Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1833. Sarah Baldwin. Born ca 1621 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire.64 Sarah was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, on 22 Apr 1621.64 Sarah died in Milford, CT on 29 Apr 1663.64
Sarah married Benjamin Fenn. Benjamin died in Milford, CT between 14 Sep 1672 and 14 Nov 1672.58

Benjamin, of Strewkley, Buckinghamshire.

He married second 12 Mar 1663 Mrs. Susannah Ward.3

Will: DOCUMENTS: WILL=Genealogical Gleanings in England, Vol I, by Henry F. Waters, A.M., Genealogical Publishing Co, 1969, page 695-696. Benjamin Fen Senior of Milford in the Colony of "Conecticott" in New England, 14 Sep 1672, Proved 1 Feb 1674.

I do give and bequeath unto my eldest son Benjamin Fen, as an addition to his portion that he hath already received, to the value of three hundred pounds and upwards, that farm that I formerly bought of Mr. Samuel Bach, late of New Haven, lying on the East side of East River, consisting of eighteen acres of meadow, more or less, with all the upland that is laid out thereto, he paying, or causing to be paid, thirty pounds towards the purchase, as was agreed upon, besides what he hath already paid. To my second son Samuel Fen my dwelling house that I now inhabit, within the town of Milford, with housing, uplands and meadows belonging, with that piece of upland and meadow that I bought of the Indians, above Pagasick, called Pluffi meadow, and the uplands adjacent thereto. To my youngest son James Fen my house in New Haven, with the warehouse and all the land belonging thereto, on this side East River, and that parcel of meadow belonging to the house, on the other side of the River, and all my right &c. in that farm that the Hon. General Assembly gave to me. To my three eldest daughters, Sarah, Mary and Martha, besides what they have already received for their portions, twenty pounds apiece to be paid within one year after my decease out of my estate in New England. To my youngest daughter Susanna Fen, for her portion, one hundred and twenty pounds, to be paid at eighteen years old or day of marriage. To my grandchild Benjamin Fen, son of my eldest son Benjamin, the house, orchard and land formerly Joseph Fenn's, in the town of "Norawake." To all the rest of my grandchildren respectively I do give one ewe sheep to each of them. My will is that my grandchild Benjamin should enter and posses his house and lands at Norawake at the end and period of the lease that it's now let for. My two youngest sons Samuel and James shall come to enter and possess their legacies at their accomplishing of the age of one and twenty years, but, in case my dear and loving wife should see it her way to dispose of herself in marriage before then, it's my will that they should enter upon the one half of their housings and lands at eighteen, and at one and twenty the whole but their mother's third. To my son Samuel my dwelling house, lands and meadows in the parishes of Chiddington, Masworth, Ivingbo, Wing, all of them in Buckinhamshire, given to me by the will of the late deceased Agnis Seare of the same parish and Shire. My said son, if he comes to the full possession of it at one and twenty, to pay to his brother James forty pounds at one and twenty and to his sister Susanna twenty pounds at one and twenty, and twenty pounds to his eldest brother Benjamin within five years after his entrance and possession. All the residue, whether in New England or old I give to my wife Susanna Fen and I make her executrix. My will is that within five years after my decease she pay to each of my three eldest daughters, Sarah, Mary and Martha, ten pounds apiece, to be laid out in old England in pewter and brass for money pay and sent over for their several and respective uses, thy bearing the carge of transportation and the danger of the seas. I entreat my honored, loving friends Mr. James Bishop of New Haven, Mr. Robert Treat, Thomas Wheeler and Daniel Buckingham to lend and afford their best help, council and advice as overseers &c. Wit: Robert Treat, Ephraim Sanford Dycer, 14.
Their children include:
Benjamin Fenn (ca 1640-29 Apr 1689)
Joseph Fenn (ca 1642-1671)
Edward Fenn (ca 1644-2 Feb 1728)
Sarah Fenn (ca 1645-ca 1682)
Mary Fenn (ca 1647-20 Jun 1701)
Martha Fenn (ca 1650-ca 1682)
1834. Sergt. Richard Baldwin. Born ca 1622 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Richard was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, on 25 Aug 1622.64 Richard died in Milford, CT on 23 Jul 1665.64

Richard was a freeplanter in Milford and made a member of the church May 1641, and his wife 5 Feb 1642/3. His home lot was #2, consisting of three acres on the west side of the river, his stepfather John Astwood living one side, and Benjamin Fenn married to his sister on the other.64

From the Baldwin Genealogy:58
    “Richard Baldwin, of Milford, was son of Sylvester Baldwin (who died 21 June, 1638, on the passage over from England on ship Martin); and his wife, Sarah (Bryan) Baldwin. He was baptized in the Parish Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, England, 25 August, 1622, and probably born not long before. He perhaps came with his father, or possible earlier. He could not have been Richard, of Braintree, Mass., in 1637, as supposed by Savage; as Richard, of Braintree, must have been much older. He evidently had a good education for the times. His handwriting was as fine as I [author Charles Candee Baldwin] have seen in any early record.
    “He frequently appeared as attorney before the General Court at New Haven; and his arguments are so redolent of the shrewd, technical manner of the time, that it would seem as if he must have had some schooling in that manner. I think it not unlikely he was in some attorney’s office, perhaps in London—a position the Baldwins of Bucks and Herts inclined to; influenced thereto perhaps by the eminent success of their probable kinsman, Sir John Baldwin, Chief Justice. He was probably in the office of his uncle Henry, a lawyer. This name appears upon the first page of Milford Records, 20 Nov., 1639, among ‘those persons whose names are hereunder written are allowed to be Free Planters, having for the present liberty to act in the choyce of public officers for the carrying on of public affayers in this plantation.’ He was then in church fellowship, according to Lambert, yet he joined the church, 9 May, 1644. Among the names of the planters at New Haven, in 1643 (N. H. Col. Rec., 91) appears Wid. Baldwin, five in family, estate 800, &c. But at least ten other names appear in the two lists, and in the new Haven list near together. Among them were four of the five judges first chosen in Milford. ‘the power was settled in the church to choose persons out of themselves to divide the lands into lots as they shall have light from the word of God, and to take order for the timber.’ He m., after 5 Feb’y, 1642/3, Elizabeth Alsop, sister of Joseph, of New Haven, as at that date she joined the church in Milford in her maiden name.
    “The location of his homestead appears in 1646, he being No. 2, three acres on the west side of the Wepawaug river, just north of the present [1881] residence of Selah Strong, Esq. On one side (no. 1, extreme north, on the west side of the river), was his step-father, Capt. John Astwood; and on the other, Benjamin Fenn, also an eminent citizen, and who m. his sister. The same year, 31 Dec’r, young as he was, he was first of a committee of five appointed to equalize the lots then divided, ‘in the Oyster meadow, the Round meadow, the Calf-Pen meadow, the two Fresh meadows, Dreadful Swamp meadow, the Beaver Pond meadow, and other parcels not yet disposed of.’ At the close of the next month (28 Jan’y), it was ordered, ‘that the town do grant half of Beaver Pond meadow, which is unprised, unto Richard Baldwin and Thomas Tibbals, provided they drain it within six months next coming’; 20 May 1647, he was granted his quarter division, ‘in the place where he desireth’; 22 June, 1648, ‘his other quarter division,’ next to his former; 8 Jan’y, 1648, Baldwin and Tibbals had drained the swamp, and wanted the land (Beaver Pond), they held with the town, divided; the town gave them the upper end. In 1662, he had, with four others, grant of a marsh. His name frequently appears in many ways, and he was evidently an active, energetic, intelligent man of business. He was quite priminent in the settlement of Paugusset (Derby, Conn.) At Milford meeting, June 10, 1655, as Sarj’t Baldwin, he was chosen, with Mr. Fenn, Ensign Bryan and Sarj’t East, to ‘treat and agree with the Indians, being the true proprietors for all or any part of the land purchased betwixt Pagasich & as that falls within our line; and what agreement they make, the town is to stand to it, according to the promises expressed.’ This was perhaps in response to an application, of which the Governor of New Haven Colony informed the General Court, 30 May, 1655, who said that ‘Richard Baldwin, if not some others of Milford, had bine w^th him, and desired liberty from y^e court to buy some loand of y^e Indians about Pauguset; but the magistrate & deputies for Milford desired they might not have leave till they may more fully understand the minds of their toune, to whom they think it will be offensive if granted.’ The next October, Richard made a report to the court (1 New Haven Col. Rec., 156), to which the court made answer, ‘receiving the place under the jurisdiction granting leave to be a small village,’ without being under New Haven or Milford. The court also ‘condescended’ that the petitioners might buy land of the Indians. 3. They are willing that one among themselves, such as the court shall approve of, shall be intrusted with power and authoritie to call meetings, execute warrants, moderate in causes of difference, and take y^e best course ‘he can to carry on things in an orderly and peaceable way.’ 4. Paugasset was to be free from rate for three years. ‘Richard Baldwin was now appointed to be y^e man to carry on y^e trust before mentioned; hee also now declared that they did intend to purchase large tracts of land of the Indians,’ &c. 28 May, 1656, the Paugasset business ‘was now againe in question,’ the magistrates and deputies for Milford objecting to it; and after many debates, it was suggested that the owners resign their claims to Milford, on being paid for the same. Richard Baldwin, for himself and the rest, wanted more accommodiation at Milford, ‘so that they may subsist in a comfortable way to maintain stockes suitable to their families, and Milferd to pay what they had laid out. Millferd men replyed they had not where with all to doe it,’ &c. ‘In the time, the court advised both p’ties to peace,’ and Paugasset to cease until to see if the matter could be arranged. 27th, 3d month, 1657, the business was ‘againe revived,’ Richard Baldwin giving conditions in writing which the court thought reasonable, and ‘desire Milferd and they may joyne in a loveing way; but if Milferd refuse, it is like Newhaven will accept them. 1st, They had liberty to buy Indians’ land over Naugatuck River, and above them northward up into the cuntrye’; 2nd, were to bear their proportion of public service; 3rd, to be free from rates particulary concerning Milford paying ‘jurisdiction rates’; and to the ministrie at Milferd, so long as they enjoye the same,’ and ‘there share towards the killing of woulves and foxes.’ In 1659, the court seem to have been quite uncertain as to the prospect of Paugasset, providing that if it ‘became not a village to the purposes formerly exprest by y^e court, betwixt this and y^e general court in May next, that the place shall be deserted in reference to settled habitation.’ 30 May, 1660, ‘Sarjeant Baldwin informed that an Indian, called ———, the proprietor of the meadow called hogg’s meadow, had bestowed the said meadow upon him; and the said Richard Baldwin desired that it might be an appendix to Paugasset, where some futher preparations had been made this winter, by fencing, for the carrying it o to a village.’ Milford objected it would straiten them, ‘to w^ch Sarjeant Baldwin answered, theat he conceived it must fall one of these three ways, the meadow being his;:1, that either it be an appendix to Paugasset; or 2nd, he being a planter at Milferd, he may enjoy it; or thirdly, if Milferd have it, he may have a valuable consideration for it.’ The court expressed dissatisfaction that Paugasset was not in a ‘settled way.’ ‘Sarjeant Baldwin pleaded that he was hindered by obstruction he had met with by y^e ordinary at Milferd, and by sicknesse the last summer.’
    “This deed is recorded (Col. Record of Lands, Vol. 1, p. 292), as follows: ‘At a meeting with Towtanimoe, Sagamore of Pawgusset, together with some other Pagusset Indians, his subjects, at the house of Richard Baldwin, at Milford, March 2d, 1659-’60, the sayd Sagamore did grant the meadow, known and denominated by the name of Hogg Meadow ** unto Richard Baldwin, *** and doth farther promise and engage, that when the proprietors of Pawgussett shall there come to possesse and improve these property there, he will then sell and make over to them what other upland or meadow shall be for their convenience; and likewise doth ingage, in the meantime, not to make over, sell or dispose of any land *** between the west branch of the Milferd Mill River and Patatuch River, east & west; and afrom the little river on the north side of Grassy Hill, and so northward unto the hither end of the place commonly called deare’s delight, unto any other ** persons whatever,’ &c. Signed by Tawtanimoe, James, Chub, Succuseoge, Seeochduneege, Sassanghsough and Wanwumpecun Indians then present.
    “By a deed dated 6 Sep., 1661, Tawtanimoe gave to Richard Baldwin ‘all the upland adjacent to Hogg’s Meadow, ‘to begin at Milferd line on the south side; and the north side goeth up to the path which goeeth from Pagasset to New Haven; and the west side from Milferd line where the cartway now is that goeth over the Brooke which is on the north side of Grassy Hill; and so broad as it is there to Milford Mill River, the same bredth it is to runn from the sayd Mill River at Pagasset pateh on the north side towards Pagasset; also all the great swamps that lyeth on the east side of the said Mill River, from Milford lyne northward and eastward unto the uttermost bounds of it.’ This is signed by the marks of Towtanimoe, Younkitihue and Towhege, Indians present at the giving of the land.
    “15 Sep., 1665, Ockennung, the sole and onely Sagamore of Pagassett, with the assent of his subjects and his fellow proprietors, confirmed the grants formerly made, and granted them a new deed (Col. Rec. of Lands 1, 388; see Conn. Col. Rec., 1665-1677, p. 513). Richard was then dead; and we shall see, under his son Barnabas, what a curious history Hogg Meadow had. At the Court of Electors, held at hartford, May 10, 1666, a committee was appointed to view these lands, and see what they were and whether fit for a township. The settlement went on, and in 1675 was named Derby. I do not believe Richard wver lived there. The first book of Derby is a small, meagre one. It shows: ‘Item: Mr. Goodyear, Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Gilberd, of New Haven, hath bargained and sold to Richard Baldwin and several others, of Milferd, a tract of land at a place called Pagasuck, and by their men, aboye named, put under New Haven jurisdiction in the year 1655. The house lots are then drawn. Richard has one-half more than the others. he bought out Isaac Platt, exchanges with Ebenezer RIggs, and at his death had 4 12/ acres, instead of 2, which ‘all her living at Pagasuck’ his widow sold to Mr. Alexander Bryan.
    “Richard Baldwin, in 1657, ‘propounded that he hire of teh jurisdiction the customs and excise of such wine and strong liquors as he should draw and sell by retayle,’ for which he gave ten pounds a year. It seems that Ensign Bryan had kept the ordinary, but growing tired of it, the town pitched upon anotehr to succeed him; and, in 1656, the town had complained of him for breaking the court order in ‘selling strong water’ at a higher price than there allowed. Richard no doubt was a prudent, able man, and intended to sell strong water in a manner becoming a Puritan, and possibly not higher than the court allowed.
    “It happended, however, in may, 1659, that John Heardman was complained of for being drunk and disorderly; and the marshall undertaking to arrest him he ‘hitt his hatt o’ the ground, and bid the marshal touch him if he durst’ (Col. Rec., p. 271). Heardman thought they only had ‘e or 4 quarts’ for four persons, ‘w^ch y^e court witnesses against as an excessive quantity for so small a company, w^ch y^e court will consider of.’ Mr. Fenn said Mr. Heardman had friends who would speak for him. Being asked who, he names Sargeent Baldwin; but he now said y^t sargent Baldwin had alwayes given him good counsell; to w^ch it was said, had he given him ore good counsell, and less liquors, it had benn well. It afterward appeared that eleven men drank five pints, and ‘Baldwin desired that God would help him, while hee continues in that employment, to be more watchful,’ and that it happened while Richard was sick—the same sickness no sdoubt alluded to before. It appears that he was then keeping the ordinary; although it would seem now as if it was somewhat out of the centre of the town, unless he had changed location.
    “Richard often appeared as attorney before the General Court of New Haven, arguing in the manner of the day, rather technical for ours, but confining himself more to the case in hand, and with much less respect to hearsay evidence than was common in that day. At the General Court in June, 1654, it looked as if the designe against y^e Duch is like to goe on, and men were agreed on, of which Milford was to furnish twenty-one. Richard was the one Ensign chosen for the colony. He was a member of the General Court for Milford, from May, 1662, to May, 1664, inclusive. In December, 1664, Milford had broken ‘off from y^e colony, so y^t neither magistrate or deputie attend the general meeting.’ The fact is, that by vote of the town, they had submitted themselves to Connecticut, 17 Nov., 1664. At this meeting of the General Court, a committee, of whom Richard Baldwin was one, was appointed ‘for y^e consumating of matters betwixt Conecticutt and us.’ They ‘were empowered and intrusted with the whole affayre’ in preparatory way, communicating to y^e severall townes what they agree upon for their concurrence and confirmation. Richard Baldwin had been unusually active and prominent for his age up to the union, which he favored in Milford. He died, however, 23d July, 1665, and his estate was pesented at Hartford 23 Sept., 1665. His eldest son received, as usual, a double portion. His youngest child, born after his death, was omitted altogether. His widow m. 2nd in 1670, as his 2nd wife, William Fowler, son of William.”
On 5 Feb 1642 Richard married Elizabeth Alsop, daughter of John Alsop (ca 1595-ca 1631) & Temperance Gilbert, in Milford, CT. Born ca 1625 in Alsop-en-le-Dale, Derbyshire. Elizabeth died in Milford, CT in Jul 1688.58

Elizabeth first married Richard Baldwin, second William Fowler.
Their children include:
Lieut. Sylvanus Baldwin (ca 1646-Jun 1727)
Sarah Baldwin (ca 1649-ca 1713)
Mary Baldwin (ca 1653-)
Theophilus Baldwin (26 Apr 1659-bef 22 Jun 1698)
Sergt. Zachariah Baldwin (22 Sep 1660-31 May 1722)
Martha Baldwin (1 Apr 1663-)
Barnabus Baldwin (1665-2 Aug 1741)
1835. Mary Baldwin. Born ca 1623/4 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Mary was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, 28 Feb 1623/4.58 Mary died in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire in Nov 1625. Buried on 3 Nov 1625 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire.58
1836. Mary Baldwin. Born ca 1625/6 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Mary was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, 19 Feb 1625/6.58 Mary died in Milford, CT on 1 Feb 1707.64
On 9 Jan 1642 Mary first married Robert Plumb (2322) , son of John Plumb (1002) (28 Jul 1594-Jul 1648) & Dorothy Wood (ca 1596-aft 1669), in Milford, CT.65 Born ca 1617 in Ridgewell, Essex. Robert was baptized in Ridgewell, Essex, on 30 Dec 1617. Robert died in Milford, CT on 12 May 1655.64

Robert, of Milford, had lot #37 of 5 acres and 3 rods east of the river on North Street.64

He emigrated to New England with his father to Wethersfield, and was one of the first settlers of Milford in 1639.3

Robert’s will was dated 25 Jul 1654/5, proved 17 Dec 1655 at Milford.3
Their children include:
Mary Plumb (9 Feb 1644/5-)
John Plumb (1646-Mar 1728)
Robert Plumb (1648-4 Dec 1703)
Samuel Plumb (Died soon) (1 Dec 1650-)
Samuel Plumb (16 Feb 1652/3-1691)
Joseph Plumb (Posthumous) (10 Jul 1655-)
On 17 Dec 1655 Mary second married Sergt. William East.64 William died ca 1681.
1837. Martha Baldwin. Born ca 1628 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Martha was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, on 20 Apr 1628.58

Martha probably died unmarried.58
1838. Samuel Baldwin. Born ca 1632 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Samuel was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, on 1 Jul 1632.58 Samuel died in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire Jan 1632/3. Buried 4 Jan 1632/3 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire.58
1839. Elizabeth Baldwin. Born ca 1633/4 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, 28 Jan 1633/4.58 Elizabeth died in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire Jan 1633/4. Buried 31 Jan 1633/4 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire.58
1840. John Baldwin. Born ca 1635 in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire. John was baptized in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire, on 28 Oct 1635.58 John died in Stonington, CT on 19 Aug 1683.58

From the Baldwin Genealogy:58
    “John Baldwin, of Stonington, Connecticut, was son of Sylvester, who died on the passage to America, 21 Jun 1738, and brother of Richard, of Milford. His identity is established, beyond all question, by legal proceedings afer the death of his son John. He was baptized in Parish Aston Clinton, County Bucks, England, 28 October, 1635, and no doubt then quite young. Sylvester Baldwin’s family being part of the ‘New Haven Company,’ removed to that place. John was married to his first wife in 1656. According to the records, a home lot, of an acre and a half, was ssigned to him, and he received other grants of land in Milford. His first wife died in 1657, soon after the birth of her son John. Miss Calkins says his name appears in the New London records occasionally after 1654. His descendant, John D., of Worcester, says 1664. He was in Milford in 1658, and one of the heroes of New London, who had the strife with men of Lyme, in 1671, about the bounday line. On the 24th of July, 1672, he married Rebecca Plamer, daughter of the first Walter Plamer, of Stonington, and youn widow of Elisha Cheeseborough. They settled in Stonington, where seh oened a large tract of land. She outlived him about thirty years, and died May 2nd, 1713.”
    “John Baldwin was in the famous difference between New London and Lyme. A meadow at Black Point [now in the town of East Lyme], claimed by both towns, had been reserved by each for the respective clergymen of the towns. The war was in 1671. About thirty New London men, among whom were the leading persons in the thown, went to mow the grass for their minister, and were met and resisted by a party from Lyme, there on a similar errand for their minister. There was strife; and constables were there, and justices too, so that warrants and arrests were well mixed up with blows. A general melee took place, with no very grat hearm. The cooler heads finally agreed to let the llaw decide the matter, and ‘drank a dram together with some seeming friendship.’ Each party was indicted; and as no disinterested men could be found in that connty, they were tried at Hartford—twenty-one men of New London, and fifteen of Lyme. The town of New London was fined £15, adn Lyme £9.
    “John Baldwin was complained of by a Lyme man for bruising him with a cudgel. President Dwight says the two towns agreed to submit it to a combat, two bging selected by each, of whom the Lyme champions beat. This late appeal to ‘wager of battle’ is dubious.”
In 1653 John first married Marie Berewen, daughter of John Berewen, in Milford, CT.3 Marie died in Milford, CT soon after 13 Apr 1657.58
Their children include:
John Baldwin (13 Apr 1657-1678)
On 24 Jul 1672 John second married Rebecca Palmer, daughter of Walter Palmer (ca 1589-10 Nov 1661) & Rebecca Short (-15 Jul 1671), in Stonington, CT.58 Born ca 1647 in Rehoboth, MA. Rebecca was baptized in Rehoboth, MA, on 1 Jul 1647. Rebecca died in Stonington, CT on 2 May 1713.58
Their children include:
Rebecca Baldwin (20 May 1673-12 Mar 1699/1700)
Mary Baldwin (24 Feb 1675-)
Sylvester Baldwin (4 Mar 1677-1732)
Sarah Baldwin (8 Dec 1680-)
Jane Baldwin (Died young) (ca 1681-)
1841. Ruth Baldwin. Born in Aston Clinton, Buckinghamshire.

Ruth was mentioned in her father’s will, but not in her mother’s.58
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