Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6473. Sarah Stockbridge. Born ca 1645 in Scituate, MA. Sarah was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 15 Mar 1645.52 Sarah died aft 3 Dec 1712.239
6 Jan 1669[/70] Sarah married Joseph Woodworth (6572) , son of Walter Woodworth (2526) (ca 1612-bet 26 Nov 1685 and 25 Feb 1685/6), in Scituate, MA.52 Born ca 1645 in Scituate, MA. Joseph died 1712/8.239 Occupation: shop keeper.53

See NEHGR 133:100-1.

From Behan's Woodworth Family of America, page 16:352
    Joseph is mentioned in the Plymouth recordsa as a freeman in 1689. He was a shopkeeper at Scituate; however, he purchased lands at Little Compton, which he gave to his eldest son. He received lands in Scituate and Seconet from his father and acquired other land mentioned in his will. He conducted his “trading post” some 60 rods south of the Stockbridge grist mill. It was stated he often assisted in the milling of the grain since the seniro Stockbridge had removed to Boston and left the operation in chare of his son, Charles.
    Joseph witnessed a Pre-nuptial agreement betwen William Tubbs, Sr. and Dorothy Soane on 23 March 1762.
    In the records of the Colony of New Plymouth (7:197), he was one of a jury 7 March 1675 before Governor Jisiah Winslow. In the same records, p. 312 in the October court session, Captain John Williams of Scituate complained against Joseph Woodworth and other claimers pretended properties in partnership with the plaintiff in undided lands in Cohasset, Mass. The action was settled out of court and 42 s. allowed the defendants. In 1680 his name appears on a petition to the General Court in Plymouth relating to a dispute between two church facdtions, then threatening to disrupt the town.

Will: From Behan's The Woodworth Family of America, page 16:352
    Joseph’s Will which was allowed 13 Jun 1718, reads as follows:
    In the name of God Amen this third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve: I Joseph Woodworth of Scituate in the County of Plymouth in New England Husbandman being weak of body, but of sound mind and memory praised be God for it, and considering this tis appointed for men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. Viz, I commend my soul to God that gave it and my body to decent burial at the discretion of my executor hereafter named and as touching such worldly estate wherewith God hath blessed me in this life all my just debts and funeral charges being satisfied and paid, I give demise and dispose of the same in manner and form following. Viz.
    Imp. I give and
bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Woodworth the sole use and improvement of the easterly end of my now dwelling house, and the cellar belonging to it for her comfort and conveniency during the time that she shall remain my widow, and also five pounds per annum to be yearly paid to her after my decease by my executor here-after named, either in money or in other good merchantable pay at moneys price. And if my said wife shall marry again, then I give unto her the sum of ten pounds in money, to be paid by my executor hereafter named, and also one bed and furniture.
    Item: I give and bequeath to my son Joseph all that my estate both of housing and land and meadows lying and being in Little Compton which he the said Joseph is now in the possession and improvement of which said lands and meadows are particulary bounded as by record may appear reference thereunto being had to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
    Item: I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin all that my estate of housing and lands whereon I now dwell, said lands containing fifty acres be it more or less, bounded easterly partly to ye lands of Thomas Woodworth; partly to ye meadow southerly to the giver westerly to the lands of Thomas Woodworth, northerly to the Common. Also ten acres of fresh meadow be it more or less bounded easterly to the Brush Hill, northerly to Thomas Woodworth’s meadow, southerly to the River, westerly to the above-mentioned upland. Also a certain piece of salt marsh, being the one half part of a ten acre lot of meadow that lyes in partnership betwixt my brother Thomas Woodworth, said meadows lying at Susan’s Neck. Also three acres of salt marsh be it more or less, lying between the Third and Fourth Clift , which I had ofJohn Hyland in way of exchange. Also all my town rights and common privileges in Scituate aforesaid together with one lot of cedar swamp lying and being in Black Pond Cedar swamp. To have and to hold all the above mentioned premises with the with the appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Benjamin Woodworth, his heirs and assigns forever.
    Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret fifty pounds in good and lawful bills of credit of this Province to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
    Item: I give unto my daughter Sarah fifty pounds in good and lawful bills of credit of this Province to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
    Item: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth the of fifty pounds in good and lawful bills of credit of this Province to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
    Item: I give unto my daughter Abigail the sum of fifty pounds in good and lawful bills of credit of this Province to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
    Item: I give unto my daughter Ruth the sum of fifty pounds in good and lawful bills of credit of this Province to be paid by my executor hereafter named.
    And it is my mind and will that the above granted legacies be fully paid and performed to my said daughters in manner and form following. Viz: twenty pounds within one year after my decease to be equally divided among them, that is to say four pounds a piece and twenty pounds more within the space of two years after my decease, to be paid and divided equally among them as aforesaid. And that the said payments of twenty pounds per annum shall be paid yearly and every year to my daughters aforesaid, until all the above granted legacies be fully satisfied and paid. Further it is my mind and will that my household goods should be equally divided among my said daughters immediately after my decease.
    Lastly, I do by these presents constitute and appoint my beloved son Benjamin to be my sole executor to this my Last Will and Testament, hereby renouncing and disannulling all other wills and testaments, declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
        Joseph Woodworth (Seal)
The Will was witnessed by Samuel Clap, Nicholas Wade and Nathaniel Pitcher.
Their children include:
Joseph Woodworth (19 Mar 1670/1-ca 1745)
Margaret Woodworth (19 Jul 1673-)
Benjamin Woodworth (Aug 1676-)
Sarah Woodworth (Aug 1678-aft Dec 1712)
Eunice Woodworth (Died unmarried) (Jan 1682/3-13 Feb 1710)
Abigail Woodworth (Apr 1685-7 Mar 1736)
Ruth Woodworth (May 1687-20 Mar 1762)
6474. Hesther Stockbridge. Born ca 1647 in Scituate, MA. Hesther was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 11 Jul 1647.52 Hesther died aft 26 Jul 1687.239
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.