Pane-Joyce Genealogy
3431. Isaac Cummings. Born ca 1629 in Mistley, Essex. Isaac was baptized in Mistley, Essex, on 20 May 1629.319 Isaac died in Mistley, Essex in May 1629. Buried on 23 May 1629 in Mistley, Essex.319
3432. John Cummings. Born ca 1630 in Mistley, Essex. John was baptized in Mistley, Essex, on 9 May 1630.319 John died in Dunstable, MA on 1 Dec 1700.319

From the Cummings Memorial:149
    “John Cummings, (listed among the commoners, 1672) by his father’s will, 1677, was made sole executor and given the ‘house and lands, 40 acres more or less,’ from which were to be paid the legacies io other heirs. In 1661, he was taxed 10s. in Rowley Village (Boxford). Four hundred acres were laid off there to him and Thomas Dorman and Robert Stiles. This was bordered on the west by the Andover line. In 1678-0, he is spoken af as ‘a gatherer’ in Boxford of a rate ‘to procure powder and bullets.’ Both himself and wife were members of the Topsfield church and dismissed, but he ‘without recommendation’ Dec. 6th 1685. But on the 16th of the same month he was one of seven males mentioned as having entered into covenant to form the church in Dunstable. He had become a proprietor, one of the first fourteen proprietors, of that new town, some three years before, Nov. 30, 1682. Jonathan Tyng deeded lands to him and to Isaac, John Jr., and Thomas Cummings at the same time, Jan. 29, 1683. He was selectman in 1682, and for several years town clerk.”

From J.W. Linzee’s History of Peter Parker and Sarah Ruggles of Roxbury:17
    John Cummings probably came to America with his father Isaac in 1637, and settled first at Ipswich, Mass.; nothing is known of his early life, but soon after his marriage he resided in Boxford about 1656, and at Topsfield in 1658, where the majority of his children were born.
    (Ipswich Deed II : 36) John Cumings was in Rowley on the 1 July 1661, when he bought land from Robert Stiles.
    (Town records of Rowley, Mass.) The name of Jno. Cumings appears on the 19 June 1662, and on the 16 Apr. 1668 he was still a resident or owned land in that town.
    Laid out for Thomas Dorman John Commins Robert Stilles foure hundred acres of Land on the east bounding on the land of William Stickney and the Rest the highway on the north that parts it and mrs mary Rogers land and from against the south west corner of hir land it is bounded by the south ends of John Jonson Charles Browne and others lands till it come to a tree marked in the Line betwene Andeuer and Rowley and soe allonge by the line southerly the south side is bounded by a streight hue from the plumpe of trees on the north side of humphrays pond that bounds William Stickney land and the Rest to a Tree marked in the line betwene this village land and Andeuer about fifty Rod from the great hill end.
    (Early Ct. Files Suff. No. 162060) The Testimonie of John Cummins of Rowley Viledg and Abraham Redington, being desired by our neighbours of Topsfield to helpe them to measure the difference betweene the line that Mr Danford & Mr Noyce did run betweene Sallem and Topsfield and that this was run by Mr Joseph Gamer and measuring it in place we found it . . . five score and upward, and we found it four score and upward in a place, and in a third place we found it thirteen score rod & upward. May 24. 1664.
    Jn0. Cumins and Isa: Cumins were freemen of Tops: 7 May 1673.
    (Ipswich Deed IV : 301) I John Cummins of Topsfield . . . planter and Sarah my wife . . . unto Thomas Baker of Topsfield . . . gent ... do sell . . . four acres of meadow lyeing in Topsfield . . . which was given to my wife by the will of her father Deacon Thomas Hewlett deceased . . . bounded ... on vpland of William Hewlett and on meadow of Samuel Howlett . . . Dated 15 Jan. 1679. Rec. 14 Jan. 1679 [sic].
    In presence of James Chute, John How.
    (Topsfield Hist. Coll. V : 6) John Cummings ... he received by his fathers will the homestead, consisting of forty acres of land with houses, barncs, orchards and fences in 1667, and in 1680 he sold the same to Edward Nealand (Kneeland); this farm was bounded by land of the above Kneeland, by land of Tobijah Perkins, and the Ipswich common land.
    John Cummings next appears as one of the first settlers of Dunstable, Mass., in 1680, and was selectman there in 1682. The following deed discloses the names of many of the original proprietors of that town.
    (Midd. Deed XIII : 64) Jonathan Tyng sold land to the Proprietors of the Town of Dunstable as are now inhabitant & residing within ye said Town: Mary Tying, Mr. Thomas Weld, Samuel
Warner Senr, John Blanchard, Robert Parris, John Cumings Senr, Isaac Cumings, John Cumings junr, Thomas Cumings, John Acres, Samuel French, Andrew Cooke, Thomas Lund, John Sollendine, Robert Usher, Robert Proctor, Christopher Read, Joseph Wright, Joseph Hassell, Obadiah Perry, Christopher Temple, Frances Cooke, John Goole, Samuel Beal, Joseph Parker Senr. Dated 29 Jan. 1683. Ack. by Jonathan Tyng 9 Oct. 1701. Rec. 22 Oct. 1701.
    (Early Ct. Files Suff. No. 2318) Jolm Cumings Robert Parris and John Blanchard were selectmen of Dunstable, Joseph French was Town Clerk. Dated 27 July 1685.
    On the 7 Dec. 1685 John Cummings and his wife Sarah were still members of the church of Topsfield, and were voted dismission to John Cummings without recommendation, and to his wife with commendation to the church to be shortly gathered at Dunstable.
Ca 1655 John married Sarah Howlett (5796) , daughter of Dea. Thomas Howlett (ca 1606-1677/8) & Alice French (2339) (ca 1610-26 Jun 1666).319 Born 3 Mar 1633/4 in Ipswich, MA. Sarah died in Dunstable, MA on 7 Dec 1700.319
Their children include:
John Cummings (ca 1656/7-)
Dea. Thomas Cummings (6 Oct 1658-20 Jan 1722/3)
Nathaniel Cummings (10 Sep 1659-ca 1728)
Sarah Cummings (28 Jan 1661-ca 1715/1722)
Abraham Cummings (ca 1663-bef 1707)
Isaac Cummings (Died unmarried) (ca 1666-2 Nov 1688)
Ebenezer Cummings (Died unmarried) (ca 1668-2 Nov 1688)
William Cummings (Twin, died young) (4 Aug 1671-30 Mar 1672/3)
Eleazer Cummings (Twin) (5 Aug 1671-)
Benjamin Cummings (23 Feb 1672/3-)
Alice Cummings (ca 1675-)
Samuel Cummings (28 Dec 1677-)
3433. Dea. Isaac Cummings. Born ca 1632/3 in Mistley, Essex. Isaac was baptized in Mistley, Essex, 17 Mar 1632/3. Isaac died in Topsfield, MA in Jan 1721.

From the Cummings Memorial:149
    Isaac Cummings lived in Ipswich. He was on the list of commoners, 1672. ‘Sergeant in Narragansett War.’ He held various offices in the town, moderator, surveyor, constable, selectman. He was chosen deacon of the church, I686. The story of his experience with the minister, Rev. Thomas Gilbert, shows that he was influential before he was deacon. For the minister one day came into the pulpit, badly beside himself from drink. His speech was confused and he forgot the order of exercises. First he prayed and he sang, then he prayed again and sang. Finally, Isaac Cummings arose and requested him to stop. The deacon was not above all the influences prevailing in his time. For at the period of the witchcraft excitement he testified in court against Elisaheth How, that a mare of his was strangely affected under Elisabeth’s bad influence. His testimony was corroborated bv that of Isaac, his son, and of Mary, his wife. Elisabeth How was condemned, and executed in July I692.
    Isaac and Mary sold to Tobijah Perkins, July 9, 1674, ‘44 acres, which was all of Cummings’ land, south of Howlet’s brook and bounded west by Lt. Francis Peabody, south by Daniel Borman, east by land William Howlet’s house is built on, with privilege to cart through Cummings’ farm from this land to Winthrop's Hill.’ Mr. Perkins. also sold 20 acres to Isaac Cummings, ‘furderest devision next to farmer Nequallis (Nichols) land.’ in 1686 he bought of Joseph Chaplin and wife Elizabeth, 67 acres in Rowley Village. This he deeded to his son Isaac in 1708. His homestead bounded by lands of Potter on the north and Foster on the east, of Pea body on the south and of Perkins also on the east, was deeded to his son John, Mar. 1714-5.

Will: The following is an abstract of the will made Apr. 27, 1712, proved Jan. 19, 1721-2:149

I Give son Isaac £30 which I formerly paid him; also all that parcel of land in Boxford I bo't of Jos. Chaplin, of
Rowley, abt seven acres, of which I have already given him a deed.

Son John to have that land where he now dwells on the south side of the river, being 50 acres; also ten acres on south side of the river: also all my houses, buildings, &c., in consideration of what he has done for mine and my wife’s support while my wife lived and in consideration that he maintain me honorably during my natural life and be at charges of my funeral. He have residue of estate and approve him executor.

To son Thomas, for whom I have done considerable already, helping him purchase land to value of £60 I have paid for him which I do will to him, his heirs &c. as also my English dictionary which is his portion.

To daughter Abigail Perly I give her £60 which I have paid, excepting a feather bed and bedstead and under bed and sett of curtains to be paid to her by my executor, also three bed-blankets.

My daughter Rebecca Howlet to have £60 which I have paid her.

To my granddaughter Lydia Cumengs, child of my son Isaac, £30 in household goods already paid her.149
On 27 Nov 1659 Isaac married Mary Andrews (5931) , daughter of Robert Andrews (2426) (ca Nov 1609-29 May 1668) & Grace (-25 Dec 1701), in Topsfield, MA.205 Born ca 1640 in Boxford, MA.319 Mary died in Topsfield, MA bef 1712.
Their children include:
(infant son) Cummings (Died soon) (28 Aug 1660-28 Aug 1660)
(infant son) Cummings (Died soon) (2 Nov 1661-2 Nov 1661)
(infant son) Cummings (Died soon) (6 Dec 1662-6 Dec 1662)
Isaac Cummings (15 Sep 1664-7 Aug 1746)
John Cummings (7 Jun 1666-16 Jul 1722)
Thomas Cummings (27 Jun 1670-bef 25 Dec 1749)
Mary Cummings (16 Feb 1671/2-16 Dec 169[3?])
Rebecca Cummings (1 Apr 1674-)
Abigail Cummings (ca 1676-22 Jan 1725/6)
Stebbings Cummings (27 Feb 1680/1-3 Jul 1706)
3434. Anne Cummings. Born ca 1634/5 in Mistley, Essex. Anne was baptized in Mistley, Essex, 22 Feb 1634/5.319 Anne died in Enfield, CT on 29 Jun 1689.319
On 8 Oct 1669 Anne married John Pease, son of Robert Pease & Marie [Pease], in Salem, MA.149 Born 11 Feb 1631/2 in Great Baddow, Essex. John died in Enfield, CT on 8 Jul 1689.149

From the Cummings Memorial:149
    “[John] obtained a grant of land in 1681 in Springfield, Mass., in the town now known as Enfield, Conn. He was a surveyor and laid out the plan of that village.”
Their children include:
James Pease (23 Oct 1670-19 Dec 1748)
Isaac Pease (15 Jul 1672-9 Jul 1731)
Abigail Pease (Died young) (15 Oct 1675-9 Jul 1689)
3435. Elizabeth Cummings. Born ca 1637.319 Elizabeth died in Ipswich, MA on 9 Jul 1679.319
On 2 Feb 1661 Elizabeth married John Jewett, son of William Jewett (ca 1605-13 Apr 1661) & Anne Cole (5 Mar 1607-), in Rowley, MA.149 Born on 24 Nov 1637 in Bradford, Yorkshire. John died in Ipswich, MA in Nov 1708.17
Their children include:
Elizabeth Jewett (5 Jan 1661/2-4 Oct 1728)
Hannah Jewett (ca 1662-ca 1731)
Sarah Jewett (7 Mar 1668-6 Mar 1704)
Abigail Jewett (Died soon) (27 Nov 1670-3 Aug 1672)
John Jewett (12 Sep 1672-8 May 1741)
Abigail Jewett (Died soon) (13 Sep 1675-14 Nov 1675)
David Jewett (3 Apr 1677-)
Mary Jewett (27 May 1679-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.