 38, farm laborer
    Mary E. Jones, 38, wife, keeping house
    A. H. Jones, 14, son, farm laborer
    Ann M. Jones, 12, son
    Mary H. Jones, 9, daughter
    Bertha E. Jones, 5, daughter
    Carrie L. Jones, 2, daughter
    Jennie A. Jones, 3 months, b. Mar, daughter
All were born in New York as were their parents. Neither Amos nor Mary can read or write.

1900 Federal Census. Petersburg, Rensselaer County, New York
Roll 1151, page 8A
    Amos Jones, head, b. Jan 1842, 58, m. 34 years, b. NY, father b. MA, mother b. NY, farm laborer
    Mary E. Jones, wife, b. Oct 1841, 58, m. 34 years, 9 children, 5 living, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Jennie Jones, daughter, b. Mar 1880, 20, single , b. NY, parents b. NY
    Edith Jones, daughter, b. Aug 1885, 14, b. ditto, school
The family of Amos Jones Jr is next door.

1910 Federal Census. Petersburg, Rensselaer County, New York
Roll T624_1069, page 2B
    Amos Jones, head, 68, m1. 44 years, farm laborer, working out
    Mary E. Jones, wife, 68, m1. 44 years, 9 children, 5 living
    Walter A. Wooden, grandson, 18 farm laborer, working out
    Clarence Wooden, grandson, 14
    Alice E. Jones, gradndaughter, 3
All were born in New York as were their parents.

Meadowlawn Cemetery, Petersburg, Rensselaer County, New York
    Amos Jones, 1842–1914, Co. C 95, Rec. N.Y.V.
    Mary E. Jones, b. 2 Oct 1841, d. 29 Jul 1918
Their children include:
Charles Ulysses Lafler (26 Feb 1865-30 Jul 1955)
Mary Ann third married Hiram D. Lafler, son of William Lafler (12 Dec 1796-aft 1880) & Eunice Lindsley (ca 1797-). Born on 9 Feb 1834 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Hiram D. died in Naples, Ontario County, New York, on 14 Jul 1913; he was 79. Buried in Rose Ridge Cemetery, Naples. Occupation: Farmer.

1860 Federal Census. Italy, Yates Co., NY
Roll 885
P.O. Italy Hollow
    William Lafler, 65
    Unice Lafler, 60
    Miranda Lafler, 30
    Emily Lafler, 20
    Hiram Lafler, 25

In the 1865 New York census, Hiram is listed as living with his parents in the town of Italy.

1870 Federal Census. Italy, Yates Co., NY
Roll 1120, page 435
    Hiram Lafler, 36, farm laborer
    Mary A. Lafler, 33, keeping house
    Charles U. Lafler, 4
    Emely Lafler, 7/12
All born in New York
Next door:
    William Lafler, 74, farmer, $2400 real estate, $950 personal estate
    Maranda Lafler, 46, housekeeper
    Ella M. Cole, 12, attending school
All born in New York

1880 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 949, page 372 ED 216
    Hiram Lafler, 46, farming, b. NY, father b. NJ, mother b. NY
    Mary A. Lafler, wife, 34, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Charlie Lafler, son, 15, farm laborer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Emily Lafler, daughter, 10, at school, b. ditto
    Barney Lafler, son, 8, at school, b. ditto
    Alvin H. Lafler, son, 5, at school, b. ditto
    Cora Lafler, daughter, 2, b. ditto
Next door:
    William Lafler, 83, b. NJ, parents b. NJ
    Miranda Lafler, 56, daughter, keeping house, b. NY, father b. NJ, mother b. NY

1892 New York Census. Naples, Ontario County
Hiram Lafler, 58, laborer
    Mary A. Lafler, 47
    Barney G. Lafler, 20
    Alvin H. Lafler, 7
    Cora Lafler, 15
    Theodore Lafler, 9
    Asa Lafler, 8
    Mary Lafler 8

1900 Federal Census. Naples, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1139, page 14A
    Herman Lafler, head, b. Feb 1834, 66, m. 35 years, farmer
    Mary A. Larler, wife, b. Mar 1845, 55, m. 35 years, 9 children, all living
    Alvin H. Lafler, son, b. Mar 1873, 25, single, day laborer
    Mary E. Larler, daughter, b. Nov 1885, 14
    Russell F. Lafler, son, b. Dec 1894, 5
    Asa G. Lafler, son, b. Mar 1884, 16, day laborer
    Emma Brown, granddaughter, b. Feb 1896, 4, b. NY, father b. PA, mother b. NY
All were born in New York as were their parents, except Emma’s father was born in Pennsylvania.

1910 Federal Census. Naples, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1058, page 7B
Mill Road, head
    Hiram Lafler, 77, m1. 40 years, farmer, own farm
    Mary A. Lafler, wife, 65, m2. 40 eyars, 10 children, 9 living
    Russell Lafler, son, 16, laborer, odd jobs
All were born in New York as were their parents.

Rose Ridge Cemetery, Naples, Ontario County, New York
    Hiram D. Lafler, 1833–1913
    Mary Phelps Lafler, 1845–1923
Their children include:
Charles Ulysses Lafler (Adopted) (26 Feb 1865-30 Jul 1955)
Emily E. Lafler (ca 1869-10 Aug 1941)
Barney C. Lafler (25 Sep 1872-17 Jul 1943)
Alvin H. Lafler (Died unmarried) (24 Mar 1875-23 Feb 1909)
Cora May Lafler (14 Aug 1878-16 Apr 1944)
Theodore Lafler (3 Nov 1882-23 Jan 1933)
Asa Ghile Lafler (25 Mar 1884-21 Mar 1968)
Mary Etta Lafler (8 Nov 1886-23 Jul 1979)
Russell F. Lafler (11 Dec 1893-10 May 1982)
67965. Emma E. Phelps. Born in Jun 1849 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Emma E. died in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan on 2 Oct 1913. Buried on 5 Oct 1913 in Newaygo Cemetery. Sec. F Lot 157 Grave 5.

Vital Records of Yates County
    Emma E. Phelps, b. 2 Mar 1849, Town of Potter, daugher of Asa & Margaret Phelps

6 October 1904, “Marriage Licenses,” Newaygo Republican:
#2739 - Charles Merritt, Croton; Emma Phelps, Newaygo.”

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Newayto
    1 Oct 1904, White Cloud. S. Haring, Justice of the Peace. Witnesses Emma Freiberg & Mrs. M.B. Haring, both of White Cloud
    Charles Merritt, 38, of Croton, b. Ohio, laborer, son of George Merritt & Adda Merritt
    Emma Phelps, 55, of Newaygo, b. New York, housekeeper, daughter of Asa G. Phelps & Mary Phelps

Newaygo Republican, 10 July 1913, Local News, “Mrs. Emma Merritt, a sister of Mrs. Peter Race, died of Sunstroke Wednesday of last week and the remains were brought to Newaygo for burial, the funeral taking place last Saturday.”

Emma Merrett died 2 July 1913. She was 64 years, 0months and 24 days old. Her father was Asa G. Phelps. She died in Big Rapids and was buried in Newaygo.
Records Extracted from the old records of the Rogers-Mohnke Funeral Home in Big Rapids. Some of these records were from defunct funeral homes that Harry Rogers had collected over the years.
On 1 Oct 1904 Emma E. married Charles C. Merritt, son of George Merritt (Dec 1843-5 Jul 1900) & Adalaide Merritt (27 Nov 1849-2 Jun 1892), in White Cloud, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born on 12 Apr 1869 in Medina Township, Medina County, Ohio. Charles C. died in Center Township, La Porte County, Indiana, on 1 Feb 1936; he was 66. Occupation: Laborer.

Charles first married Emma Phelps, second Indiana (Fisher) Bare who first married Elias H. Bare.

1870 Federal Census. Medina Township., Medina County, Ohio
Roll 1241, page 359
    George Merrit, 27, laborer, $200 personal estate
    Adalaid Merritt, 22, keeping house
    Ida Merritt, 4
    Charles Merritt, 1
    Adam Brenner, 52, cattle broker, b. Pennsylvania
All the Merrits were born in Ohio

1880 Federal Census. Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 598, page 21
    George Meritt, 38, laborer
    Hattie Meritt, wife, 31, keeping house
    Charles E. Meritt, son, 11, at home
    Callus Merritt, son, 8
All and their parents were born in Ohio.

1900 Federal Census. Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 735, page 9B
Pine Street
    George Merritt, head, b. Dec 1843, 56, widowed, b. OH, parents b. NY, retired farmer
    Charles Merritt, son, b. May 1870, 30, single, b. OH, parents b. OH, day laborer
    Burnis Merritt, daugher, b. Dec 1882, 17, single, b. MI, parents b. OH
    Emma Phelps, servant, b. Jun 1849, 50, single, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA, house keeper
George and Emma marry four years after this census.

1920 Federal Census. La Porte Ward 1, La Porte County, Indiana
Roll 447, page 2A
607 Michigan Avenue
    Charles Merritt, head, 49, married, b. OH, parents b. OH, laborer, junk yard
    Endie Merritt, wife, 58, married, b. IN, father b. OH, mother b. PA
    Charles Sanstrom, roomer, 56, single, imm. 1885, b. Sweden, parents b. Sweden, helper, transfer line

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Berrien
    3 Aug 1922, St. Joseph, MI. John W. Fletcher, Justice. Witnesses George F. Cunningham of Benton Harbor & Frank L. Hall of St. Joseph
    Charles C. Merritt, 53, of Newaygo, MI, b. Ohio, carpenter, son of George
    Indiana (Fisher) Bair, 56, of Benton Harbor, MI, b. Indiana, housekeeper, daughter of Albert, mother’s maiden name Hay

1930 Federal Census. La Porte, La Porte County, Indiana
Roll 603, page 9A
607 Michigan Avenue
    Charles C. Merritt, 62, married, b. OH, parents b. OH, laborer, iron yard
    Indiana Merritt, 75, m. age 20, b. IN, father b. OH, mother b. PA

1931 La Porte City Directory
Chas C (Indiana) Merritt, lab Levi & Gottleib Coal Co, r 607 1/2 Michigan av

Certificate of Death
Charles C. Merritt, b. 12 Apr 1869 in Ohio, d. 1 Feb 1936 Holy Family Hospital, La Porte, Indiana, residence 276 1/2 Wardena[?] Street, married, wife. Indiana Merritt, laborer, informant Indiana Merritt, died bur. Pine Lake Cemetery
67966. Russell A. Phelps. Born ca 1852 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Russell A. died in Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan on 9 May 1930.

1874 Grand Rapids City Directory
Asa G. Phelps, lumberman, res 233 Ionia
    Russell A. Phelps, teamster, bds 233 Ionia

1882-83 Grand Rapids City Directory
Russell Phelps, laborer, bds 411 Jefferson Ave.

Newaygo Republican, 9 October 1902, “Local and General News:”
“Russell Phelps and P. M. Pickett are building a stone wall under the residence of E. W. McPhail of Brooks Township.”

Russell’s census records for 1900 and 1910 seem to be missing.

1920 Federal Census Garfield Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 10A
    Russell A. Phelps, head, 67, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, watchman, railroad crossing

1930 Federal Census. Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan
Roll 988, page 17B
    Russell Phelps, 65, single, b. NY, father b. US, mother b. NY
Russell is a patient in the Traverse City State Hospital.

Death Index: Russel Phelps died 9 May 1930 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse County. He was 65, born in New York in April of 1865, and single. His parents were Myrtle Jones and Asa Phelps. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 May 2013), Russel Phelps, 1930.
67967. John J. Phelps. Born ca 6 Mar 1856 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. John J. died in Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan on 18 Mar 1869.

Death certificate 621 Kent County, Michigan states that John J. died of brain fever on March 18, 1869 in Paris Township. He was 13 Years and 12 days old. He was a farmer and his parents were Asa G. and Mary E. Phelps.
67968. Nancy Violette Phelps. Born on 15 Feb 1861 in Yates County, New York. Nancy Violette died in Newaygo County, Michigan, on 18 Nov 1915; she was 54. Buried on 21 Nov 1915 in Newaygo Cemetery.

Nancy Violette, known as “Letty”.

Marriage License, Book 4, page 41 Newago County, Michigan has Violette marrying Bright Venus Kelley on 31 March 1891. He is 33, born in Michigan, a farmer and a resident of Brooks Township. She is 30, was born in New York, is a resident of Croton Township and has been married once. Her name is listed as Villetta Race (Phillips). His parents are William Kelley and Matilda Ketcham. Hers are not listed. Richard Vivian, minister, married them in Croton. Geo. J. and Marion Copeland of Croton were witnesses.

In the 1894 Brooks Township Newaygo County, Michigan Census Letty is 33 and married to her second husband Bright Venus Kelly, 36. She is a housewife and was born in New York and he is a farmer and was born in Michigan. Both can read and write. Arthur J. Race is 14, Edith M. is 11 and Erwin N. is 10. Grand Kelly, B.V.’s brother, 30, is also living with them. He is a farmer. Grand and all of the children were born in Michigan.

Newaygo Republican, 4 February 1904, “Local News”:
“The W.R.C. of this village has elected the following committees: Press correspondent, Mrs. Sarah Gibe; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Rilla Ricket; conference committee, Mrs. Olive Race, Mrs. Mary Ostrom, Mrs. Adelia Thompson, Mrs. Caroline Gates; executive committee, Mrs. Mary Ostrom, Mrs. Caroline Gates, Mrs. Rilla Ricket, Mrs. Bertha Smith; finance committee, Mrs. Standish, Mrs. Adelia Thompson, Mrs. Jennie Riblet; relief committee, Mrs. Bertha Smith, Mrs. Ann Thompson, Mrs. Violet Kelly.”

Newaygo Republican, 17 August 1905, “Local News”:
“Miss Helen Henshaw and brother George, are visiting the Kelleys and other friends in the township of Brooks.”

Newaygo County Death Records. Book Three, Page 76. Nancy V. Kelley was interred in the Newaygo Cemetery 21 November 1915 of cirrohsis of the liver. She was 54 years old. Sexton’s Records indicate she was buried in Section F; Lot 140; Grave 4.

Certificate of Death, State of Michigan, Department of State Vital Statistics, Village of Newaygo, Newaygo County, Register 12, Number 196.
Nancy V. Kelley was born on 15 February 1861 in New York and died on 18 November 1915 of Chronic Cirrhosis of the Liver. The condition had been diagnosed five years and seven months before her death. Her physician was P. Drummand of Grant, Michigan. She was a married housewife who died at age 54 years, nine months and five days. Her father, name unknown, was born in New York. Her mother was Mary Jones and her birthplace was unknown. Nancy Violette’s husband, Bright V. Kelley was the informant. She was buried in Newaygo Cemetery on 21 November 1915. The undertaker was Vern Jenson of Rice, Michigan.
On 21 Oct 1879 when Nancy Violette was 18, she first married Norton Senaca Race (66740) , son of John W. Race (64706) (22 Feb 1803-6 Jun 1869) & Margaretha Thompson (64388) (1807-aft 1884), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 11 Jun 1849 in Copake, Columbia County, New York.696 Norton Senaca died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 16 Aug 1886; he was 37. Buried in 1886 in Newaygo Cemetery. Was on the census for Copake, Columbia County, New York, in 1850. Norton is listed as being 4 years old. This is untrue. Was on the census for Copake, Columbia County, New York, in 1855. The name Norton is difficult to read, however, he is now listed as 5 years old, and Charles S. is 3. Was on the census for Potter, Yates County, New York, in 1860. Norton is listed as Senaca N. and is 10 years old. Was on the census for Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan, in 1870. Norton is 20 years old living with his mother, Margaret and 3 brothers. Occupation: Farmer.

Norton Senaca, or Senaca Norton Race.

The 1850 Census, Columbia County, Copake Township, lists Norton as being four years old. However, all other censuses indicate he was either four days or four months old. In 1860 (Yates County, NY) he is ten, in 1870 (Newaygo County, MI) he is 20, in 1880 he is 30 and 1884 (Kent County, MI) he is 34. His tombstone (Newaygo Cemetary, Brooks Township, Newaygo County, MI) indicates he died in 1886 at the age of 37. Therefore, the 1850 census is incorrect regarding his age.

In the 1860 Census of Yates County, Potter Township, Norton is 10 years old. This is the first time he is referred to as Senaca Race, rather than Norton.

Civil War Draft Registrtion Records, 1863-1865. Jerusalem, Yates County, New York U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Consolidated Lists of Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863-1865. NM-65, entry 172, 620 volumes. 25th New York Congressional District, Canaindaigua, New York, 30 June 1863; No. 430. Records of the Provost Marshal General’s Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110. National Archives, Washington D.C.
Norton Race was living in Jerusalum Township, Yates County. He was 28, unmarried, a lumberman and was born in New York. His age is clearly a fabrication as he was either 14 or 15, not 28.

Kent County Marriage Records
indicate Norton Race marries Violetta Phelps on 21 Oct. 1879. He is 28 and a resident of Fisher’s Station; she is 18 and a resident of Wyoming Township. He was born in Copake, NY and she in Potter, NY. He is a farmer. J. Morgan Smith marries them with William H. Smith and Elizabeth Smith as witnesses. (Elizabetn Smith is the widow of Norton’s oldest brother, William Race.)

Fisher’s Station: ”Fisher’s Station, a postal and railroad station, located on section 36, Wyoming Township, was settled in 1870, and platted by R. S. Jackson for David Fisher and Warren S. Crippen, December 26, 1873. The first addition was made by K. S. Pettibone, for J.W. Converse, June 1, 1894. This village is on the line of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, five miles south of the southern limits of Grand Rapids City. Its population at present (ed. 1880) is 65. The business houses of the place number ten; viz: the hotel, operated by C. Boshaw; a general store, by M. L. Cummings; boot and shoe stores by L. Maire and Lousis Myers; W. S. Engle and M. Pelton are village carpenters; C. H. Moore, blacksmith; H. Snow, wagon-maker; R. G. Smith, nurseryman; and J. R. Long mill operator. Land in the neighborhood is valued at $50 per acre.” (History of Kent County Michigan. Charles C. Chapman and Co. Chicago, Ill., 1881.)

1880 Federal Census. Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 598, page 435D
    Norton Race, 26, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Violetty Race, wife, 19, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. NY
Norton’s brother Peter lives next door.

Atlas of Newaygo County, Michigan, Philadelpha: C.O. Titus, 1880.
    Croton Township. N. Race and P. Race had 40-acre farms across East 36th Street from each other. Norton’s farm was bounded on the south by 36th Street and on the west by Chestnut Avenue (including where the Four Seasons Trailer Park is now), while Peter’s was bounded on the north by 36th Street and the west by Chestnut Avenue. This was before Hardy Dam was built across the Muskegon River in 1931; part of Norton’s 40 acres is now underwater in the Hardy Dam Pond. The atlas shows a house on N. Race’s property, but not one on P. Race’s property.

In the POLK1882-83 Grand Rapids City Directory, Norton Race is listed as a laborer with the
Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad. He resides at the fairgrounds. In 1883-84 his residence is e s Wallen, 4 north of Canton. He is still works for the GR&IRR.

(City Directories of the United States, Seg III Reel 2 Grand Rapids, MI)
The GR&IRR (Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad went from Mackinaw, to Richmond, Indiana, 455 miles; thence by CH &DRR to Cincinati, 71 miles. General offices, corner of Ionia and Island; Freight and Passenger Depot, corner of Ionia and Oakes. W.O. Hughart, Pres. W.R. Shelby, Vice Pres., Treas. and Purchasing Agent; J.H. P. Hughart; Secretary and Paymaster, T.J. O'Brien, General Counsel; D.D. Hughes, Asst General Counsel; J.M. Metheany, Supt. Northern Division; P.S. O'Rourke, Supt. Southern Division; F.A. Gorham, Auditor; C.E. Gill, General Freight Agent; C. L. Lockwood, General Passenger Agent, Land Department; W.O. Hughart, Commissioner; George C. Peirce, Cashier.

Newaygo Cemetery
Norton S. Race. Section F, Lot 140, Grave 5.
“Gone but not forgotten, Norton Senaca Race, 37 years old.”

Medical: Died of Nephritis.
Their children include:
Arthur James Race (1 May 1880-29 Jul 1966)
Edith May Race (5 May 1883-8 Sep 1977)
Erwin Norton Race (22 May 1884-10 Jul 1979)
On 31 Mar 1891 when Nancy Violette was 30, she second married Bright Venus (B.V.) Kelley, son of Rev. William D. Kelley (20 Jan 1817-25 Oct 1888) & Matilda Ketchum (12 May 1827-13 Sep 1885), in Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born in Aug 1857 in Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Bright Venus (B.V.) died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan on 26 Mar 1932. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

The Spooner Collection, a compilation of articles and information collected by Henry Spooner from the Newaygo Republican and other sources privately printed in 1961, includes comments about Bright Venus and his family. He indicates that Rev. William Kelley was one of the first settlers of Newaygo County. The family was present in the area in 1850. He writes:

        “...The Rev. William D. Kelley preached the first sermon in the county at Newaygo on June 30 (1850). At that time there were only three houses in Newaygo. He later settled on what became section three of what became Brooks Township.
        At Croton, Kelley often preached at the Hughes residence. For years he was a commanding figure in the county. He must have received much of his inspiration from the heavenly bodies, judging from the names he gave his children; Day Star, Bright Venus, Noble Herschel and Grand Orion. Mrs. David Whitney, another pioneer, told him he should name the next one ‘The Old Maid’s Dipper.’ Bright V. Kelley occcupied the old homestead for many years.”

1870 Federal Census. Croton Township, Newaygo County Michigan
Roll: 693, series: M593, page 46:
    William Kelley, born in Vermont, age 53
    Matilda Kelley, born in New York, age 43
    Day Star Kelley, born in Michgan, age 15
    Bright Venus Kelley, born in Michigan, age 12
    Gay Saturn Kelley, born in Michigan, age 10
    Grand Orien Kelley, born in Michgan, age 7
    Noble H. Kelley, born in Michigan, age 3
    Goulden M. Kelley, born in Michigan, age 9 months, born in October
William is a Wesleyan Methodist Clergyman, Matilda is Keeping House, and Day Star and Bright Venus are Farm Laborers. William has $2,500 in real estates and $600 in personal property.

1880 Federal Census, Brooks Twp., Newaygo Co., Michigan
Roll 598, page 436A
    William Kelly, 63, farmer, b. VT, father b. VT, mother b. Holland
    Matilda Kelly, 53, wife, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Bright V. Kelly, 22, son, at home, b. MI, father b. VT, mother b. NY
    Saturn Kelly, 19, son, at home, b. ditto
    Grandorian Kelly, 16, son, at home, b. ditto
    Jupiter Kelly, 13, son, at home, b. ditto
    Mars Kelly, 10, son, at school, b. ditto
    Reno Delana, 55, farmer, b. ditto

1884 Michigan State Census
    William 68 Husband Married
    Matilda 58 Wife Married
    Bright 27 Son Single
    Grand 20 Son Single
    Noble 17 Son Single
    Goulden 15 Son Single
William and his father were both born in Vermont and his mother in Holland. Matilda and both of her parents were born in New York. All of the children were born in Michigan. The children have lived in Michigan their entire lives. Matilda has lived there for 40 years and William for 52. Matilda is a housewife, William is a farmer, and all of the boys farm laborers.

1900 Federal Census, Brooks Twp., Newaygo Co., Michigan
Roll 735, Page 59.
    Bright Kelley, Head, 42, b. Aug 1857 Michigan, father b. Vermont, mother b. Ohio
    Violetta, Kelley Wife, 39, b. Feb 1861 New York, father b. New York, mother b. Massachusetts
    Arthur Race. Stepson, 20, b. May 1880 Michigan, father b. Michigan, mother b. New York
    Edith Race, Stepdaughter, 17, b. May 1883 Michigan, ditto
    Erwin Race, Stepson, 16, b. May 1884 Michigan, diito

The 1900 Atlas of Newaygo County shows B.V. Kelley with 40 acres and a house in Brooks Township. G.M. Two 40 acre farms labeled G.M. Kelley and G. Kelley are adjacent. B.V.’s land was in section 3 northeast of where Hazelwood Avenue and 56th Street meet. It’s part of the Coolbough Natural Areas now, a parnership between Brooks Township and the Michigan Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. See for more information on it.

Newaygo Republican, 16 October 1902, “Local and General News”:

“B.V. Kelley, who lives on the Croton Road, found a good shawl on the street in Newaygo a few days ago. The owner can get it by calling on Mr. Kelley.”

22 November 1906, “List of Jurors,” Newaygo Republican:
“Following is a list of jurors drawn to serve at the december term of circuit court and summoned to be in attendance on the 11th day of December:

Grant Jacob H. Shaw
Home George Curtis
Lincoln John Cornett
Monroe Alfred Bixler
Norwich Otto Wernstrom
Sheridan A. M. Phelps
Sherman Klass Boerman
Troy Albert Bithke
Wilcox S. T. Holloway
Ashland Lawyer B. Rose
Barton John S. Forsythe
Beaver Arial Gleason
Big Prairie Wm. Wescott
Bridgeton Henry Smith
Brooks B. V. Kelley
Croton Axel Johnson
Dayton John Walter
Denver Geo. Wilber
Ensley Mathew Newberg
Everett Sheldon Tift
Garfield Charles Meighan
Goodwill John Miller
Grant John Neiboer
Home John Jernstadt

1910 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll T624_666, page 3A
    Bright V. Kelly, head, 57, m1. 20 years, b. MI, parents b. unknown, farmer, general farm
    Violet Kelly, wife, 49, m2. 20 years, 3 children, all living, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA
    Erwin N. Kelly, step-son, 24, single, b. MA, parents b. NY, laborer, automobile [can’t read word]
    Edith Race, step-daughter, 25, single, b. ditto

1920 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 3A
Croton Road
    Bright V. Kelly, head, 62, widowed, b. MI, parents b. VT, farmer, general farm
    Edith Race, house keeper [step-daughter], 36, single, b. MI, parents b. NY, housekeeper, farm
Next door lived his brother-in-law Asa Phelps.

1930 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1015, page 1A
    Bright V. Kelley, head, 72, widowed, b. MI, parents b. US
    Edith Race, step-daughter, 46, single, b. MI, parents b. NY

Death Record, Newaygo County, Michigan
dated 5 April 1932, states that Bright V. Kelley died 26 March 1932. He was a male, white and a widower, aged 74 years, seven months and four days old. He was born in Michigan, a resident of Newayto and a retired farmer. Death was caused by uremia protatic hypertrophy. His father was William Kelley who was born in New York. His mother was unknown.
67969. Asa Phelps. Born on 12 Dec 1864 in Yates County, New York. Asa died on 29 Aug 1943; he was 78. Buried on 31 Aug 1943 in Newaygo Cemetery. Occupation: Farmer.

1884 Michigan Census (Grand Rapids, Ward 3, page 137) Asa is 19 and a servant in the home of Peter Graff. Asa has been in Michigan 14 years.

22 November 1906, “List of Jurors,” Newaygo Republican:
“Following is a list of jurors drawn to serve at the december term of circuit court and summoned to be in attendance on the 11th day of December:

Grant Jacob H. Shaw
Home George Curtis
Lincoln John Cornett
Monroe Alfred Bixler
Norwich Otto Wernstrom
Sheridan A. M. Phelps
Sherman Klass Boerman
Troy Albert Bithke
Wilcox S. T. Holloway
Ashland Lawyer B. Rose
Barton John S. Forsythe
Beaver Arial Gleason
Big Prairie Wm. Wescott
Bridgeton Henry Smith
Brooks B. V. Kelley
Croton Axel Johnson
Dayton John Walter
Denver Geo. Wilber
Ensley Mathew Newberg
Everett Sheldon Tift
Garfield Charles Meighan
Goodwill John Miller
Grant John Neiboer
Home John Jernstadt

1910 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll T624_666, page 1A
    Asa Phelps, head, 46, single, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA, farmer, general farm

1920 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 3A
Croton Road
    Asa Phelps, head, 60, single, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA, farmer, general farm
Asa lived next to his brother-in-law, Bright V. Kelly, and his neice Edith Race.

1930 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1015, page 2A
    Asa Phelps, 65, single, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA, laborer, farm
Asa was rooming with the Clarence F. Gifford family.

1940 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1797, page 1B
    Asa J. Phelps, head, 75, single, 7th grade, lived in Newaygo County in 1935, no occupation [retired]

Death Index: Asa Phelps died 20 August 1943 in Croton, Newaygo County. He was single, 79 years old and was born in New York on 12 December 1863. His parents were Mary Jones and Asa Phelps. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 May 2013), Asa Phelps, 1943.

Newaygo Cemetery
No marker, buried 8/31/1943. Section F, Lot 157, Grave 3.
67970. (infant child) Phelps. Born on 17 Jan 1871 in Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan. (infant child) died in Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan, on 31 Jan 1871.

Death certificate 752 Kent County, Michigan states that an unnamed baby girl aged 14 days of paralysis on January 31, 1871. She died in Paris Township and her parents were Asa G. Phelps and Margaret Jones.
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