Pane-Joyce Genealogy
John Smalley (1243) & Ann Walden
2950. Hannah Smalley. Born on 14 Jun 1641 in Plymouth, MA.62 Hannah died aft 1708.
23 Jan 1660/1 Hannah married John Bangs, son of Edward Bangs (ca 1591-Feb 1677/8) & Lydia Hicks (ca 1612-), in Eastham, MA.62,148 Born ca 1634.16 John died in 1708.

John and Hannah evidently had no children, since his will, dated Jan. 27, 1702/03, at Eastham, left his entire estate to his wife, Hannah, who was to be ‘sole Executrix.’ The will was proved May 17, 1708; witnesses, Joseph Doane, George Shaw, Beriah Smith, all of Eastham.132
2951. John Smalley. Born on 8 Sep 1644 in Plymouth, MA.62 John died in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey, on 13 Sep 1732; he was 88.

From Underhill:126
    “He followed the fortunes of his parents, and, in 1675, had a farm at Piscataway surveyed for him. In 1683, he came into possession of a hundred acres of land at Ambrose Brook; in 1685, he took up another hundred acres.
    “The will of ‘John Smalley, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, yeoman,’ dated Sept. 13, 1731, was proved May 25, 1733. It mentions ‘wife Liddea,’ sons Jonathan, Elisha, and Benjamin, daughters and daughters-in-law; also lands bought of Hezekiah Bonham (?), Joseph Gilman, and Benjamin Cull (Hull?). (New Jersey Archives, Abstracts of Wills, First Series, vol. 30: 437.)”
On 18 Oct 1667 when John was 23, he married Lydia Martin, daughter of John Martin (ca 1620-5 Jul 1687) & Hester Roberts (ca 1628-ca 1687), in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey.16 Born in 1655 in Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire. Lydia died in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey on 20 Sep 1731.
Their children include:
Lydia Smalley (Died young) (31 Mar 1679-7 Oct 1682)
John Smalley (Died soon) (3 Mar 1679/80-3 Oct 1682)
Jonathan Smalley (10 Apr 1683-ca 1763)
John Smalley (Died young) (1 Jun 1685-30 Jul 1692)
Lydia Smalley (Died young) (9 Sep 1687-6 Feb 6 1699/1700)
Martha Smalley (20 Jan 1692/3-)
Phebe Smalley (20 Jun 1695-)
Martin Smalley (1 Sep 1697-)
Elisha Smalley (4 Feb 1699/1700-)
Benjamin Smalley (20 Nov 1702-ca 1737)
2952. Mary Smalley. Born on 11 Dec 1647 in Eastham, MA.62 Mary was baptized in Barnstable, MA, 27 Feb 1647/8.132 Mary died in Eastham, MA in 1703.254

From Underhill:126
    “Mary Doane did not long survive [her husband]. A lengthy inventory of her estate was taken Nov. 22, 1703, by Josiah Cook, Sr., and Joseph Young, Sr., to which was added:
    “‘Memorandum on the 8th day of December 1703, John Snow of Parmett in the County of Barnstable... did personally appear and made oath that this above written.. . was a true Inventory of the estate of his late mother Mary Doane, late of Eastham deceased.’ (Probate Records, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, vol. 2: 144, 145. )”
On 19 Sep 1667 when Mary was 19, she first married John Snow (4306) , son of Nicholas Snow (1703) (ca 1599/1600-15 Nov 1676) & Constance Hopkins (2722) (ca 1606-middle of Oct 1677), in Eastham, MA.148 John Snow and Mary Smale were maried: the 19th of September: 1667,”. Born ca 1638 in Plymouth, MA. John died in Eastham, MA bef Apr 1692.99

John took the freeman’s oath at Eastham 5 Jun 1684, and resided there for most of his life except a short period at Piscataway, NJ, where his wife’s parents moved.99

    Except for a short period at Piscataway, he lived at Eastham until his death about 1692.126
    The inventory of the “Estate of John Snow, of Eastham, Late deceased taken this 4th of April: 1692,” by John Freeman and William Walker, mentions “to housing and his whole Right in purches [purchasers] Lands at Pammet,” £ 50. “Mary Snow Relict of sd deceased” made oath to the inventory April 20, 1692, and it was so recorded April 22, 1692. “The Settlement of The Estate of John Snow Late of Eastham, deceased,” gave to his wife Mary one third part of his real estate during her natural life, and one third part of his personal estate forever, the rest of the personal estate “for bringing up ye children of sd deceased Saving her paying to each of the Daughters four pounds a peece as they com to be of age or married: and the Sons... to have the Lands and housing According to Law.” (The Mayflower Descendant, vol. 12: 190. )126
Their children include:
Hannah Snow (26 Aug 1670-1717)
Mary Snow (10 Mar 1672-bef 15 Mar 1752)
Abigail Snow (14 Oct 1673-)
Rebecca Snow (23 Jul 1676-31 Aug 1753)
Dea. John Snow (3 May 1678-Oct 1738)
Isaac Snow (10 Aug 1683-bet 15 May 1745 and 15 Feb 1748)
Lydia Snow (29 Sep 1685-)
Elisha Snow (10 Jan 1686/7-bet 15 Jan 1744 and 8 Feb 1752)
Phebe Snow (27 Jun 1689-May 1715)
Ca 1692 Mary second married Ephraim Doane (2646) , son of Dea. John Doane (1186) (ca 1590-21 Feb 1685[/6]) & Ann (-1 Jun 1654).31 Born ca 1642 in Plymouth, MA.16 Ephraim died in Eastham, MA ca 1700.254

From The Doane Family:254
    “Ephraim Doane does not appear to have been prominent either in town or church affairs. Only a little of his life can be gleaned from the public records.
    “On March 3, 1662-3, he and three others were fined twenty-five shillings each, for trading of liquor with the Indians, and he and Thomas Ridman were fined fifty shillings each, for permitting the Indiane to have liquor in their boats, ‘it appearing that one of the Indians was drunk thereby.’ Oct. 29, 1669, he was before the court for ‘horribly slandering and belying his neighbours’ at Eastham and was fined ‘the sume of twenty shillings for telling two lyes about the same.’ June 6, 1678, he was again before the court to answer to the complaint of ‘Jawannum, late wife of James Pequin of Billingsgate, as suspected by her and Nicholas, to have been an occasion of the violent death of the said Pequin, her husband.’
    “He settled within the limits of Eastham. He took the oath of fidelity before Mr. Freeman in 1670, and was admitted a freeman June 5, 1684. His name appears in Truro June 17, 1690, and is in a list of the legal inhabitants of Eastham in 1695. He was a surveyor of highways in Eastham in 1691 and again in 1692. He made lis will Dec. 17, 1699, and desires his wife's children, by her former husband, John Snow, of whom there were nine, to share equally with his own children, after the decease of his wife Mary.”

Will: The Will of Ephraim Doane, proved 19 Apr 1700.

In ye Name of God Amen, ye seventh day of December in ye year of ye Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and nine, I Ephraim Doane of ye Town of Eastham in ye County of Barnstable in ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay in N. England being sick and weak of Body but of good and perfect memory, Thanks be to Allmighty God and calling to Remembrance ye uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make constitute and declare this my last will and Testiment in manner and form following: Revokeing and Annulling by these presents all and every Testiment and Testiments will and wills by me heretofore made and declared either by word or writing, and this is to be taken only for my Last will and Testament and no other, flrst and principally I give and comitt my Soul to God my creator and my Body to ye earth by decent burial and tuching such worldly Estate as ye Lord in mercy hath Lent me, my will and meaning is that ye same shall be bestowed and Imploid in manner and form following that is to say, flrst I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in Right or contience to any manner of person or persons shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my executrix hereafter named.

It. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Doane all my moveable estate (after my debts are paid) and ye use and Improvement of ye one half part of my now dwellinghouse and ye land thereunto adjoining and belonging with ye one halfe of ye Barn and all other ye appurtinances belonging to messuage with ye one half of all my meadow Land Iying within ye Township of Eastham during ye Terme of her natural Life and that what of my moveable Estate shall be Left after my sd wifes decease and debts paid my will and meaning is that ye same shall be divided among ye children. That is to say ye children which I had by my former wife, and ye children which my now beloved wife had by her former husband John Snow deceased, I say to be divided among sd children by Equall proportions.

It. I make constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Mary Doane executrix. In witness whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day and year above mentioned.

ye mark of Ephraim Doane [seal]

Joseph Doane
Mary Snow [her mark]
Jona Sparrow
2953. Isaac Smalley. Born on 11 Dec 1647 in Eastham, MA.62 Isaac was baptized in Barnstable, MA, 27 Feb 1647/8.126 Isaac died in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey, on 11 Feb 1725; he was 77.

From Underhill:126
    Isaac removed with his parents to Piscataway.
    “He took up land in 1683, subsequently becoming a large landowner. He was Town Clerk, 1686, 1688-1705, 1709; Assessor, 1688-89, 1693, 1711-12; and, as ‘Isaac Smalley, Esq.,’ Justice of the Peace, 1703, 1711. The will of ‘Isaac Smalley of Piscataway Town, yeoman,’ dated 1 Dec. 4, 1724, was proved Feb. 11, 1724/25. He mentions wife Mary, ‘children, Joseph, Joshua, Isaac (under age), Mary Broderick, Ester Langstaff, Margaret, Martha, Hannah, Lidda, and Elizabeth,’ also, ‘cousin Jonathan Smalley.’ His home farm of twenty-eight acres, in Piscataway, lots of upland and meadow are described, as well as personal estate; wife Mary, ‘sole executrix; witnesses: ‘Sam’1 Walker, Benjamin Hull, Marttin Stein.’ (See New Jersey Archives, Abstracts of Wills, First Series, vol. 23: 423.)”126
20 Feb 1683/4 Isaac first married Esther Wood, daughter of John Wood (13 May 1630-20 Mar 1691/2) & Mary, in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey.16 Born 1 Mar 1665/6 in Attercliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Esther died in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey on 29 Apr 1701.126
Their children include:
Isaac Smalley (19 Mar 1685-3 Dec 1702)
Mary Smalley (13 Oct 1686-)
John Smalley (Died young) (5 Jul 1689-1 Jun 1701)
Esther Smalley (7 Sep 1691-)
Joseph Smalley (1 May 1693-1736/7)
Benjamin Smalley (Died young) (26 Nov 1694-16 Dec 1701)
Joshua Smalley (12 Mar 1698/9-)
Margaret Smalley (Died soon) (10 Oct 1700-14 Oct 1701)
On 18 Mar 1703 when Isaac was 55, he second married Mary White in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey.16 Mary died aft 1725.
Their children include:
Margaret Smalley (11 Jan 1703/4-)
Martha Smalley (7 Jun 1706-)
Hannah Smalley (1 Mar 1707/8-)
Lydia Smalley (12 Mar 1709/10-)
Isaac Smalley (17 Apr 1714-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.