Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Priscilla Mullins (1950) & Hon. John Alden
4970. Elizabeth Alden. Born ca 1625 in Plymouth, MA. Elizabeth died in Little Compton, RI on 31 May 1717.271 Buried in Old Commons Cemetery, Little Compton.

Elizabeth is supposed to have been the first white female child born in New England.
On 26 Dec 1644 Elizabeth married William Pabodie (2850) , son of John Pabodie (1225) (ca 1590-ca 1667) & Isabel Harper, in Duxbury, MA.62,192 Born ca 1619 in England. William died in Little Compton, RI on 13 May 1707.271

William spelled his last name Pabodie and variants.

    “William, who grew up in Duxbury, Mass., is referred to in various documents of the period as a yeoman, boatman, planter, and wheelwright. He was also a land surveyor. On Nov. 1, 1648, four years after he was married, he bought from John Holland and Hopestill Foster of Dorchester, Mass., a dwelling house, garden, stables, land and meadow. He later bought additional tracts of land in Mattapoisett and Sepecan. At one point, on Oct. 27, 1680, he adjusted a boundary line between his lands and those of Mrs. Sarah Parke and William Brewster. He served as a Duxbury town officer and as a representative or deputy to the General Court at Plymouth, being repeatedly elected to the court from 1654 to 1663, then again in 1668, and continuously from 1671 to 1682. He was admitted a freeman of the colony June 5, 1651.
    “About 1684, he removed to Little Compton, then in Massachusetts but now in Rhode Island, where he had acquired a share in lands. Thus he established in Rhode Island what has come to be known as the Rhode Island branch of the family.”

Will: "The Last Will &Testament of William Pabodie of Little Compton in the County of Bristoll being aged and weakly, but of perfect understanding, as at other times, blessed be God for it, for the settling & continueing peace in my family and amongst my children after my decease do order my estate in the world as followeth

"Impris that my Body after it be Dead have Decent buriall & all funerall charges be Defrayed out of my estate....

"Item That all my Lawful Debts be fully & clearely and truely payed out of my estate as soon after my Death as Conveniently Can....

"Item I give unto my beloved wife all my houseing and lands in that part of ye town of Little Compton aforsd called the three quarters of a mile square the land being the one halfe of fourteen eleven acre lotts of land lyeing all of them in said three quarters of a mile square the Dwelling house being the East end of said house (the one halfe of sd fourteen eleven acre lotts of land. I gave formerly unto my son William Pabodie as may appear by a Deed of Gift unto him under my hand and Seal) Dureing the time of her widowhood: but if she Marry againe then I give her the Third part only Dureing her life. Allso I give unto my sd wife all my household stuff beds and beding puter brass Iron Tinn wood except onely one sett of Green Curtaines which I have given unto my Daughter Lidea Greenill after my wives Decease Together with the vallens thereunto belonging Allso I give unto my wife what cattle or beast of any sort or kind shall be found mine at my Death Together allso will all Bills due unto me at my death and what money shall be found mine at my Death Provided she Marry not againe and allso Rest contented with this my bequest to her in this my last will & Testament But if my wife shall see cause to claime her Thirds of my house and lands that was mine at Duxbury which I sold unto Samuel Bartlett and make use thereof then my will is my son William Pabodie shall have the whole use of houseing & lands at Little Compton & pay Samuel Bartlett fifty shillings by the year Dureing the time his mother makes use of her thirds at Duxbury....

"Item my will further is that if my wife will not be Contented with her thirds at Little Compton onely nor with her thirds at Duxbury onely but shall claime her thirds in both places or Marry Againe then my will is that I do hereby make Voide all my Bequest to her before Mentioned in this my last will & Testament and that she shall have onely such part of my estate as the law provides when the Husband. Dyes Intestate, and my bequest in this my last will & Testament in what is more then the law Request as aforesaid shall goe to make up the Damage any person shall sustain by her Refusall....

"Item I give to my son William Pabodie after his Mothers death that part of my house and land in Little Compton which I have bequeathed unto his mother dureing her life to him & his heirs for ever with all the Appurtenances....

"Item I give unto my son William Pabodie one Quarter part of a four & Twenty acre lott of land in Little Compton to him and his heires and assigns for ever....

"Item I give unto my son William Pabodie all my books not otherwise Disposed of before my Death and all my tools Axes hoes augurs saws Chaines hooks plows Irons. Crow & c...

"Item I give unto my three Gransons Namely Stephen Southworth the naturall son of my daughter Rebecca now Deceased and the naturall sons of my son William Pabodie Namely John Pabodie & William Pabodie as followeth, whereas there are certain lands belonging unto me the Testator Lyeing in or about a place called Wesbanange westward of the town of Providence in Rhod Iland Jurisdiction in New England not as yet bound out nor Divided namely one whole share I purchased of Philip Taber as may apear by Deeds under the hand & seale of sd Taber bearing date November the 12th 1685. and one other share in sd. Land in the same Country Purchased by my son William ffoabs of Shuball Painter as may appear by Deed under his hand and seal bearing date March the 8th, 1682, but assigned over by the said William ffobes unto my son in law Icabod Wiswell and my self the Testator as may appear by an assignment on the back side said Deed Now I give unto my three Gransons before named viz Stephen Southworth John Pabody and William Pabodie one third part of that whole share of land bought of Phillip Taber the other two third parts haveing formerly sold unto my two sons in law namely Edward Southworth & William ffobes allso I give two third parts of my halfe share of what was said Suball Painters the other third part of said half share I sold unto my said son in law Edward Southworth now I say the one third part of my share I bought that was Suball Painters I give unto my said three Gransons namely Stephen Southworth John Pabodie & William Pabodie by an equal Division to them and their heirs for ever.

"Item I give unto my naturall Daughter Mary one shilling & to my naturall Daughter Mercey one shilling and unto my naturall Daughter Martha one shilling and unto my naturall Daughter Priscilla one shilling & unto my Naturall Daughter Ruth one shilling and unto my naturall Daughter Hannah one shilling & to my naturall Daughter Lidia one shilling and to the heires of my naturall Daughter Elizabeth one shilling and unto the heirs of my naturall Daughter Rebeccah one shilling.

"Lastly I constitute and apoint my beloved wife & my son William Pabodie sole executors of this my last will and Testament Desireing my beloved friends:
    William Pabodie(s)
"Signed and sealed in the
presence of these witnesses May: 13th: 1707
John Woodman
Peter Taylor
Samuel Wilbore"

An inventory of William's estate included the following groups of items: 70 acres of land; six acres of out land; a share of land in "a Purchase called Washganaug in Rhoad Island Collony"; a dwelling house and half the barn; one mare and her yearling being a mare; one cow and her young calf; sundry books; two feather beds and the furniture belonging to them; four basins, three platters and three porringers; a tankard, a pint pot, a bowl, a cup and a plate; two old chamber pots, one bed pan, two cups and some old pewter; two iron pots and one iron kettle; an old brass pan, two kettles and two skillets; two trammels, a spit, a pair of tongs and a fire slice; a pair of andirons, an old dripping pan, an old skimmer, two turning pots and a grater; a warming pan and two earthen pots; four trays, three keelers and a cheese fatt; three chests and nine chairs; old tools, an old saddle and bridle; two pairs of pinchers, two hammers, four awls, six fishing hooks and lines; two old plow chains, an iron bar and a pair of old plough shares; a pair of cupples and a half peck; a dozen napkins, two table cloths and a looking glass; a grid iron and an old sword; a pair of marking irons, a small pewter bottle and a cow bell; a churn, a runlett and two glass bottles; powder, shot and flints; two pounds, six shillings in cash; linen and woolen wearing apparel; and a pitch fork, for a total estate valued at 407 pounds, 14 shillings.

An account of the administration of the estate was filed by the son William on Sept. 13, 1709, showing he had paid each of the heirs their cash legacies and paid the expense of the funeral, which included "one shilling for the robe, six shillings for digging the grave, three shillings for the coffin, twelve shillings for 3 gallons of rum and 13 shillings for the grave stones, besides paying the doctor two pounds and three shillings."
Their children include:
John Pabodie (4 Oct 1645-17 Nov 1669)
Elizabeth Pabodie (24 Apr 1647-bet 1677 and 1679)
Mary Pabodie (7 Aug 1648-aft 1727)
Mercy Pabodie (2 Jan 1649/50-between 26 Sep 1728 and 8 Nov 1728)
Martha Pabodie (24 Feb 1650/1-25 Jan 1712)
Priscilla Pabodie (Died soon) (16 Nov 1652-2 Mar 1653)
Priscilla Pabodie (15 Jan 1653/4-3 Jun 1724)
Sarah Pabodie (7 Aug 1656-27 Aug 1740)
Ruth Pabodie (27 Jun 1658-bet 25 Apr 1724 and 27 Mar 1725)
Rebecca Pabodie (16 Oct 1660-3 Dec 1702)
Hannah Pabodie (15 Oct 1662-29 Apr 1723)
William Pabodie (24 Nov 1664-17 Sep 1744)
Lydia Pabodie (3 Apr 1667-13 Jul 1748)
4971. Capt. John Alden. Born ca 1626 in Plymouth, MA.16 John died in Boston, MA on 14 Mar 1702.31

Capt. John “removed to Boston about Dec 1659, and lived in the west part of the town at Alden’s lane, now [1849] so called. He had command at different times of several of the Massachusetts armed vessels, and often visited the coast at the eastward, where the few English settlers were much exposed to the attacks of the French and Indians. He accompanied Major Church in his first expedition in 1689 in the Mary sloop. In this as well as in all the other expeditions, he was of essential service to the forces, as he was well acquainted with the coast, and pssessed of considerable skill in naval tactics. His brave and resolute spirit and his open heart gained for him the esteem of all. He again joined the second expedition to the eastward, and also in the fourth, in1696, commanded the Brigantine Endeavor. He continued until late in life in command of the public vessels. In 1696 he went with a reinforcement to Col. Church in the Massachusetts transport, accompanied by Col. Hawthorn of Salem, and in the account of this expedition, given by Church he is called “old Mr. Alden,” being at this time over seventy years of age. He did not probably afterwatds engage actively in the campaigns.”180
Ca 1658 John first married Elizabeth.31
Their children include:
Mary Alden (Died young) (17 Dec 1659-1667)
1 Apr 1659 Or 1660 John second married Elizabeth Phillips, daughter of Maj. William Phillips, in Duxbury, MA.16 Elizabeth died in Feb 1696. Buried on 7 Feb 1696 in Boston, MA.31
Their children include:
John Alden (Died young) (20 Nov 1660-bef 1663)
Elizabeth Alden (Died young) (9 May 1662-bef 1665)
John Alden (12 Mar 1663-1 Feb 1730)
William Alden (Died soon) (16 Mar 1664-7 Jun 1664)
Elizabeth Alden (9 Apr 1665-aft 15 Apr 1736)
William Alden (Died young) (5 Mar 1666-bef 1669)
Zachariah Alden (Died young) (8 Mar 1667-bef 1673)
Nathaniel Alden (9 Jul 1668-bef 24 Jul 1702)
Capt. William Alden (10 Sep 1669-9 or 10 Feb 1729)
Zachariah Alden (18 Feb 1672/3-bef 18 Aug 1709)
Sarah Alden (Died young) (ca 1674/5-)
Nathan Alden (17 Oct 1677-bef 17 Feb 1701)
Sarah Alden (27 Sep 1681-bef 17 Feb 1701)
4972. Joseph Alden. Born ca 1627 in Plymouth, MA.16 Joseph died in Bridgewater, MA on 8 Feb 1697.31

Joseph removed to Bridgewater, inherited land there, and at Middleborough.180
Ca 1664 Joseph married Mary Simmons, daughter of Moses Simonson (ca 1605-ca 1689/1691) & Sarah (-bef 15 Dec 1691). Born say 1641 in Duxbury, MA. Mary died aft 10 Mar 1697.31
Their children include:
Sarah Alden (ca 1665-bef 29 Jun 1713)
Isaac Alden (ca 1667-24 Jun 1727)
Joseph Alden (ca 1668-22 Dec 1747)
Mercy Alden (ca 1670-aft 28 Jul 1727)
Hopestill Alden (ca 1671-aft 18 Dec 1753)
Elizabeth Alden (ca 1673-8 May 1705)
John Alden (ca 1675-29 Sep 1730)
Mary Alden (2 Dec 1680-28 Jul 1727)
4973. Priscilla Alden. Born ca 1630.16 Priscilla died aft 1688.

Priscilla was living unmarried in 1688.16
4974. Capt. Jonathan Alden. Born ca 1632/3 in Plymouth, MA. Jonathan died in Duxbury, MA on 14 Feb 1697.16

Johnathan inherited the homestead in Duxbury.180
On 10 Dec 1672 Jonathan married Abigail Hallett, daughter of Andrew Hallett (ca 1615-16 Mar 1683/4) & Anne Bearse (-6 Apr 1694), in Duxbury, MA.192 Born ca 1644/5 in Barnstable, MA.316 Abigail died in Duxbury, MA on 17 Aug 1725.180 Buried in Old Burial Ground, Duxbury.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Alden (ca 1673-bef 3 May 1757)
Anna Alden (ca 1678-8 Jun 1705)
Sarah Alden (ca 1679-26 Jun 1738)
Col. John Alden (1680/1682-24 Jul 1739)
Andrew Alden (ca 1684-aft Mar 1754)
Jonathan Alden (ca Mar 1686-10 Jul 1770)
4975. Sarah Alden. Born ca 1634.16
Sarah married Alexander Standish, son of Capt. Myles Standish (ca 1584-3 Oct 1656) & Barbara. Born ca 1626 in Plymouth, CT. Alexander died in Duxbury, MA on 6 Jul 1702.16
Their children include:
Lorah Standish (ca 1661-bef 2 Aug 1725)
Lydia Standish (ca 1662-aft 30 Apr 1734)
Mercy Standish (ca 1665-bef 30 Jan 1729)
Elizabeth Standish (ca 1665-aft 1731)
Sarah Standish (ca 1666/7-4 Mar 1739/40)
Myles Standish (ca 1668-15 Sep 1739)
Ebenezer Standish (ca 1672/3-19 Mar 1755)
David Standish (Died young) (ca 1675-bef 14 Feb 1689)
4976. Ruth Alden. Born ca 1636 in Duxbury, MA.16 Ruth died in Braintree, MA on 12 Oct 1674.31
On 3 Feb 1658 Ruth married John Bass, son of Samuel Bass (ca 1600-30 Dec 1694) & Anne Savil (ca 1600-5 Sep 1693), in Braintree, MA.16 Born ca 1630 in Saffron Waldon, Essex. John was baptized in Saffron Waldon, Essex, on 18 Sep 1630.16 John died in Braintree, MA on 12 Sep 1716.31
Their children include:
John Bass (26 Nov 1658-30 Sep 1724)
Samuel Bass (25 Mar 1660-20 Feb 1751)
Ruth Bass (28 Jan 1662-5 Jun 1699)
Joseph Bass (5 Dec 1665-22 Nov 1733)
Hannah Bass (22 Jun 1667-24 Oct 1705)
Mary Bass (11 Feb 1669-10 Apr 1725)
Sarah Bass (29 Mar 1672-19 Aug 1751)
4977. Mary Alden. Mary died aft 1688.

Mary was living 13 Jun 1688, unmarried.31
4978. Rebecca Alden. Born ca 1640 in Duxbury, MA.16 Rebecca died bef 13 Jun 1688.31

Rebecca, subject of an unfounded rumor that she was ‘with child,’ when she married.16
Bef 30 Oct 1667 Rebecca married Dr. Thomas Delano, son of Philippe Delano (ca 1603-between 22 Aug 1681 and 4 Mar 1681/2) & Hester Dewsbury.31 Born on 21 Mar 1642 in Duxbury, MA.31 Thomas died in Duxbury, MA, on 13 Apr 1723; he was 81.31 Buried in Duxbury, MA.
Their children include:
Benoni Delano (30 Oct 1667-5 Apr 1738)
Thomas Delano (12 Nov 1669-aft Aug 1725)
Deborah Delano (ca 1672-bef 1 Oct 1717)
Jonathan Delano (Dec 1675-6 Jan 1765)
David Delano (ca 1677-early 1750s)
Mary Delano (ca 1680-7 Nov 1756)
Sarah Delano (ca 1681-aft 15 May 1746)
Ruth Delano (-aft 5 Oct 1722)
Joseph Delano (1 Sep 1685-22 May 1770)
4979. David Alden. Born ca 1642/1648. David died ca 1719.31

David, of Duxbury, “was much employed in the public business of teh twon, one of its selectmen, its deputy, and likewise an assistant in the Government. He was likewise a prominent member of the church, said to have been one of its deacons, and a mand of the highest respectability. He received a grant of 40 acres in 1679, west of South river.”180
Ca 1670 David married Mary Southworth (3422) , daughter of Constant Southworth (1848) (ca 1612-11 Mar 1678/9) & Elizabeth Collier (1370) (ca 1618-after 20 Feb 1678/9).33 Born ca 1654. Mary died ca 1719.31
Their children include:
Ruth Alden (ca 1674-2 Jul 1758)
Elizabeth Alden (9 Apr 1675-4 Jan 1771)
Priscilla Alden (ca 1679-aft 19 Jan 1735/6)
Alice Alden (ca 1685/6-12 Jul 1774)
Dea. Benjamin Alden (ca 1686/1690-14 Apr 1741)
Samuel Alden (ca Dec 1688-24 Feb 1781)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.