Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2642. Lydia Doane. Born ca 1625 in England.16 Lydia died bef Oct 1681.
On 11 Sep 1645 Lydia married Samuel Hicks, son of Robert Hicks (ca 1585-24 May 1647) & Margaret (-1665/6), in Plymouth, MA.254 Born ca 1611 in England. Samuel was baptized in St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey, on 18 Aug 1611.16 Samuel died ca 1676.

From Josiah Paine’s “Early Settlers of Eastham”:95
    “Samuel Hicks was among the first who went to Nausett after the settlement commenced. He came over with his mother, Margaret, in the Ann in 1623, to meet his father, Robert, who had previously come in the Fortune. His age at the time is not known. He was in Plymouth in 1643 and able to bear arms. He went to Nausett and was the constable in 1646. He was a representative to the Colony court in Jun, 1647, and also in 1649 with Mr. John Doane. He did not long remain in Eastham. He was a resident of Barnstable as late as 1662, and an inhabitant of Dartmouth in 1670, where the family was interested in somelanded estate.”

From The Doane Family:254
    “Samuel Hicks seems to have been a man of standing. He was in Plymouth in 1639, when he bought his father's house, out-houses and garden-plot, with two cows, and lands on the north and south sides of the town. He was admitted a freeman Mar. l, 1641-2 and contributed one-sixteenth part of the money to build a barque of forty or fifty tons, costing £200. He was among the first who went to Nauset, or Eastham, after the settlement commenced. He was constable there in 1646, and represented the town in the Colony Court in 1647, and again in 1649 with his father-in-law Deacon John Doane. He returned to Plymouth, where two of their children were born, and was a constable in that town in 1654. He was sometime an inhabitunt of Barnstable. Mr. Otis says, he was admitted an inhabitant there Oct. 8, 1662, but had then resided in the town several years.
    “In 1661, there was ‘a difference’ between Samuel Hicks and his mother, about the will of his father Robert and it was agreed that Samuel should pay his mother ten pounds, and leave ‘the winescot bedstead and the table in the hall to remain in the house as now it stands,’ the bouse to revert to Samuel at his mother's decease.
    “He removed to Dartmouth where his father had been interested in some landed estate. In 1666 an Indian named ‘Daniell’ was examined before the court for striking Samuel Hicks, of Acushna or Dartmouth ‘so that he languisheth and hath been in danger of death.’ The Indian confessed that he ‘struck or punched Hicks with an axe or the haft of it,’ but claimed that Hicks first struck him. After a hearing Daniell was fined four pounds and four shillings for bill of charges, and forty shillings for loss of Hicks time, and ten shillings to John Haward for going to Plymouth as a witness.
    “On June 5, 1667, Samuel Hicks was one of the selectmen and a Receiver of Excise for Dartmouth. He was in the list of freemen there in 1670, and a deputy to the Colony Court.”
Their children include:
Thomas Hicks (ca 1646-ca 1698)
Sarah Hicks (ca 1648-2 Nov 1688)
Samuel Hicks (ca 1650-aft 1704)
Dorcas Hicks (14 Feb 1651/2-ca 1700)
Margaret Hicks (9 Mar 1654-)
John Hicks (ca 1657-)
Joseph Hicks (ca 1659-)
Robert Hicks (ca 1655-between 18 Sep 1707 and 11 Apr 1709)
2643. Abigail Doane. Born ca 1631 in Plymouth, MA.16 Abigail died in Norwich, CT 23 Jan 1734/5.254 Buried in Town Burial Ground, Norwich. “Here Lyes Interred ye Remains of Mrs. Abigail Lothrop ye Relect of Mr. Samuel Lothrop of Norwich Born At Plymouth Ano 1631 & Lived in Norwich 43 Years And Dyed Januray 23^D Ano^d 1734^-5 In ye 104^Th Year Of Her Age”.

From The Doane Family:254
    “From entries in Eastham town records, it is inferred that [Abigail] was, to some extent, engaged in business. Her name appears several times on Eastham records as the owner of horses.
    “May 6, 1672, sold and delivered according to a Court Order by Abigail Doane, to an Indian called Moses, one bay horse, ear marked two slits, a star in the forehead, a little white streak over the left nostril, burn marked E on the near buttock.—Eastham town record.
    “On the one hundredth anniversary of her birth, an audience of her neighbors and church people assembled in her rooms at Norwich, where a sermon was preached by her pastor, the Rev. Benjamin Lord. At this time, it is claimed, she retained to a remarkable degree the intelligence and vivacity of her earlier years.
    “Caulkins' History of New London gives the following notice of her death, copied from the New England Weekly Journal: ‘Mrs. Abigail Lothrop died at Norwich, Jan. 23, 1735, in her 104th year. Her father John Doane and his wife came to Plymouth in 1630, and there she was born the next year. She lived single till she was sixty years old and then married Mr. John (Samuel) Lothrop of Norwich, who lived ten years and then died.”
Ca 1690 Abigail married Hon. Samuel Lathrop, son of Rev. John Lothrop (1584-8 Nov 1653) & Hannah House (1590-16 Feb 1633/4). Born ca 1622 in Egerton, Kent. Samuel died in Norwich, CT on 19 Feb 1700.

Samuel was a judge, Barnstable County, 1643. He served in Major Williard's expedition against Ninigret in 1654, and he served with Lieutenant Avery in the expedition for the relief of Uncas, 1659(?).

On 1648 Samuel went to New London, then called Pequot, where he built the ‘Second Church’ and held positions of responsibility and honor. In 1649 the General Court organized a local court at Pequot and Samuel Lothrop was one of the judges. In 1668 he removed to Norwich, where he is recorded as Constable and Townsman.254
2644. John Doane. Born ca 1635 in Plymouth, MA.254 John died in Eastham, MA 15 Mar 1707/8.148

From The Doane Family:254
    “Mr. Doane went with his father’s family from Plymouth to Nauset, or Eastham, in 1645. He was a man of prominence in Eastham, and for many years was in tbe public service. He was a selectman almost every year from 1678 to 1700. He often served as a juror, and was the constable of Eastham in 1661 and 1693. In 1701 and 1702 he was one of the Negative Men. In 1664 he was appointed one of the Receivers of Excise for Eastham. at 1668 he was of the Grand Inquest and in 1669 he was a Justice of the Select Court. He represented his town in the Colony Court in 1684 and 1685, and in the General Court at Boston in 1693, 1694 and 1702. He was a large landholder and was quite extensively engaged in farming. It is understood that his homestead was near that of his father. Mr. Doane was of the same religious faith as his father, and a member of the First Church of Eastham. He doubtless was buried in the old rown Cove burial ground.”
On 30 Apr 1662 John first married Hannah Bangs (5735) , daughter of Edward Bangs (ca 1591-Feb 1677/8) & Rebecca Hobart (2304) (ca 1611-1679), in Eastham, MA.148 Born ca 1644 in Plymouth, MA.254 Hannah died aft 1677.

Hannah was living at Eastham in 1677 , then being named in her father’s will.254
Their children include:
John Doane (Died soon) (20 Mar 1662/3-15 May 1663)
John Doane (29 May 1664-22 Nov 1755)
Ann Doane (25 Jul 1666-12 Feb 1758)
Rebecca Doane (12 May 1668-19 Dec 1758)
Hannah Doane (17 May 1669-6 Jun 1765)
Isaac Doane (2 Jun 1670-29 Dec 1755)
Samuel Doane (2 Mar 1673-15 Aug 1756)
David Doane (ca 1674-18 Nov 1748)
On 14 Jan 1684 John second married Rebecca Pettee in Eastham, MA.148 Rebecca died bef 1708.
2645. Dea. Daniel Doane. Born ca 1637 in Plymouth, MA.16 Daniel died in Eastham, MA on 20 Dec 1712.254 Buried in Town Cove Burial Ground. “Here Lyes ye Body of Deacon Daniel Doane Dec^D Dec^R ye 20^th 1712 In The 76 Year Of His Age”.

From The Doane Family:254
    “Mr. Doane went from Plymouth to Eastham with his father's family, in 1645. He settled in that part of Eastham now known as East Orleans, near where Mr. Joseph Taylor now resides. He was a prominent man in the affairs of the town and church. He was a selectman each year from 1691 to 1696; a juryman in 1677, 1686, 1687, 1689; a surveyor of highways in 1667, 1673, 1699, 1700, 1704. He was a deacon of the First church for many years, probably succeeding his father Dea. John Doane. He was an extensive landholder, the Eastham records showing many grants to him, nearly all of which were within the limits of the present town of Orleans. One of his children, evidently the eldest, was accidentally drowned in a well at Eastham, and an investigating jury was impanelled Sept. 22, 1667.”
Bef 1666 Daniel first married Constance Snow (4311) , daughter of Nicholas Snow (1703) (ca 1599/1600-15 Nov 1676) & Constance Hopkins (2722) (ca 1606-middle of Oct 1677). Born ca 1646.
Their children include:
(A Son) Doane (Died young) (ca 1666-Sep 1667)
Daniel Doane (late 1660s-1 Sep 1743)
Dea. Joseph Doane (27 Jun 1669 [prob. 1668]-27 Jul 1757)
Constance Doane (7 Mar 1669/70-5 Mar 1741/2)
Rebecca Doane (1672-bef 1740)
Israel Doane (ca 1672-aft 5 Jun 1740)
Dea. Nathaniel Doane (ca 1680-1758)
Abigail Doane (ca 1683-Jul 1764)
Ruth Doane (ca 1685-bef 15 Mar 1722)
Aft 1682 Daniel second married Hepzibah Cole, daughter of Daniel Cole (ca 1614-21 Dec 1694) & Ruth Chester (ca 1627-15 Dec 1694). Born on 16 Apr 1649 in Eastham, MA.148

Hepzibah married first George Crispe, second John Doane.

Children of George and Hepzibah (Cole) Crispe, born in Eastham:148
    i. Mary Crispe, b. 9 Dec 1678, m. 1 Dec 1700 Samuel Gold of Topsfield; and
    ii. Mercy Crispe, b. 15 Oct 1681, m. Geroge Williamson.254
Their children include:
2646. Ephraim Doane. Born ca 1642 in Plymouth, MA.16 Ephraim died in Eastham, MA ca 1700.254

From The Doane Family:254
    “Ephraim Doane does not appear to have been prominent either in town or church affairs. Only a little of his life can be gleaned from the public records.
    “On March 3, 1662-3, he and three others were fined twenty-five shillings each, for trading of liquor with the Indians, and he and Thomas Ridman were fined fifty shillings each, for permitting the Indiane to have liquor in their boats, ‘it appearing that one of the Indians was drunk thereby.’ Oct. 29, 1669, he was before the court for ‘horribly slandering and belying his neighbours’ at Eastham and was fined ‘the sume of twenty shillings for telling two lyes about the same.’ June 6, 1678, he was again before the court to answer to the complaint of ‘Jawannum, late wife of James Pequin of Billingsgate, as suspected by her and Nicholas, to have been an occasion of the violent death of the said Pequin, her husband.’
    “He settled within the limits of Eastham. He took the oath of fidelity before Mr. Freeman in 1670, and was admitted a freeman June 5, 1684. His name appears in Truro June 17, 1690, and is in a list of the legal inhabitants of Eastham in 1695. He was a surveyor of highways in Eastham in 1691 and again in 1692. He made lis will Dec. 17, 1699, and desires his wife's children, by her former husband, John Snow, of whom there were nine, to share equally with his own children, after the decease of his wife Mary.”

Will: The Will of Ephraim Doane, proved 19 Apr 1700.

In ye Name of God Amen, ye seventh day of December in ye year of ye Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and nine, I Ephraim Doane of ye Town of Eastham in ye County of Barnstable in ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay in N. England being sick and weak of Body but of good and perfect memory, Thanks be to Allmighty God and calling to Remembrance ye uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make constitute and declare this my last will and Testiment in manner and form following: Revokeing and Annulling by these presents all and every Testiment and Testiments will and wills by me heretofore made and declared either by word or writing, and this is to be taken only for my Last will and Testament and no other, flrst and principally I give and comitt my Soul to God my creator and my Body to ye earth by decent burial and tuching such worldly Estate as ye Lord in mercy hath Lent me, my will and meaning is that ye same shall be bestowed and Imploid in manner and form following that is to say, flrst I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in Right or contience to any manner of person or persons shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my executrix hereafter named.

It. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Doane all my moveable estate (after my debts are paid) and ye use and Improvement of ye one half part of my now dwellinghouse and ye land thereunto adjoining and belonging with ye one halfe of ye Barn and all other ye appurtinances belonging to messuage with ye one half of all my meadow Land Iying within ye Township of Eastham during ye Terme of her natural Life and that what of my moveable Estate shall be Left after my sd wifes decease and debts paid my will and meaning is that ye same shall be divided among ye children. That is to say ye children which I had by my former wife, and ye children which my now beloved wife had by her former husband John Snow deceased, I say to be divided among sd children by Equall proportions.

It. I make constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Mary Doane executrix. In witness whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day and year above mentioned.

ye mark of Ephraim Doane [seal]

Joseph Doane
Mary Snow [her mark]
Jona Sparrow
On 5 Feb 1667 Ephraim first married Mercy Knowles (3243) , daughter of Richard Knowles (17 Sep 1614-prob. between 1670 and 1675) & Ruth Bowers (1322) (1616-1687), in Eastham, MA.148,62 Born 1640s in Plymouth, MA. Mercy died in Eastham, MA.26

Mercy, also known as Mary.
Their children include:
Patience Doane (Died young) (28 Jan 1668-1675)
Apphia Doane (18 or 28 Jul 1670-)
Eld. Hezekiah Doane (last week of Aug 1672-1752)
Thomas Doane (4 Sep 1674-8 May 1756)
Ebenezer Doane (Apr 1676-)
Nehemiah Doane (Died young) (Aug 1680-Feb 1684)
Patience Doane (last week of Apr 1682-aft 28 Sep 1746)
Ruhama Doane (30 Apr 1685-)
Ca 1692 Ephraim second married Mary Smalley (2952) , daughter of John Smalley (1243) (ca 1613-30 Jul 1692) & Ann Walden (-29 Jan 1693/4).31 Born on 11 Dec 1647 in Eastham, MA.62 Mary was baptized in Barnstable, MA, 27 Feb 1647/8.132 Mary died in Eastham, MA in 1703.254

From Underhill:126
    “Mary Doane did not long survive [her husband]. A lengthy inventory of her estate was taken Nov. 22, 1703, by Josiah Cook, Sr., and Joseph Young, Sr., to which was added:
    “‘Memorandum on the 8th day of December 1703, John Snow of Parmett in the County of Barnstable... did personally appear and made oath that this above written.. . was a true Inventory of the estate of his late mother Mary Doane, late of Eastham deceased.’ (Probate Records, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, vol. 2: 144, 145. )”
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D. Pane-Joyce
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