Pane-Joyce Genealogy
5123. John Hatch. Born ca 1594.8
5124. Thomas Hatch. Born ca Jun 1596 in Ashford, Kent.8 Thomas died in Scituate, MA bef 14 Jun 1646.8

Thomas was presented to the Bishop on 19 Nov 1627 by the churchwardens of Wye for teaching school without a license. He was presented at every subsequent court until 9 Jun 1628 when he procured the necessary license. The date of his emigration to New England is not known for certain, but he probably came with his brother William, on William’s second trip to New England in the Castle in 1638. He settled at Scituate and was freeman 5 Mar 1638/9.8

"Thomas Hatch was an older brother, probably, of William. He settled in a part of the Town at that time but little cultivated, viz. three fourths of a mile west of the present Town-house, near a small brook that runs in the meadow, and twenty rods west of the road. He died early. His widow had an infant Hannah brought to baptism 1646, which was probably near the date of his death."53

(This Tohomas Hatch is not the one of Dorchester, MA, freeman 14 May 1634, later of Yarmouth and Barnstable.)
On 11 Feb 1617 Thomas married Lydia Gyles in Tonbridge, Kent. Born in Ashford, Kent. Lydia died in Scituate, MA aft 1665.

After her marriage to John Spring, her second husband, Lydia lived for three or four years apart from him in Scituate when, on 6 Oct 1659, the court ordered that “she either repair to her husband with all convenient speed or repair to Duxburrow to the house of Mr. Alden on the 20th of the present month of October to give a reason why she does not.” She was still living in Scituate in 1665. (Plymouth Colony Records, Court Orders, vol 3, page 174).8
Their children include:
William Hatch (ca 1624-ca 1702)
Jeremiah Hatch (ca 1626-ca 1712)
Thomas Hatch (ca 1628-bef Jun 1686)
Mary Hatch (ca 1631-)
Alice Hatch (ca 1636-)
Hannah Hatch (ca 1638-aft 1662)
5125. Eld. William Hatch. Born in 1598 in Ashford, Kent.8 William died in Scituate, MA on 6 Nov 1651.52,62 Occupation: woolen draper, later planter.

William, perhaps in Scituate in 1633, but if so, he went home, and in 1635 brought in the Hercules from Sandwich, Kent, his wife Jane, five children and six servants. He was first ruling elder of the Second Church, founded in 1644 for William Witherell, after long agitations following the removval of Lathrop to Barnstable.25

    “Elder William Hatch settled in Kent street 1634. His house lot was the first south of Greenfield lane. He was the firest ruling elder of the second Chruch, 1643. He was an active and useful man in the settlement of the Town. His children probably were born in England.”53 (Probably Deane was wrong in claiming William settled in Scituate as early as 1634.)

    “About 1634 William Hatch and his family removed from Wye to Sandwich, co. Kent. The statement that he was at Scituate in the Plymouth colony in 1633 is incorrect, and is due to the assumption that the date after the names of the assistants in the records applied to all the names following. He embarked for America for the first time in Mar. 1634/5, sailing from Sandwich in the ship Hercules with his wife Jane, five children, and six servants. In the same ship sailed his cousin, Lydia (Huckstep) Tilden (7,i,7), with her husband, Nathaniel tilden, and their children. William hatch and his family settled at Scituate, where he built a house on Kent Street and was admitted freeman on 5 Jan. 1635/6. he returned to England, but came back to new England in Apr. 1638, in the ship Castle. It is probable that his brother Thomas with his wife and children and his sister Elizabeth Soan with her son William came with him on this voyage. In 1643 William hatch was chosen the first ruling elder of the Second Church of Scituate, and in august of that year he with his sons Walter and John appears on the list of those in scituate able to bear arms (that is, they were between 16 and 60 years of age). In the same year also he was lieutenanat of the trainband.”8
9 Jul 1624 (Lic.) William married Jane Younge, daughter of Edward Younge (ca 1570-) & Janne, in Canterbury, Kent.8 Born on 31 Dec 1593 in Thanington, Kent. Jane died in Scituate, MA, on 8 Oct 1653; she was 59.52,62

Jane, of Thanington, Kent, England.8 She married first William Hatch, second Thomas King.
Their children include:
Walter Hatch (ca 1624-24 May 1699)
John Hatch (ca 1625-bef 5 Nov 1651)
Anne Hatch (ca 1626-ca 1697)
(infant son) Hatch (Died soon) (Jul 1628-Jul 1628)
William Hatch (ca 1629-ca 1654)
Jane Hatch (ca 1631-)
Andrew Hatch (Died soon) (ca 1633-Nov 1633)
5126. Judith Hatch. Born ca 1602.8 Judith died aft 1628/9.8
On 30 Jul 1622 Judith married Joseph Osborn (4471) , son of Jeremy Osborn (4 Feb 1570-8 Feb 1620/1) & Joan Wybourne (1793) (7 Jul 1572-1597), in Ashford, Kent. Born ca 1593 in Ashford, Kent.

Joseph, of Ashford.
Their children include:
Jeremy Osborne (ca Dec 1626-)
Anna Osborn (ca Aug 1628-)
Thomas Osborn (ca 1630-)
Elizabeth Osborn (ca May 1632-)
Joseph Osborn (ca Mar 1633/4-)
Mary Osborn (ca Mar 1635/6-)
Isaac Osborn (Died soon) (ca Mar 1639-Oct 1639)
Isaac Osborn (ca Sep 1640-)
5127. Elizabeth Hatch. Born ca 1605. Elizabeth died between 1647 & 1654.8
Elizabeth first married Robert Soane. Robert died bef Oct 1643.

Robert, of Brasted, Kent.
Their children include:
William Soane (ca 1639-between 21 Aug 1671 and 29 Oct 1672)
On 9 Oct 1643 Elizabeth second married John Stockbridge (2510) , son of John Stockbridge (-ca 1616/1617) & Elizabeth Symon, in Scituate, MA.62 Born ca 1608 in Hockley, Essex. John died in Boston, MA on 13 Oct 1657.25 Occupation: wheelwright.

John came in the Blessing from Lindon 1635, aged 17, with his wife Ann, 21, and son Charles 1. Ann joined the church in Scituate 16 Jul 1637.25

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    John Stockbridge, (Wheelwright,) took the oath of fidelity in Scituate 1638. He was one of the Conihassett partners 1646. He had a house near to John Hollet’s, (perhaps a few rods south-westr of Jessee Dunbar’s). He had also a considerable tract of land, by purchase of Abraham Sutliffe, near Stockbridge’s mill pond on the north and east. In 1656, he purchased half the mill privilege of George Russell, (with the saw mill, which Isaac Stedman had erected ten years before) and built a grist mill, in partnership with Russell. Nearly at the same time, (before 1660) he built the Stockbridge Mansion-house, a part of which is now [1831] standing, and is probably the oldest house in New-Eangland, save one, viz. the Barker house at the Harbour. It was a garrison in Philip’s war, and the port-holes may be traced in the back part of the house, even now. He had married about the time of his arrival in the country, but the name of his first wife we have not learned.
    The will of John Stockbridge is dated at Boston, 1657. His will gives ‘To eldest son Charles, my waster-mill at Scituate, house, ground and orchard belonging to it, he paying to his sister Elizabeth 10£ at marriage, or at 21 years of age. To wife Mary, my house and land at Boston, also the house that Gilbert Brooks lives in at Scituate, with the land belonging to it; and these to youngest son John after her decease, he paying 10£ to his sister Mary; but in case he do not survive his moother, to be equally divided to all my children. To daughter Hester, the house that William Ticknor doth now live in at Scituate, with the ground and orchard, also my land at Brushy hill and 4th Cliff. To daughter Hannah, wife of William Ticknor 40s. To daughter Sarah 10£ at marriage, or at 21 years of age. To wife Mary, all my household goods, and to eldest son Charles all my working tools.’

There’s an article on John Stockbridge in The Great Migration.14
Their children include:
Sarah Stockbridge (ca 1645-aft 3 Dec 1712)
Hesther Stockbridge (ca 1647-aft 26 Jul 1687)
5128. Margaret Hatch. Born ca 1604.8 Margaret died aft 23 Mar 1628/9.8
On 16 Oct 1626 Margaret married William Wood in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent.8 Born ca 1600. William died in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent bef 23 Mar 1628/9.8
5129. Mary Hatch. Born ca 1606.8
13 Feb 1627/8 (Lic.) Mary married William Shussall.8

William Shussall, or Sudell, of New Romney, Kent.8
5130. (a son) Hatch. Born ca 1609.8 (a son) died bef 23 Mar 1629.
5131. Anne Hatch. Born ca 1612.8
22 Jan 1629/30 (Lic.) Anne married Thomas Beadle.8

Thomas, of New Romney, Kent.8
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.