Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2647. Mary Farrow. Born ca 1633 in Hingham, Norfolk. Mary was baptized in Hingham, Norfolk, on 22 Sep 1633.16 Mary died in Hingham, MA on 24 Oct 1708.88

Mary first married Samuel Stowell, second Joshua Beal as his second wife.

Mary came to Hingham, MA, with her parrents in 1635.42
On 25 Oct 1649 Mary first married Samuel Stowell in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1625 in England.42 Samuel died in Hingham, MA on 9 Nov 1683.45 Occupation: Blacksmith.

William H. H. Stowell’s Stowell Geneology: a record of the descendants of Samuel Stowell of Hingham, Massachusetts,88 begins with Samuel Stowell:
    "Samuel Stowell was a blacksmith. In those days, especially in a small community like Hingham, the village blacksmith was a very useful member. He not only shod the horses, but repaired all the wagons, farming tools and implements and, what was of greate importance, the fire arms with which those pioneers defended their homes and property. His work was humble and undoubtedly crude measured by modern standards, but it covered a wide scope, was essential and apparently was well done for he stood well and was a erspected member in that rather dignified and self respecting community, for his descendants all married into the best families of Hingham and Newton.
    "Samuel does not appear to have taken any part in the political or official or church life of Hingham for his name does not appear as an office holder. Bringing up a large family seemingly engrossed all his time and thoughts. His mental characteristics are shown in that clause of his will wherein he provided for his wife and children.
    "The will of Samuel Stowell was dated 27 Oct. 1683, probated 30 Jan 1783-4. Wife mary and sons Samuel and David Stowell appointed Administratrix and Administrators. 'To wife Mary for her maintenance and the bringing up of my children, not already brought up, during the time of her widowhood, then on her marriage or decease, the estate is to be divided among my children, both sons and daughters, my eldest son Samuel to have a double share. My beloved friends Capt. John Jacob and Thomas Lincoln to be overseers of my estate.' Inventory 185.1.2 (Suff. Prob., Vol. 6, p. 447.)
    "Residence, Fort Hill Street, Hingham. Had a lot in Hingham granted to him in 1656 and drew lot No. 4, his share in undivided land in Cohasset in 1670. 'At a town meeting 12 Dec. 1677, the inhabitants who are proprietors of the undivided common lands in said Hingham give and grant unto Samuel Stowell to his heirs and assigns forever, the 59th lot in 4th Division of land in said Hingham and Weymouth, containing ten and one-half acres, etc.'"88

Samuel Stowell is mentioned in Rev. Peter Hobart’s diary in 1649.42

More from the Stowell Genealogy88 about the sons of Samuel Stowell:
    The original immigrant, Samuel, had eleven children, seven of whom were sons. One of these died in infancy; the other six married. Of the six married sons, four remained in Hing-
ham, viz.: Samuel, John, William and Benjamin; and their records fully appear in the Vital Statistics of Hingham, The other two, viz.: David and Israel moved to Newton where they raised large families, but the destruction by fire in 1770 of the church archives of Newton has left us with very imperfect data as to the births, marriages and deaths of their children.
    The Hingham group, comprising four out of six married sons of Samuel, left the following descendants:
    Samuel^2 who had only 1 married son and 4 married grandsons.
    John^2 who had only 1 married son and 2 married grandsons.
    William^2 who had only married son and married grandsons.
    Benjamin^2 who had only 1 married son and 3 married grandsons.
Making a total of 3 married sons and 9 married grandsons.
    The Newton group comprising two out of the six married sons of Samuel, left the following descendants:
    David^2 who had 5 married sons and 18 married grandsons.
    Israel^2 who had 2 married sons and 11 married grandsons
making a total of 7 married sons and 29 married grandsons.
    It will be seen that one-half of the grandsons of Samuel and nearly one-half of the great grandsons were descendants of David^2 and over one quarter were descendants of Israel^2 and that the Newton group furnished over three quarters of all the descendants of Samuel^1. Moreover, twelve out of the eighteen grandsons of David^2 were children of David^3, Jonathan^3 and Nathaniel^3. Thus one-third of all the descendants of Samuel^1came from these three who went to Connecticut, which is probably the origin of the general tradition that “the Stowell family is descended from three brothers.” In view of these facts the loss by fire of the early data of three quarters of the Stowell family has not only been a serious handicap in tracing them, but also in separating the children of David from those of Israel as well as determining which of David’s children were by his first wife, Mary Champney, and which were by his second wife, Mary Stedman. Its importance is so apparent that it has been considered desirable to give in detail every known fact bearing upon the question.
    During the earlier years of the work of compilation the prevalent belief was that David^3, Jonathan^3, and Nathaniel^3 were the children of Israel^2 and the work was prosecuted for some time upon that theory. Some still adhere to it, but I have failed to find and they have failed to furnish any positive proof sustaining it; on the contrary, the known facts assign them to David^2.
    They have been credited to David^2 largely by a process of elimination. They could not have been the children of Samue^2, John^2, William^2 or Benjamin^2 (the Hingham group) because the Vital Statistics of Hingham contain very complete data respecting all the members of that group, which data such as dates of birth and marriage exclude them from being their possible parents. It will also be noticed that the Hingham records make no mention whatever of either David, Jonathan or Nathaniel, an omission not likely to occur if they had belonged to the Hingham group, for they were too prominent and too numerous to have been overlooked by that painstaking community. They must therefore have been the children of either David or Israel, although there is no affirmative proof in any town record to show which. If it can be shown by the Court records that they were not the children of Israel, then, perforce, they must have been the children of David.
    The Administration of the Estate of Israel, and the Court records relative thereto clearly show they were not the children of Israel. Marriage and birth dates negatively show the same thing; hence they must have been the children of David, the only possible parent left.
    It will be borne in mind that no known fact conflicts with this theory, while under it every fact is possible; furthermore, from wills, baptisms and other sources all the other children of both David and Israel can be properly placed and accounted for.
    Administration of Estate of Israel Stowell. Midd. Prob. No. 15587, 6 Sept. 1725. Administration was granted on the Estate of Israel Stowell, late of Newton, deceased, to Israel Stowell his eldest son, etc.
    7 Jan. 1726. Appraisers appointed, Joseph Ward, William Marean, John Stone. Bondsmen, Israel Stowell, weaver of Newton, Joseph Ward, husbandman.
    27 April 1726. The following heirs sign the appraisal of the estate signifying their approval: “Israel Stowell, eldest son; Abigail Stowell and Elizabeth Stowell of full age; Robert Murdock guardian of Isaac Stowell and Temperance Stowell, minors.”
    Vol. 17, p. 491. 14 Nov. 1726. The estate could not be divided without prejudice to its value so the Judge “at the nomination of Israel Stowell, the deceased’s eldest son, Abigail Stowell and Elizabeth Stowell, daughters of full age and Robert Murdock, guardian of the two minor children of said deceased, appoints Joseph Ward, William Marean and John Stone, all of Newton, to appraise the estate.”
    14 Nov. 1726. The guardianship of Isaac Stowell, a minor in his 19th year, and of Temperance Stowell in her 15th year, two children of Israel Stowell, late of Newton, deceased, intestate, at their own election, is committed to Robert Murdock of said Newton, yeoman. Israel Stowell, weaver, surety.
    10 Jan. 1727. The heirs of Abigail Stowell, Elizabeth Stowell and Robert Murdock, guardian, sign Israel's account.
    Vol. 45, p. 286. 9 Nov. 1736. Isaac Stowell of Dcdham, weaver; Abigail Pease, wife of Josiah Pease of Upton, Worcester Co., husbandman; Elizabeth Stowell and Temperance Stowell, both of Newton, singlcwomen; heirs of Israel Stowell, deceased, receipt to Israel Stowell, Administrator, for their share of the property.
    The record of the Court that Israel^3 is the eldest son is the crux of the whole question. The Court proceedings covering a period of over ten years make no mention of David, Jonathan or Nathaniel, an omission hardly possible had they been Israel’s children. The following facts about Israel's children are, however, established.
    1. Abigail, the oldest child, was born in Hingham per Hingham records 13 Sept. 1699. We know Israel moved to Newton in 1700.
    2. Israel designated by the Court as the oldest son was bom about 1703 after the family moved to Newton.
    3. Elizabeth designated by the Court as of full age in 1726 was bom about 1705. .
    4. Isaac, guardianship records state he was in his 19th year in 1726, hence bora about 1708.
    5. Temperance, guardianship records state she was in her 15th year in 1726, hence born about 1712.
    As Israel^3, born about 1703, was the eldest son as shown by the Court Records, then David^3, Jonathan^3 and Nathaniel^3 — if they were his brothers — must have been born after 1703 and must also have been bom in the years intermediate between the births of Israel, Elizabeth, Isaac and Temperance; hence David could not have been bom earlier than 1704 and Jonathan not earlier than 1706.
    We know that David married Patience Herrington, 2 May 1716; that he bought land in Newton, 1 May 1717, and executed a mortgage 4 Jan. 1718; hence if David^3 was the son of Israel^2 as claimed, he was only twelve years old when he married Patience in 1716; only thirteen years old when he bought that land in 1717; only fourteen years old when he executed that mortgage in 1718 and only fifteen years old when Elizabeth was born in 1719.
    We know that Jonathan^3 married Margaret Hammond, 8 Oct. 1719; bought land in 1718 and sold land in 1721; therefore, if he were a son of Israel^2 as claimed, he was only thirteen years old when he married; only twelve years old when he bought that land and only fifteen when he executed that deed. The improbability of these youthful marriages and the impossibility of such land transactions, coupled with the Court records,clearly eliminate them as the children of Israel^2; hence David^2 is the only possible parent remaining.
    David^2 left no will, nor are there any Court records to sho2 whether he was or was not the father of David^3, Jonathan^3 and Nathaniel^3; but a strong presumption that he was the father of David^3 is shown in Supreme Court case No. 16369 where an Attachment was issued against David Stowell, Senior, and David Stowell, Junior, 15 Dec. 1722, on account of a bond they had jointly given R. Dewing. This bond contains the original signature of David Stowell, Senior and David Stowell, Junior, and points to a relationship between them; besides at this time, there was no other David Stowell in existence, nor was one possible.
    The strongest evidence that they were the sons of David^2 lies in the fact that the 2d Church of Watertown has a record of the baptism on 20 Nov. 1709, of David, Mary, Jonathan, John, Nathaniel, Josiah and Benjamin, all children of '”Goodman Stowell” and that “Goodman Stowell” and his wife owned the Covenant and that the five oldest children consented to the Covenant on that day. All these were his children by the 2d wife Mary Stedman and were all baptised on the same day.
    As we know from other data that Mary, John and Benjamin were undoubtedly children of David^2, it follows that their brothers David, Jonathan and Nathaniel were also his children. Equally strong is the fact that Robert Murdock and David Stowell married sisters and that Robert Murdock was appointed guardian of Israel's children, Isaac and Temperance. If David, Jonathan and Nathaniel had also been children of Israel, Robert Murdock would have been appointed their guardian. They were omitted because Robert Murdock knew them to be the children of his brother-in-law, David Stowell.
    On the other hand presumptive evidence against David being their father is found in the case of Benjamin^3 a son of David^2, who died unmarried and whose estate was administered by his brother John^3.
    Midd. Prob. No. 15585. 22 Dec. 1729. Administration on the estate of Benjamin Stowell, unmarried, late of Newton, deceased, husbandman, granted to John Stowell of Watertown, husbandman, with Samuel Stowell of Watertown, clothier, as surety; worded “Whereas your late brother Benjamin Stowell, late of Newton, deceased, etc.”
    Over a year afterwards the Court instructed John to “notify the heirs to appear” showing there had been some delay or difficulty in the matter.
    11 Feb. 1731. John Stowell was instructed by the Court to notify the heirs to appear and he endorsed on the back of the order that he had “notified the follomng heirs to appear, viz. Samuel Stowell, Ruth Osborn and Mary King.” This includes the names of all the then living children of David except the three we are considering. It would seem as though the absence of their names in the Court proceedings would eliminate them as children of David, just as we eliminated them in the case of Israel, but there is this difference. Israel's estate was fully considered and finally settled by the Court. Benjamin's estate was never wound up or settled in Court nor considered in the Court beyond the above quotations, but was apparently settled by the heirs by an agreement among themselves outside of the Court.
It will be noticed John reports to the Court that he has “Notified the following heirs” implying he has not notified all of them, possibly because at that time David, Jonathan and Nathaniel were living in Pomfret, Conn., and consequently were beyond the jurisdiction of the Court, but more probably because John the Administrator also bought land in Pomfret about this time and lived there for a while and that as Benjamin's property was personal they made amicable division among themselves and never closed up the case in Court.
    As there are no records of the birth of David's children by either Mary Champney or Mary Stedman, the dates can be given only approximately; the parentage, however, is established by the will of Samuel Champney.
    Midd. Prob. No. 4242. Will dated 21 Sept. 1692. Probated 6 Jan. 1695-6. Mentions his wife Sarah, sons Samuel and Joseph, daughter Sarah Clark and grandchildren, Sarah and Mercy Clark. He also mentions David Stowell and his grand children, Samuel Stowell and Ruth Stowell, children of his daughter Mary (Champney) Stowell, deceased; Samuel Stowell to receive his legacy when he is twenty-one and Ruth Stowell when she is seventeen. In case both his sons Samuel and Joseph die without issue, then property goes to daughters. In a Codicil made 11 May 1694, he cancels his bequest to his wife Sarah, deceased, and to his son-in-law David Stowell, but does not cancel his bequest to David's children, Samuel and Ruth.
    This cancellation was probably because David had married again. As Samuel Champney did not make his will or the codicil until after the death of his daughter Mary and until after David Stowell had married Mary Stedman, it is evident Samuel and Ruth were the only children of David by Mary Champney and by inference the other children were by Mary Stedman. The latter, in the absence of any other data, have been arranged in the order named in their baptism, which is also the order of their marriage.
    1. David^3 married Patience Herrington 2 May 1716 and was probably bom about 1693.
    2. Mary^3 married John King 2 April 1718 and was probably born about 1695.
    3. Jonathan^3 married Margaret Hanmiond 8 Oct. 1719 and was probably bom about 1697.
    4. John^3 married Sarah Ford 1 Nov. 1722 and was probably bom about 1699.
    5. Nathaniel^3 married Margaret Trowbridge 22 Oct. 1731 and was probably bom about 1703.
    6. Josiah^3 was probably bom about 1705.
    7. Benjamin^3 was probably bom about 1708.
    8. Elizabeth^3 was baptised at Watertown in 1711.
    Suff. Prob., 27 Jan. 1678. Administration was granted on estate of Nathaniel Stedman (aged about 50) deceased, to Temperance Stedman, his widow.
    Midd. Deeds, 2 Jan. 1693-4. Temperance Stedman, widow, and Nathaniel Stedman, Junior, only son, and Robert Murdock of Roxbury and his wife, Hannah Murdock, one of the daughters of Nathaniel Stedman, Senior, of Muddy River, deceased, intestate, sell to Roger Adams of Muddy River, land that was Nathaniel Stedman 's Senior.
    Midd. Deeds, Vol. 12, p. 255. David Stowell and Robert Murdock, both of Cambridge, husbandmen, sell on 29 June 1698 to Thomas Belknap of Cambridge, glover, for £17.0.0, land in Wobum, Mass., containing Mansion House, called “Forty pound Meadow” theirs by inheritance. (Signed:) David Stowell; Mary Stowell, his wife; Robert Murdock, Hannah Murdock, his wife.
    Mary Stedman, born before 1678, the date of her father’s death, was probably a minor in 1693-4 at the time of the first sale cited above for her name does not appear on that deed, but she became of age before the second sale in 1698 when her name appears. Hannah Stedman married Robert Murdock, per Roxbury records, 28 April 1692. Mary Stedman married David Stowell, per Cambridge records, either on the 7 April 1692 or 7 April 1695. There is some doubt about the date of Mary’s marriage. The original entry in the Midd. Prob. Registry appears to have been changed from 7 April 1693 to 7 April 1692, apparently a contemporary correction. The figures do not suggest 7 April 1695, a date often quoted, though the dates of the two deeds quoted above would indicate it was in 1695 rather than in 1692. On the other hand, preceding this entry on the original paper are two other marriages of Dec. 1692 and immediately following it is another of Dec. 1692. As there are only four marriages in the group, the correct date is apparently 7 April 1692. This date is confirmed also by Midd. Deeds Vol. 18, p. 220, David Stowell with consent of wife Mary, sells to John Ellis, land in Cambridge, 7 Jan. 1694, showing he was married to Mary Stedman before 7 April 1695, unless the Mary who signed was Mary Champney. Now the codicil to the will of Samuel Champney, dated 11 May 1694, states that his daughter Mary was then dead; hence if it was his daughter Mary who signed that deed on the 7th Jan. 1694, then she must have died and David must have married Mary Stedman in the four month interval between the 7th Jan. 1694 and 11 May 1694.
    Midd. Deeds, Vol. 14, p. 429. Nathaniel Hobart of Hingham sells to David Stowell of Watertown, weaver, land in Watertown 6 Feb. 1707-8, showing David lived in Watertown in 1708.

Will: The will of Samuel Stowell of Hingham was dated 27 Oct 1683, probated 30 Jan 1783/4. Wife mary and sons Samuel and David Stowell appointed Administratrix and Administrators. “To wife Mary for her maintenance and the bringing up of my children, not already brought up, during the time of her widowhood, then on her marriage or decease, the estate is to be divided among my children, both sons and daughters, my eldest son Samuel to have a double share. My beloved friends Capt. John Jacob and Thomas Lincoln to be overseers of my estate.” Inventory 185.1.2 (Suff. Prob., Vol. 6, p. 447.)
Their children include:
Mary Stowell (15 Aug 1653-22 Oct 1714)
Samuel Stowell (8 Jul 1655-21 Sep 1695)
John Stowell (15 Mar 1658-10 Nov 1689)
David Stowell (ca 1660-9 Sep 1724)
Remember Stowell (22 Apr 1662-5 Nov 1694)
(an infant) Stowell (Died soon) (5 Sep 1664-21 Sep 1664)
William Stowell (23 Jan 1665/6-28 Sep 1693)
Israel Stowell (Died soon) (27 Apr 1668-15 Nov 1669)
Israel Stowell (10 Aug 1670-7 Aug 1725)
Elizabeth Stowell (7 Jun 1673-25 Sep 1746)
Benjamin Stowell (8 Jun 1676-5 Aug 1730)
[10] Apr 1689 Mary second married Joshua Beal (2542) , son of John Beal (1161) (ca 1588-1 Apr 1688) & Nazareth Hobart (2297) (ca 1601-23 Sep 1658), in Hingham, MA.16 Born in 1633 in England.45 Joshua died ca 1717.45

Joshua’s first wife’s name was Elizabeth. He married second Mary (Farrow) Stowell, widow of Samuel Stowell.

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    Selectman 1669, 1671, 1677, 1679, 1686, 1691, 1694, and 1699; Representative in 1700. In his will, dated 25 Jan. 1715-16, gives legacies to Ruth Gannett, ‘that was formerly my servant;’ ‘to cousin Joshua Beal, the son of my brother Caleb; to grandchildren Samuel, David, Jonathan, Daniel, Elizabeth, Mercy, and Hannah French;’ and ‘all the remainder of my estate to my two children Stephen French and Abigail French.’ For many yrs. he had charge of, and received compensation ‘for maintaining the drum.’ Resided on Fort Hill St., on land given him by the town ‘to set a house upon.’

Joshua, a widower who lived on a lot adjoining the Stowell's and was a selectman of Hingham in 1669-1699 and a Deputy to the General Court for Hingham in 1700.88
2648. John Farrow. Born ca 1639 in Hingham, MA. John was baptized in Hingham, MA, in Jun 1639.16 John died in Hingham, MA 27 Jan 1715/6.45 Occupation: Carpenter.

John was constable 1672. He resided in the second precinct which later became Cohasset. HIs will of 10 Feb 1708/9, proved 9 Apr 1716, mentioned his wife Frances and seven children, who of whom, namely, Hannah and William, having deceased before him.45
On 14 Aug 1664 John first married Mary Hilliard, daughter of William Hilliard (ca 1614-) & Hester, in Hingham, MA.45 Born on 6 Jun 1644 in Boston, MA.45 At the age of 11, Mary was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 25 Jun 1655.45 Mary died in Hingham, MA, on 14 Sep 1689; she was 45.45
Their children include:
Mary Farrow (25 Oct 1665-)
Hannah Farrow (9 Dec 1667-bef 1702)
Abigail Farrow (27 Jan 1669/70-28 Apr 1723)
John Farrow (8 Dec 1672-1758/59)
Hester Farrow (28 Jun 1675-21 Jan 1760)
William Farrow (17 Nov 1677-23 Dec 1702)
Percilla Farrow (ca 1680-26 Aug 1712)
Remember Farrow (3 Feb 1682/3-ca 1719)
Sarah Farrow (29 Aug 1685-)
On 16 Nov 1694 John second married Frances in Hingham, MA.45 Frances died aft 10 Feb 1707/8.16
2649. Remember Farrow. Born ca 1642 in Hingham, MA. Remember was baptized in Hingham, MA, in Aug 1642.45 Remember died in Hingham, MA on 11 Sep 1715.45
3 Feb 1659/60 Remember married Henry Ward, son of Samuel Ward, in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1635.109 Henry died in Hingham, MA on 4 Apr 1715.45

Henry and Remember resided in Hingham where their twelve children were born. Henry may have been the son of Samuel, or he may have been the son of the unidentified Henry who died in 1642.109
Their children include:
Elizabeth Ward (26 Aug 1663-9 Nov 1741)
Deborah Ward (6 Nov 1664-)
Henry Ward (20 Sep 1666-6 Jul 1733)
John Ward (14 Nov 1668-9 Feb 1758)
Frances Ward (18 Feb 1670/71.-)
Edward Ward (ca Jul 1672-)
Nathan Ward (23 Oct 1675-)
Samuel Ward (15 Nov 1678-)
Remember Ward (18 Mar 1680/1-)
Benjamin Ward (3 Mar 1682/3-19 Jun 1751)
Joseph Ward (4 Sep 1684-)
David Ward (Died soon) (9 Oct 1690-ca 23 Oct 1690)
2650. Hannah Farrow. Born ca 1648 in Hingham, MA. Hannah was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 9 Apr 1648.45
On 9 Jun 1674 Hannah married Nathaniel Folsom (10007) , son of John Folsom (ca 1605-27 Dec 1681) & Mary Gilman (3369) (ca 1615-ca 1692), in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1644 in Hingham, MA. Nathaniel was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 2 Jun 1644.45 Nathaniel died in Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire in 1720.
2651. Nathan Farrow. Born on 17 Sep 1654 in Hingham, MA.16 Nathan was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 17 Sep 1654.45 Nathan died in Hingham, MA, on 18 Oct 1715; he was 61.45

Nathan resided at Liberty Plain, South Hingham. His will was dated 7 Oct 1715, proved 14 Oct 1718.45
On 5 Dec 1683 when Nathan was 29, he first married Mary Gardner, daughter of John Gardner (-24 Nov 1668) & Mary Arnold (-9 Oct 1710), in Hingham, MA.45 Born on 19 Nov 1654 in Hingham, MA.45 Mary died in Hingham, MA 27 Feb 1709/10.45
Their children include:
Frances Farrow (16 Dec 1684-)
Christian Farrow (Died young) (13 Oct 1686-Apr 1694)
Jonathan Farrow (10 Jun 1689-15 Apr 1751)
Benjamin Farrow (ca 1692-)
Nathan Farrow (29 Apr 1695-30 Jul 1739)
23 Mar 1710/1 Nathan second married Joanna May, daughter of Samuel May, in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1666 in Roxbury, MA. Joanna was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 11 Mar 1666. Joanna died in Hingham, MA on 15 Sep 1751.45

Joanna first married Francis Gardner, second Thomas Whiton, and third Nathan Farrow as his second wife.
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