Pane-Joyce Genealogy
68339. (infant child) Joyce. Born on 9 Sep 1888 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. (infant child) died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 9 Sep 1888.

Return of Deaths in the County of Kent
Baby Joyce, d. 9 Sep 1888, age 0 days, still born, at Grand Rapids first ward, son of Edward & Cora Joyce, both of Grand Rapids
68340. Harold Edward Joyce. Born on 18 Nov 1889 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Harold Edward died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 5 Apr 1920; he was 30. Buried in St. Andrew's Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: Mechanic.

Grand Rapids Press, 5 November 1907, Page 8
What Is Going on in Society
Harold Joyce, 18 Ney street, entertained twenty-five of his friends Thursday evening with a Halloween party. The Misses Madeline and Aleen Joyce, arrayed in “ghostly” attire, received the guests at the door. Mme. Saganni read the future of each guest. Refreshments were served in one corner of the dining room. A large pumpkin was used for a punch bowl. The decorations were Jack-o’-lanterns.

Grand Rapids Press, 5 November 1910, Page 11
Events Past and Present
Harold E. Joyce was surprised Tuesday night when twenty-five of his friends assembled at his home, 18 Ney street, in honor of his twenty-frst birthday anniversary. Music, games and dancing furnished amusement for the evening. Miss Eileen Kelley and Alexander Miller gave selections on the piano and violin. Mr. Joyce received many gifts.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1910
Aleen Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Edward J. Joyce, mach hd Berkey Furn Co, h 18 Ney
    Harold E. Joyce, candymkr, bds 18 Ney.
    Madeline Joyce, bkpr, bds 18 Ney.

Kent County Marriage Records
list Harold and Wilhelmina’s marriage. Both were 22 and were born in and reside in Grand Rapids. He is a shoemaker and she a saleslady. His parents are Edward Joyce and Cora Monroe and hers John Hamelink and Dena Twiest. John C. Loucks, J. P. married them in Grand Rapids. Witnesses were Madlyn Joyce and Harvey Stafford, both of Grand Rapids.

A reception for the wedding (which was held Monday, July 1, 1912 at high noon, was held on Tuesday, July 2, 1912 at eight o'clock at 1467 Kalamazoo Avenue in Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce hosted the reception. (Marriage annoucement)

Grand Rapids Press, July 6, 1912
“Social News” Page 9.
A pretty wedding reciption was given Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce, 1467 Kalamazoo avenue, in homor of the marriage of their son, Harold E. and Miss Wilhelmina Hamilink, the ceremony being performed Monday at hight noon. the bride wore a dainty gown of white silk voile with trimmings of Irish corchet lace. She wore a picture hat and carried lilies of the valley. In the receiving line were the bride and groom, their parents, Mr and Mrs. John Hamilink and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce; the bridesmaid, Miss Madlyn Joyce, sister of the groom, and Robert Stratford, who acted as best man. Charles Williams and Miss Aleen Joyce were master and Mistress of ceremonies. Alexander Miller, violinist, and Miss Margaret O’Donnel at the piano rendered music. Robert Wright gave several whistling solos. Miss Manie Lemoin presided at the punch bowl and Miss Mae Griffith was in charge of the gift room. The dining room was in charge of Miss N. Kinney, who was assisted by Miss Ione and and Miss Vern Shaffer, Miss Jennie and Miss Anna Sullivan and Miss Frances Tysom. There rooms were prettily decorated with marguerites, while the colors in the dining room were green and white. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce received many beautiful and useful presents. They will be at home to their friends at their new home, North Avenue and Preston Street, after July 20.

Grand Rapids Press, 1 July 1912, Page 14
Harold Joyce, Wilhelmina Hamelink 22 22

Grand Rapids Press, 22 April 1913, Page 7
The Social Side
Personal Mention
Harold Joyce is ill with rheumatism at the home of his mother, 1457 Kalamazoo avenue, S.E.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Registered at Grand Rapids, MI. 5 Jun
    Harold Edward Joyce. 316 Lafayette SE, Grand Rapids
    Age 27. b. 3 Nov 1889
    Occupation: auto mech driver, C. N. Millis Trans. Co., Grand Rapds
    Claim exemption to support wife and child
    Short, medium build, blue eyes, auburn

1920 Federal Census. 1-WD Grand Rapids ward 1, Kent Co., MI
Roll 776, page 243.
Precinct 3. 5 Jan 1920
831 Alpine Ave., dwelling 31, family 35.
    Harold Joyce, head, 30, b. MI, parents b. MI, working as [?] in a factory
    Minnie Joyce, wife, 29, b. MI, parents b. Netherlands
    Loraine C. Joyce, daughter, 3 11/12, b. MI
    Robert G. Joyce, son, 2 years 1 month , b. MI

Grand Rapids Press, 4 April 1920, Page 7
The Social Side Bristol-Whitlow
Harold Joyce is seriously ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of Lagrave av.

Record number 658 book 11 page 24 Kent County Death Records states that Harold died of mitral insufficiency in Grand Rapids on 5 April 1920. He was 30y 5m 2d old. He was married and a mechanic. His parents were Edward Joyce and Carrie Monroe, both of whom were born in Michigan. Informant Edward Joyce.

Obituary Grand Rapids Press April 6, 1920 - Harold E. Joyce, aged 30 years, died Monday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Joyce, 201 Lagrave Ave., S.E. He is survived by the widow and two children, the parents and six sisters. Funeral services will be held at St. Andrews cathedral Thursday, 9 o'clock high mass. Burial in old St. Andrews cemetery.

Grand Rapids Press 13 April 1920, Page 2
We wish to extend thanks to the boys at the Union depot, the Knights of Columbus, the Grand Rapids Taxi Co., workers in Flint, Wm. A. Berkey Furniture Co. and all those who kindly assisted during the illness and death of our dearly beloved husband, son and brother, Harold.
    Mrs. Harold E. Joyce
    Mr and Mrs. Edw. J. Joyce and family.

Saint Andrews Catholic Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan\
    Harold E. Joyce, 1889–1920
On 1 Jul 1912 when Harold Edward was 22, he married Wilhelmina Cornelia Hamelink (68928) , daughter of John J. Hamelink (67413) (23 Aug 1867-29 Nov 1925) & Roberdena Twiest (67519) (21 Feb 1869-9 Dec 1956), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 21 May 1890 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Wilhelmina Cornelia died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 9 May 1986; she was 95. At Springbrook Manor. Buried on 12 May 1986 in Washington Park Memorial Gardens, Grand Rapids.

Wilhelmina first married Harold Joyce, second Cornelius DeSmit. She was known as Minnie.

Grand Rapids Press, July 1 1907, Page 7
The Social Side
Gave Miscellaneous Shower
A miscellaneous shower was given Thursday night by Miss Madelyn and Miss Aleen Joyce at their home, 1467 Kalamazoo avenue, in honor of Miss Minnie Hamalink. the guests were entertained with vocal and instrumental music by Miss Vera and Miss Ione Schafer, Miss Frances Theisen, Miss Marie Mellvain and Miss Irene Mead. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the guest of honor. Light refreshments were served. The decorations were in pink and white.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan). 26 JMay 1912. Page 4.
    Engagement Announced.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Hamelink announced the engagement of their daughter Wilhelmina, to Harold Joyce. The wedding will take place in July.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan). 2 June 1912. Page 4.
China Shower for Miss Woolport.
    Miss Minnie Hamelink entertained Friday night with a china shower i honor of Miss Floence Woolpert. the dining room was decorated i green and white, covers being laid for 18 guests.

Social Security Death Index
Minnie DeSmit, b. 21 May 1890, d. May 1986, last residence 49509 Grand Rapids MI, issued MI 1976

Obituary, Sunday, May 11, 1986 Grand Rapids Press
Desmit --- Wilhelmina (Minnie Hamilink) DeSmit, aged 95, passed away Friday, May 9, 1986, at Springbrook Manor. She is survived by her children, Robert and Hope Joyce, and Lorraine Joyce Tubbs, all of Grand Rapids; three grandchildren, Carol Burgess Leys of Kentwood, Roberta Joyce Schirado of Rockford, David E. Joyce of Worchester, MA; five great-grandchildren, six great-great-grandchildren; her sisters-in-law, Isabelle Hamilink, Aileen Joyce Hills, Eleanore Joyce Potchen, and Helen Joyce Zant, all of Grand Rapids.
Mrs. DeSmit was preceded in death by her husbands Harold Edward Joyce in 1920 and Cornelius J. DeSmit in 1962. Funeral services will be held Monday morning a 11 a.m. at the Van't Hof Chapel, with Rev. Bruce Bode of Fountain Street Church officiating. Interment in Washington Park Memorial Gardens. Friends may meet the family from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Sunday. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
        Van't Hof Chapel
        851 Leonard St. NW
        Heretage Funeral Service
Their children include:
Lorraine Carol Joyce (2 Jan 1916-31 Jul 1989)
Robert Gene Joyce (17 Dec 1917-18 Aug 1991)
68341. Madlyn Cora Joyce. Born in Jan 1892 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Madlyn Cora died in Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michigan on 18 Jul 1925. Buried in St. Andrew's Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids Press, 29 July 1903, Page 9
Misses Madilene, Aleen and Beaulah Joyce of 18 Ney street left last evening for Conklin, where they will spend their vacation with friends.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1910
Aleen Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Edward J. Joyce, mach hd Berkey Furn Co, h 18 Ney
    Harold E. Joyce, candymkr, bds 18 Ney.
    Madeline Joyce, bkpr, bds 18 Ney.

Grand Rapids Press, 6 February 1912, Page 7
The Social Side - Events Past and Present.
Miss Madlyn Joyce was pleasantly surprised at her country home on Plymouth road by thirty-five of her suburban friends Friday night, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. The dining room was in charge of Miss Minnie Hamelink, Mrs. N. Wieringa and Mrs. Aleen Joyce, the decorations were pink and white. Miss Joyce was presented with a most beautiful and useful gift, the presentation speech being made by W. H. Dean.

Grand Rapids Press, 16 November 1912, Page 11
Social Notes
Entertained Sorority
Madlyn Joyce entertained the Beta Sigma sorority Wednesday evening at her home, 1467 Kalamazoo avenue, with a chicken supper. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Frances Thiesen. Music and games furnished the entertainment for the evening, prizes being won by Ruth La Monthe and Marie McIlvain.

Grand Rapids Press, 11 November 1913, Page 7
The Social Side
Entertain Sorority
Miss Madlyn Joyce enterained the Beta Sigma sorority at her home, 247 Jefferson avenue, S.E., Monday evening.

Grand Rapids Press, 12 August 1914, Page 7
The Social Side
Personal Mention
Miss Madlyn and Miss Aleen Joyce of 147 Jefferson avenue, S.E., are entertaining Miss Lavernes Raymond of Jackson for a week.

Grand Rapids Press, 23 August 1915, Page 7
The Social Side
Miss Madlyn Joyce, 247 Jefferson avenue, S.E., has gone to Chicago where she will spend a few days with friends while on her way to Brighton, Ia., where she will be the guest of Miss Bernice Funston for two weeks.

Grand Rapids Press, 6 October 1921, Page 11
To Be Autumn Bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of Lagrave-av. announce the engagement of their daughter, Madlyn Cora, to William B. Sullivan of this city. the wedding will take place the latter part of this month at St. Andrew’s cathedral.

Grand Rapids Press, 27 October 1921, Page 23
William B. Sullivan, 29; Madlyn C. Joyce, 29.

Kent County Marriage Licenses
indicate Madlyn Joyce married William B. Sullivan Jr., on 27 October 1921 in Grand Rapids, MI. Both are 29, he was born in St. Louis, MO and she in Grand Rapids. He is an electrician and she a stenographer. Her parents are Edward J. Joyce and Cora M. Monroe, his are William B. Sullivan Sr. and Elizabeth Maney. Witnesses are Frederick Halch and Eleanor Joyce. D. E. Malone, pastor, performed the ceremony.

Death Certificate: Madlyn Cora Joyce Sullivan died 18 July 1925 in Plainfield Township, Kent County, Michgian. She was born in June 1892 to Cora Monroe and Eds. J. Joyce. She was 33 and married when she died."Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Madlyn Cora Joyce Sullivan, 1925.

Saint Andrews Catholic Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
    Madlyn Sullivan, d. 29 Jul 1925
On 27 Oct 1921 Madlyn Cora married William B. Sullivan, son of William B. Sullivan (Feb 1860-) & Elizabeth Maney (Apr 1863-), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 2 Dec 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri. William B. died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 7 Jan 1969; he was 75. Buried on 10 Jan 1969 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

William first married Madlyn Joyce, second Elizabeth Joyce (no known relation to Madlyn, daughter of Edward Bernard & Katherine (Lane) Joyce).

1900 Federal Census. St. Louis ward 25, St. Louis Co., Missouri
Roll 899, page 1A
7312 Canterbury Avenue.
    William B. Sullivan, head, b. Feb 1860, age 40, b. MO, father b. England, mother b. MO, carpenter contractor
    Elizabeth Sullivan, wife, b. Apr 1863, age 37, b. IL, father b. Ireland, mother b. MI
    John J. Sullivan, b. Mar 1892, age 8, b. MO, father b. MO, mother b. IL, at school
    William B. Sullivan, b. Dec 1893, age 6, b. ditto, at school
    Arthur L. Sullivan, b. Sep 1895, age 4, b. ditto

1910 Federal Census. Maplewood ward 2, St. Louis Co., Missouri
Roll 810, page 18B
3725 Flora Ave.
    William B. Sullivan, head, 51, b. MO, father b. England, mother b. MO, real estate, own office
    Lizzie Sullivan, wife, 48, b. IL, father b. IL, mother b. MI
    John J. Sullivan, son, 18, b. MO, father b. MO, mother b. IL
    William B. Sullivan, son, 16, b. ditto
    Arthur L. Sullivan, son, 14, b. ditto

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids ward 2, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1000, page 5A
239 Elmwood Street
    William B. Sullivan, head, 36, b. Missouri, father b. Iowa, mother b. Missouri, electrician, retail electrical repair
    Elizabeth Sullivan, wife, 26, b. MI, father b. Wisconsin, mother b. MI
    Edward W. Sullivan, son, 2, b. MI, father b. Missouri, mother b. MI

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1900, page 10A
124 Auburn Street
    William Sullivan, head, 46, 4 years college, auto electrician, Michigan Bumper
    Elizabeth Sullivan, wife, 36, 2 years college
    William Sullivan, son, 12, 7th grade
    Patricia Sullivan, daughter, 9, 4th grade
All were born in Michigan. William was living in St. Louis in 1935, but the others in the same house.

Social Security Death Index
William Sullivan. b. 2 Dec 1893, d. Jan 1969. Last residence 49506, Grand Rapids, MI. Issued MI bef 1951

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: William B. Sullivan
Lot :86
Space :4
Age: 075
Date of death: 01/07/1969
Spouse name: Elizabeth Sullivan
Funeral director: Gerst Jr., Mr. David
Service date: 01/10/1969
68342. Aileen Edith Joyce. Born on 14 Mar 1894 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Aileen Edith died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 23 Jun 1986; she was 92. Buried on 25 Jun 1986 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: Hairdresser.

Adeline Edith Joyce, known as Aileen.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1910

    Aleen Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Edward J. Joyce, mach hd Berkey Furn Co, h 18 Ney
    Harold E. Joyce, candymkr, bds 18 Ney.
    Madeline Joyce, bkpr, bds 18 Ney.

Grand Rapids Press, 30 October 1912, page 7
The Social Side
The employes of the Bossler Hair shop entertained with a 12 o’clock luncheon Monday in honor of Miss Margaret Eckert of fifth street. Toasts were given by the Misses Aileen Joyce, Hilda Schmidi Zethery Dulcey, Jenette and Cora Goossen.

20 May 1916 Grand Rapids Press, Page 7
Aileen E. Joyce
    Ladies’ Hair Goods, Transformations my speciality. For falling hair try my shampoo treatments. Hairdressing, Manicuring and Children’s Hair Cutting.
230-1 Powers Theater Bldg. Citz., Phone 8381.

Grand Rapids Press, 10 February 1917, Page 5
For Anything in Hight Grade
Hair Goods, Hair Dressing, Manicuring
You Will do well to visit
Citizens 8591. 230-231 Powers Theater Bldg.

Kent County marriage records indicate John and Aline were married 12 March 1918. He resided in Lansing and she in Grand Rapids. He is 31and she 22. He is a timekeeper, born in Bryantsville, Kentucky, and she is a hair dresser born in Grand Rapids. Her parents are Edward Joyce and Cora Monroe, his are James H. Hill and Nanie. D.E. Malone, Pastor marries them in Grand Rapids. Witnesses are Harold E. Joyce and Madlyn Joyce.

Aileen was living with her parents during the 1920, 1930, and 1940 censuses.

1927 Grand Rapids City Directory
Aileen Hills, hairdrsr Jos N Bissonette, r2248 Madison Blvd SE

1933 Grand Rapids City Directory
Mrs Aileen J Hills, beauty opr, r120 Cherry SE

1943 Grand Rapids City Directory
Mrs Aileen J Hills, beauty shop 120 Cherry SE, r ditto
    Mary E Hills, ofc wkr Haskelite Mfg Corp, r120 Cherry SE

1949 Grand Rapids City Directory
Aileen J (wid John B) Hills, r55 Carlton av SE

1954 Grand Rapids City Directory
Aileen (wid John) Hills, r1453 Edward av SE

Social Security Death Index
Aileen Hills, b. 14 Mar 1894, d. Jun 1986, last residence 49506 Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Aileen Hills
Lot :202_B
Space :3
Date of death: 06/23/1986
Funeral director: Stegenga, Mr. Kurt
Service date: 06/25/1986
On 12 Mar 1918 when Aileen Edith was 23, she married John Bryant Hills, son of James H. Hills (18 Jun 1856-) & Nannie C. Campbell (27 Dec 1858-8 Jun 1941), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 1 May 1885 in Bryantsville, Garrard County, Kentucky. John Bryant died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan in Jul 1966. Occupation: Salesman. They were divorced on 5 Feb 1923 in Kent County, Michigan.

1900 Federal Census. East Bryantsville, Garrard Co., Kentucky
Roll 522, page 5B
    James H. Hills, head, b. Jul 1856, 43, m. 20 years, farmer
    Nannie C. Hills, wife, b. Sep 1858, 41, m. 20 years, two children, both living
    James C. Hills, son, b. Dec 1880, 19, clerk, grocery store
    John B. Hills, b. May 1885, 15, at school
All were born in Kentucky as were their parents.

1910 Federal Census. Roswell ward 3, Chaves Co., New Mexico

Roll 913, page 12B
111 S. Missouri St.
    James H. Hills, head, 50, m1. 28 years, keeper, furniture store
    Nannie Hills, wife, 50, m1. 28 years, 2 children, both living
    John B. Hills, son, 22, salesman, furniture co.
All were born in Kentucky as were their parents.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Registered at Grand Rapids, MI. 12 Sep 1918
    John Bryant Hills. 1007 S. Ionia Ave., Grand Rapids
    Age 32. b. 1 May 1886
    Occupation: assembling musical instrument, J. W. York & Sons, Grand Rapids
    Nearest relative: Aileen Edith Hills (wife), 1007 S. Ionia Ave., Grand Rapids
    Tall, slender, blue eyes, red hair

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids ward 1, Kent County, Michigan

Roll 777, page 13B
291 Bridge Street
    John Hills, lodger, 33, married, b. KY, parents b. KY, stock keeper, seating co.

1930 Federal Census. Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
Roll 135, page 11A
1517 Federal Ave.
    A. H. Hills, head, 72, m. age 23, retired
    Nannie Hills, wife, 70, m. age 21
    John B. Hills, son, 44, single, repairing, furniture
All were born in Kentucky as were their parents.

1940 Federal Census. Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
Roll 408, page 1A
1631 Federal Street
    Nannie L. Hills, 81, head, widowd, 8th grade
    John B. Hills, 51, son, widowed, 8th grade, salesman, furniture store
Both were born in Kentucky and lived in the same house in 1935.

Social Security Death Index
John Hills, b. 1 May 1885, d. Jul 1966, last residence 49506 Grand Rapids MI. Issued CA before 1951
Their children include:
Barbara Jane Hills (19 Apr 1918-6 Feb 2011)
Mary Elizabeth Hills (28 Jun 1920-28 Dec 2005)
68343. Beulah Marie Joyce. Born on 6 Sep 1897 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Beulah Marie died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 4 Sep 1985; she was 87. Buried on 7 Sep 1985 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Religion: Catholic.

Grand Rapids Press 22 June 1916, Page 12
A graduation program will be given Saturday evening at 8 o’clock in the L. L. C. building on Sheldon av. by Miss Beulah Maria Joyce, under the direction of Clare Dudley Buck.

Grand Rapids Press, 21 August 1919, Page 7
The Social Side
Miss Margaret Yvinn Of Chicago is visiting at the home of Miss Beulah Joyce, 201 Lagrave-av.

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Kent
    14 Aug 1920 at Grand Rapids. D.E. Malone, pastor. Witnesses Masten A. Ryerson & Eleanore Joyce, both of Grand Rapids
Leonard F. Howe, 31, of Grand Rapids, b. Ionia, MI, salesman, son of Edwin J. Howe & Sarah L. Gleason
    Mary B. Joyce, 22, of Grand Rapids, b. Grand Rapids, stenographer, daughter of Edwin J. Joyce & Cora M. Monroe

In 1939, Beulah organized the Altar Society at the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 1449 Wil o Park Drive, Grand Rapids.
“The Thirties”, Rita O’Neill-Wiseman

1951 Grand Rapids City Directory
    Beulah M (wid Leonard F) Howe, h111 Carlton av SE
    Danl. Howe, r111 Carlton av SE
    Jas P. Howe, r111 Carlton av SE
    Theo J. Howe, USAF, r111 Carlton av SE

Social Security Death Index
Beulah Howe, b. 6 Sep 1897, d. Sep 1985, last residence 49503 Grand Rapids MI, issued MI 1956-1958

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries
Name: Beulah M. Howe
Lot :202_B
Space :7
Date of death: 09/04/1985
Funeral director: Gerst Jr., Mr. David
Service date: 09/07/1985
On 14 Aug 1920 when Beulah Marie was 22, she married Leonard Frederick Howe, son of Dr. Edwin J. Howe (ca 1857-6 May 1891) & Sarah L. Gleason (Oct 1858-Dec 1939), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 7 Mar 1889 in Ionia County, Michigan. Leonard Frederick died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 23 Jan 1947; he was 57. Buried on 28 Jan 1947 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Religion: Catholic.

1900 Federal Census. Otisco Township, Ionia County, Michigan
Roll 717, page 15B
Washington Street, Belding City
    Sarah L. Howe, head, b. Oct 1858, 41, widow, m. 21 years, 2 children, both living, b. NY, parents b. NY, school teacher
    Ethel June Howe, daughter, b. May 1880, 20, single, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY, school teacher
    Leonard F. Howe, son, b. Mar 1889, 11, b. ditto, at school

1910 Federal Census. Detroit Ward 14, Wayne County, Michigan
Roll T624_686, page 10A
892 Porter Street
    James H. Powers, head, 55, m. 36 years, b. Canada, father b. PA, mother b. NY, imm. 1861, gilder, decorator
    Sarah E. Powers, wife, 51, m. 36 years, 2 children, none living, b. Ireland, parents b. Ireland, imm. 1864
    Ben F. Marty, lodger, 24, single, b. OH, parents b. Switzerland, machinist, auto company
    Leonard F. Howe, lodger, 21, single, b. MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY, stenographer, chemical worlks

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Registered at Detroit, MI. 5 Jun 1917.
    Leonard Frederick Howe. 892 Porter St., Detroit
    Age 28. b. 7 Mar 1889
    Occupation: saleman, [can’t read company]
    Medium height, medium build, brown eyes, brown hair
    Written note: send all mail to Michigan Lithography, Grand Rapids

In the 1925 Ferris College (now Ferris State University) catalog, there is a listing of where some graduates are working. Leonard F. How is listed as a travelling salesman for the Michigan Lithographing Company.

1927 Grand Rapids City Directory
Leonard F. (Beulah M.) Howe, slsmn Mich Litho Co., h 231 Stewart SW

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1002, page 14B
111 Carlton Av S.E.
    Leonard F. Howe [written Howell instead of Howe], head, 41, m. age 31, b. MI, parents b. MI, salesman, lothograph co.
    Beuhal [misspelled] M. Howe, wife, 32, m. age 22, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Elizabeth J. Howe, daughter, 8, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Edward J. Howe, son, 6, b. ditto
    David L. Howe, son, 3 years 10 months, b. ditto
    Daniel L. Howe, son, 2 years 7 months, b. ditto
    Rose M. Bopole, maid, 16, single, b. MI, parents b. Poland, servant, private family

1934 Grand Rapids City Directory
Leonard F. (Beulah M.) Howe, slsmn Mich Litho Co., h 111 Carlton av SE

1937 Grand Rapids City Directory
Leonard F. (Beulah M.) Howe, slsmn Mich Litho Co., h 111 Carlton av SE
    Eliz J. Howe, student, r111 Carlton av SE

Excerpt from the Belding Banner-News October 19, 1939
“Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hopwood spent Sunday in Grand Rapids with her son, Leonard F. Howe and family.”

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1900, page 1B
111 Carlton Street
    Leonard F. Howe, head, 51, 2 years college, salesman, salesman of office in factory
    Beulah M. Howe, wife, 42, 4 years HS
    Edward J. Howe, son, 16, 2 years HS
    David L. Howe, son, 13, 8th grade
    Elizabeth Howe, daughter, 19, 1 year college, music teacher, private
    Daniel L. Howe, son, 11, 6th grade
    Theodore J. Howe, son, 9, 4th grade
    James P. Howe, son, 7, 2nd grade
    Helen B. Hoew, daughter, 5
    Kathleen L. Howe, daughter, 2
All were born in Michigan, and living in Grand Rapids five years before.

1946 Grand Rapids City Directory
    Leonard F (Beulah M) Howe, slsmn, MIch LItho, h111 Carlton av SE
    David L. Howe, USN, r111 Carlton av SE
    Theo Howe, uphol Robt W Irwin, 4111 Carlton av SE

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Leonard F. Howe
Location: Grand Rapids City Cemeteries
Lot :202_B
Space :8
Place of death: PA
Date of death: 01/23/1947
Funeral director: Hollebeek, Mr. Martin I
Service date: 01/28/1947
Their children include:
Elizabeth June Howe (19 Jul 1921-1 Sep 1978)
Edward Joyce Howe (21 Dec 1923-26 Jul 1955)
Daniel Louis Howe (27 Aug 1927-28 Jan 2003)
Theodore J. Howe (3 Aug 1929-12 Nov 1963)
John Thomas Howe (Died young) (1936-20 Feb 1939)
Judith Howe (Died soon) (1941-1941)
68344. Eleanore Lorrain Joyce. Born on 23 Dec 1899 in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Eleanore Lorrain was baptized in Cripple Creek, Colorado, in 1900. Eleanore Lorrain died in East Lansing, Michigan, on 17 Jul 1996; she was 96. Buried on 20 Jul 1996 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: teacher. Education: Western Michigan Normal College.

Eleanor’s baptism is recorded in Cripple Creek, Colorado. “Joyce, Eleanor Lorraine, born Dec. 23, 1900 to Edward Joyce and Cora Monroe; Sp. John Carrollton, Ellen M. Reep; entered between Aug. 7 and Dec. 12, 1900.” Cripple Creek - Victor Mining District Catholic Baptisms, Miralyn, S. Keske, Keske Publishing company, Victor, Colorado, 1989.

Grand Rapids Press
, 31 August 1917, Page 7
Entertains for Guest
Miss Elennore Joyce of Jefferson avenue, S.E., entertained at her home Thursday evening with an informal affair in honor of Miss Margaret Keogh of Oxford, N.Y., who is the guest of Mrs. Nell McDuffy of Henry avenue, S.E, The evening was featured with games and a musical program given by Miss Frances Sheehy and Claude Kortlander, jr.

1920 Federal Census. Alpine Twp., Kent County, Michigan
Roll 776, page 2A
    Watson L. Coffee, head, 43, b. MI, parents b. MI, farmer, general farmer
    Bertha Coffee, wife, 44, b. MI, father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Elenore Joyce, boarder, 20, single, b. CO, parents b. MI, teacher, public school
    Gernie McDougal, boarder, 19, single, b. MI, parents b. MI, teacher, public school

Marriage Licence and Certificate
    13 Jun 1930, Kent County, Michigan
    Joseph A. Potchen, 27, of Chicago IL, b. Austria, engineer, son of Anton Potc hen & Theresa Schoeffel, first marrage
    Eleanore L. Joyce, 30, of Grand Rapids, b. Cripple Creek CO, school teacher, daughtet of Edward J. Joyce & Cora Monrue, first marriage
    24 Jun 1930, Grand Rapids. D.E Malone, Catholic Priest
    Witnesses David Meed & Aileen Joyce Hills, both of Grand Rapids

Michigan Death Index
Eleanor Lorrain Potchen, b. 23 Dec 1899, d. 17 Jul 1996, residence East Lansing MI

Social Security Death Index
Eleanore J. Potchen, b. 23 Dec 1899, d. 17 Jul 1996 Okemos Mi

Obituary for Eleanore Potchen 19 Jul 1996 in the Grand Rapids Press.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Eleanor L. (Eleanore) Potchen
Lot :202_A
Space :7
Place of death: East Lansing MI
Date of death: 07/17/1996
Funeral director: Oloe, Mr. Ron
Service date: 07/20/1996
On 24 Jun 1930 when Eleanore Lorrain was 30, she married Joseph Anton Potchen, son of Anton Jozef Potchen (17 Mar 1877-1950) & Theresa A. Schoeffel (29 Dec 1882-1953), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 22 Feb 1903 in New St Fran, Romania. Joseph Anton died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 10 Jan 1984; he was 80. Buried on 11 Jan 1984 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: Physics Professor, Aquinas College.

Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943
Arrival Date: 12 Feb 1921. Ship: Mount Clay. Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany. Port of Arrival: Boston, Massachusetts
    Anton Potschen, age 48 years 10 months, mechanic, Romanian, b. New St Fran, Romania
    Theresia Potschen, age 38 years 2 months, housewife
    Josef Potschen, age 17 years 11 months student
The family reads and writes German. They are Romanian, the last permanent residence being Hermannsti.
The nearest relative in the home country is Anton’s father, Anton Potschen, at Neu St. Jran. Final destination is Chicago, Illinois.

Soundex Index to Naturalization Petitions for the United States District and Circuit Courts
    Joseph Anton Pitchen, 1216 Wellington Ave., Chicago, IL.
    Certificate no. P 29180 CN 2504018, U.S.Distr.Chgo.
    Born Austria-Roumania, 22 Feb 1903
    Arrived 12 Feb 1921 at Boston
    Date of Naturalization 12 Apr 1927

1929 Grand Rapids City Direcxtory
Jos A Potchen, cens eng, r635 Union av SE

1930 Federal Census. Chicago ward 45, Cook County, Illinois
Roll 487, page 8A
1448 Otto Street.
    Anton Pochen, head, 52, b. Romainia, parents b. Romania, assembler, [some kind of] machine co.
    Theresa Pochen, wife, 47, b. Romania, parents b. Austria
    Joseph Anton Pochen, son, 26, b Austria, parents b. Romania, traveling engineer, factory
The family spoke German before coming to the United States. They immigrated in 1921.

1940 Federal Census. Walker Township, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1776, page 3B
1145 Edison Avenue
    Joseph A. Potchen, head, 37, 5 years college, b. Austria, engineer, plywood
    Elenor L. Potchen, wife, 40, 3 years college, b. Colorado
    Joseph E. Potchen, son, 8, 2nd grade, b. MI
    Edward J. Potchen, son, 7, 1st grade, b. MI
    Thomas M. Potchen, son, 5, b. MI
    Evelyn H. Hall, maid, 22, single, 4 years HS, b. MI, maid, private home
All were living in Grand Rapids five years before.

1949 Grand Rapids City Directory
Jos. A. (Eleanore J.) Potchen, chf eng Haskelite, h 1145 Edison av NW
    Jos. A. Potchen II, student r1145 Edison av NW

Michigan Death Index
Joseph A. Potchen, b. 22 Feb 1903, d. 10 Jan 1984, residence Grand Rapids

Social Security Death Index
Joseph Potchen, b. 22 Feb 1903, d. Jan 1984, last residence 49506 Kent County

Obituary for Joseph Potchen 10 Jan 1984 in the Grand Rapids Press.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Joseph Potchen
Lot :202_A
Space :8
Date of death: 01/10/1984
Funeral director: Hollebeek, Mr. Martin I
Service date: 01/11/1984
Their children include:
Joseph Anton Potchen (21 Sep 1931-15 Jul 2017)
68345. Gaylord Theodore Joyce. Born on 15 Jun 1902 in Michigan. Gaylord Theodore died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 10 Oct 1917; he was 15. Buried in 1917 in St. Andrew's Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids Press, 25 February 1907, Page 6
Gaylord Joyce, the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of 18 Ney street, who met with a serious accident a week ago Sunday while playing with children in the vicinity of his home, was operated on yesterday at noon by Dr. A. B. Thompson and Dr. Louis Barth at their office on Fulton street. Sixteen stitches were taken to close the scalp wound.

Grand Rapids Press, 20 April 1917, Page 30
Grand Rapids Brevities
Gaylord Joyce is ill at his home, 120 Jefferson avenue, S.E., from blood poisoning caused by stepping on a rusty nail.

State of Michigan Transcript of Certificate of Death number 1498. Gaylord Theodore Joyce died on 7 October 1917 at St. Mary’s Hospital and resided at 120 Jefferson St. Grand Rapids, of peritonitis appendicitis. His father was Edward Joyce and his mother Cora Monroe, both were born in Michigan. Informant Edward J. Joyce. He was buried at St. Andrews Cemetery on 10 October 1917. Berton Spring was the undertaker.

Mortuary Notice, Grand Rapids Press, 8 October 1917, Page 14
Gaylord Theodore Joyce, 15, 120 Jefferson avenue, S.E.

Obituary for Gaylord Joyce 9 Oct 1917 in the Grand Rapids Herald.

Saint Andrews Catholic Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
    Gaylord Theodore Joyce, 1902–1917
68346. Bernice Joyce. Born on 1 Jul 1905 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Bernice died in Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, on 6 Apr 1978; she was 72.

Marriage Licence and Certificate of Marriage
    27 Mar 1937, Kent County, Michigan
    Edward T. Hannon, 34, residence 206 Robert St., Ludington, b. Jamestown NY, silverman, son of Thomas Hannon & Elizabeth Dwyer, second marriage
    Bernice H. Joyce, 31, residence 120 Cheery St. SE, Grand Rapids, b. Grand Rapids, daugher of Edward J. Joyce & Cora M. Monroe, first marriage
    5 Apr 1937, Grand Rapids. D.E. Malone, Catholic Priest
    Witnesses J. Condan Zant of Grand Rapids & Alice G. Hannon of Buffalo NY

Michigan Deaths
Bernice J. Hannon, b. 1 Jul 1905, d. 6 Apr 1978 Muskegon.

Social Security Death Index
Bernice Hannon. b. 1 Jul 1905, d. Apr 1978. Last residence 49441 Muskegon, MI. Issued MI before 1951

An obituary for Bernice Joyce 7 Apr 1978 is in the Grand Rapids Press.
On 5 Apr 1937 when Bernice was 31, she married Edward T. Hannon, son of Thomas Hannon (Dec 1855-) & Elizabeth Dwyer (Apr 1864-), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 27 Aug 1902 in Jamestown, Chautauqua County, New York. Edward T. died in Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, on 30 Dec 1975; he was 73.

Edward first married Myrtle Rich, divorced; second Bernice Joyce.

1910 Federal Census. Jamestown Ward 6, Chautaqua County, New York
Roll T624_930, page 4B
132 Fairview Avenue
    Thomas Hannon, head, 50, m1. 29 years, b. Ireland (English), parents b. Ireland, imm. 1883, fireman, railroad
    Elizabeth Hannon, wife, 49, m1. 29 years, 8 children, all living, b. Ireland (English), parents b. Ireland
    Michael J. Hannon, son, 24, single, b. NY, parents b. Ireland, upholsterer, furniture
    Margret C. Hannon, daughter, 22, b. ditto, stenographer, furniture
    Bride M. Hannon, daughter, 20, b. ditto, winder, towel mill
    Mary C. Hannon, daughter, 18, b. ditto, twister, worsted mill
    Alice G. Hannon, daughter, 13, b. ditto
    Richard J. Hannon, son, 11, b. ditto
    Edward T. Hannon, son, 7, b. ditto
Thomas, his daughter Alice, and his son Richard, were also living in Jamestown in 1920.

1915 New York Census. Jamestown Ward 6, Chautauqua County
Fairview Avenue
    Thomas Hannon, head, 56, b. Ireland, galvenizer - R.R.
    Elizabeth Hannon, wife, 54, b. Ireland, housework
    Bride M. Hannon, daughter, 25, b. US, mender worsted mill
    Alice Hannon, daughter, 18, b. US, stenographer
    Richard Hannon, son, 16, b. US, school
    Edward Hannon, son, 12, b. US, school
    John Logan, boarder, 21, b. Ireland, teamster

1930 Federal Census. Buffalo, Erie County, New York
Roll 1422, page 21A
1767 Seneca
    Edward T. Hannon, lodger, 27, divorced, b. NY, parents b. Ireland, machinist, aluminum

Grand Rapids City Directory 1940
    Edw T (Bernice J) Hannon, platformmn Ry Exp Agcy h 838 Prospect av SE
Mrs Bernice J. Hannon, bkpr Mich Colprovia Co h 828 Prospect av SE

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1901, page 7A
826 Prospect
    Edw F. Hammon, head, 37, 4 years HS, b. NY, silver man, glass works
    Bernice Hammon, wife, 34, 4 years HS, b. MI, book keeper, clothing store
They were living in Grand Rapids five years previoiusly.

Muskegon City Directory 1946
Edw T (Bernice) Hannon, driver Peoples Transport h1500a Defense av

Muskegon City Directory 1959
    Bernice Hannon, bkpr Parsons Dept Store r1276
    Edw T (Bernice J) tool crib atndt Mskgn Piston Ring h1276 Mongomery av

Michigan Deaths
Edward T. Hannon Sr., b. 27 Aug 1902, d. 30 Dec 1975 Muskegon.

Social Security Death Index
Edward Hannon,. b. 27 Aug 1902, d. Nov 1975. Last residence 49441 Muskegon, MI. Issued MI before 1951

An obituary for Edward Hannan 31 Dec 1975 is in the Grand Rapids Press.
Their children include:
Edward T. Hannon (Adopted) (17 Mar 1944-9 Feb 2012)
68347. Helen Louise Joyce. Born on 13 May 1909 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Helen Louise died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 16 Oct 1993; she was 84. Buried on 19 Oct 1993 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan), 21 January 1911, Page 3.
FELL FROM CHAIR - As a result of a fall from a chair, Helen Louise, the 19-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce, 18 Ney Street, is suffering from a fractured arm.

Grand Rapids Press, 14 January 1922 Page 5
To Present Dancing Party.
        Miss Marjory A. Ford has secured the rights to present “Cinderella,” a beautiful dancing play in three sets by the famous Russian producer, Sonia Serova, and she will offer it in the early spring at Powers theater. Miss Ford is a pupil of Mme. Serova and she will be graduated from her Russian Ballet school next summer. Mme. Serova has created all the ballet scenes in this year’s “Greenwich Follies.” A special cyclorama of heavy gold cloth sent from New York city will be used for the background of the second act.
    Miss Ford will present little Betty Lewis in a program of feature dances Tuesday evening at the Armory. the following pupils danced at the homecoing of Oriental Chapter, NO. 32 O.E.S., at the Masonic temple: Lois and Sydney Berns, Thelma Saxton, Dorothy Victor, Mabel Carlisle, Constance Ergenzinger, Carol VanZece, Jean Suvery, Adeline McKenna, Marian Dwight, Helen Joyce, Margaret Shephard, Mildred How, Ruth Buob, Thelma Burleson, Helen Hart and Celia Mendel.

Marriage Licence
13 Aug 1935, Grand Rapids. D.E. Malone, Catholic Priest. Witnesses Edward R. Zant & Marion F. Zant.
    John Condon Zant, 25, residence 2115 Leonard St NE, Grand Rapids, b. Grand Rapids, son of Rudolph Zant & Mary Maloney, first marriage
    Helen Joyce, 25, residence 125 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids, daughter of Edward Joyce & Cora Monroe, first marriage

Social Security Death Index
Helen L. Zant, b. 13 May 1909, d. 16 Oct 1993, last residence 49504 Grand Rapids MI. Issued MI 1965.

Obituary for Helen Zant 17 Oct 1993 in the Grand Rapids Press.
On 13 Aug 1935 when Helen Louise was 26, she married John Condon Zant, son of Rudolph Peter Zant (19 Jan 1875-1958) & Mary M. Maloney (Oct 1877-Nov 1958), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 25 Jul 1910 in Walker Township, Kent County, Michigan. John Condon died on 19 Feb 1965; he was 54.719 Buried on 3 Mar 1965 in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Grand Rapids.719 Occupation: Gardiner.

1920 Federal Census. Walker Twp., Kent Co., Michigan.
Roll 779, page 205.
    Rudolph Zant. Head. 45, b. Michigan, father b. Netherlands, mother b. Netherlands.
    Mary E. Zant. Wife. 43, b. Michigan, father b. Ireland, mother b. Michigan.
    John C. Zant. Son. 9, b. Michigan.
    Edward R. Zant. Son. 7, b. Michigan.
    Marion Zant. Daughter. 5, b. Michigan.
    Robert Zant. Son. 2 11/12, b. Michigan.

1930 Federal Census. Walker Twp., Kent Co., Michigan.
Roll 1005, page 30A, ED 141.
Section 16, W. Leonard Road
    Rudolph Zant. Head. 54, first m age 33, b. Michigan, father b. Netherlands, mother b. Netherlands, proprietor, greenhouse
    Mary E. Zant. Wife. 51, first m. age 30, b. Michigan, father b. Northern Ireland, mother b. Michigan.
    J. Condon Zant. Son. 19, b. Michigan.
    Edward R. Zant. Son. 17, b. Michigan.
    Marion R. Zant. Daughter. 15, b. Michigan.
    Robert W. Zant. Son. 13, b. Michigan.

1935 Grand Rapids City Directory
    Condon Zant, 1915 Leonard NW

1940 Federal Census. Walker Twp., Kent Co., Michigan.
Roll 1776, page 11B
2111 Leonard Road
    John C. Zant, head, 29, 2 years HS, greenhouse gardner, own greenhouse
    Helen Zant, wife, 29, 4 years HS
    John Zant, son, 3
    Madelyne Zant, daughter, 1
All were born in Michigan and living in the same house five years earlier.

1946 Grand Rapids City Directory
    J. Condon (Helen) Zant, shtmtlwkr Glendon A Richards, r2111 Leonard rd NW

1951 Grand Rapids City Directory
    J. Condon (Helen J.) Zant, shtmtlwkr VanderBroek Bros, r2111 Leonard NW

1959 Grand Rapids City Directory
    J. Condon (Helen J.) Zant, supt Vander Broek Bro Roofings, r2111 Leonard NW
    John Zant, roofer VanderBroek Bros Roofing, r2111 Leonard NW

Social Security Death Index
J. Zant. b. 25 Jul 1910, d. Feb 1965. Issued MI before 1951

Obituary of J. Condon Zant 1 Mar 1965 in the Grand Rapids Press.
Their children include:
John Condon Zant (14 May 1936-5 Feb 2004)
Mary P. Zant (3 Feb 1948-22 Feb 2004)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.