Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Anthony Annable (2427) & Jane Moumford
5941. Sarah Annable. Born ca 1620.16 Sarah died in Dorchester, MA on 28 Jun 1674.

“Sarah (Annable) Ewell was the heroine of the Indian Raid on Scituate in 1676, when, giving the alarm to the garrison at Stockbridge’s, she forgot her sleeping grandchild. Regardless of danger, she returned to her home to find the child unharmed, but her ‘precious baking of bread pulled from the oven.’ Later the Indians in their retreat burned the house to the ground.”42
On 22 Nov 1638 Sarah married Henry Ewell in Marshfield, MA.62 Born ca 1613.14 Henry died in Scituate, MA bet 21 May 1683 and 13 Mar 1688/9.14 Occupation: Cordwainer. Religion: Henry was admitted to the Scituate church 3 Apr 1636.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Henry Ewell was a soldier in 1637, in the Pequod war, and was freeman 1638: removed to Barnstable 1640, and return [to Scituate] before 1647. His farm was on the east side of Walnut tree hill. The stately black walnut tree that was fell a few years since [before 1831] at the turning of the road between Judge W. Cushing’s mansion and farm house, marks the place of Ewell’s house. This house was burnt by the Indians 1676, and another erected on the spot.

From Richard’s History of Marshfield:61
    Henry Ewell, the Colonial ancestor of the Ewells, was from Sandwich, in county Kent, England. He was a shoemaker, and came over in the ship Hercules, Capt. John Wetherby, in March 1634. he settled in Scituate, and was a member of Dr. Lothrop’s church. His name appears in an original manuscript, dated 1636, written by Rev. John Lothrop. In 1637 he volunteered and enlisted as a soldier in the Pequod war. He was a freeman in 1638. In 1639-40, he removed to Barnstable, Mass., with Dr. Lothrop, Anthony Anable, and others. IN Nov., 1638, he mar. at Green Harbor, Sarah Anable, dau. of Anthony Anable and his wife Jane, who came over from England in the ship Ann in 1623, bringing their daughter Sarah with them. henry Ewell, the above ancestor, returned to Scituate and died there in 1697. His farm was on the east side of Walnut Tree Hill, near the Amos Town and Shaw place, in Greenbush, Mass., back of Northey’s. His house was burned by the Indians in 1676. He sold to the Society of Friends land for a meeting house in 1678.

Check out James Hunter Ewell’s The Ewells in America and Some Allied Families, 1635–1990, published 1990.

The Ewell Family Historical & Genealogical Society392 has a web page at
Their children include:
John Ewell (9 Mar 1639/40-31 Jul 1686)
Ebenezer Ewell (ca 1642/3-)
Sarah Ewell (ca 1645-)
Hannah Ewell (22 Jun 1649-)
Gershom Ewell (14 Nov 1650-ca 1717)
Bethia Ewell (Died young) (27 Sep 1653-8 May 1669)
Eunice Ewell (ca 1657-)
Ichabod Ewell (Jun 1659-26 Feb 1717)
Deborah Ewell (4 Jun 1663-)
5942. Hannah Annable. Born in 1623 in Plymouth, MA.16
On 10 Mar 1645 Hannah married Thomas Bourman in Barnstable, MA.170 Born ca 1620/1625 in England. Thomas died in Barnstable, MA between 9 May and 1 Jun 1663.

Thomas’s surname was variously spelled Bourman, Burman, Bowerman, Boreman, or Bowman. Thomas and Hannah removed to Falmouth and early joined the Society of Friends.

Will: May the 9th 1663. The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Burman of Barnstable in the
        Collonie of New Plymouth.

        Memorandum: I doe make my wife sole Exequitor of what estate I have and shee shall pay my
        debts and performe my Will in delivering out such goods or legacies as I shall give to my
        Item, I give to my son, Thomas, forty acrees of land at Namassakett. Item, I doe give my wife
        threescore acrees of land att Namassakett, the one halfe to be att her dispose. Item, I doe give
        twenty five acrees that is to bee layed out to bee equally devided between my daughter,
        Hannah, and my son, Tristram--the said lands to bee layed out att Namassakett in Plymouth
        Collonie, and the meddowes and privilidges to bee equally devided according to the quantities
        of that land. Item, I doe give to my sonne, Thomas, and my son Samuel, my Great Lott in the
        towne of Barnstable and alsoe the privilidges of the comons that I have in this towne.
        Item, I doe give to my son Thomas, my young mare and Tristram, my son, shall have the first
        colt that shee bringes. Item, I doe give to my son, Samuell, the coult of the white faced mare.
        Item, I doe give to my daughter, Hannah, two cowes. Item, I doe give my daughters, Desire,
        Mary, and Mehetabell, each of them, a cow a peece.
        And this doe I fully declare to bee my mind and will by these presents. In witness whereof I
        doe sett to my hand in the day and yeare above written.

        Thomas Burman (Mark)

        John Smith
        John Chipman

        (John Smith and John Chipman gave their oaths, 4 Jun 1663)
        Source: Plymouth PR II(2), f. 83 (Document set #182)
Their children include:
Hannah Bourman (about the end of May 1646-)
Thomas Bourman (about the middle of Sep 1648-)
Samuel Bourman (Jul 1651-26 Mar 1676)
Desire Bourman (end of May 1654-)
Mary Bourman (middle of March 1656-)
Mehitable Bourman (beginning of Sep 1658-)
Tristram Bourman (beginning of Aug 1661-)
5943. Susanna Annable. Born ca 1630.16
On 13 May 1652 Susanna married William Hatch (14566) , son of Thomas Hatch (5124) (ca Jun 1596-bef 14 Jun 1646) & Lydia Gyles (-aft 1665), in Scituate, MA.62,52 Born ca 1624 in Wye, Ashford, Kent.8 William died in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts ca 1702.8

William and Susanna lived on Kent Street, Scituate, in the house of his father, Elder William Hatch, and about 1670 removed to Swansey.42

In 1674 William and Jeremiah Hatch were fined for refusing to serve as constables.
Their children include:
Mary Hatch (ca Oct 1652-12 Jan 1693)
Lydia Hatch (7 Jan 1654/5-aft 1702)
William Hatch (ca 1660-bef 1719)
5944. (a daughter) Annable. Born ca 1635. (a daughter) died in Scituate, MA ca Apr 1635. Buried on 8 Apr 1635 in Scituate, MA.110

This daughter was buried, according to the records of the First Parish Church of Scituate, “beeing borne somewhat before the tyme.”52
5945. Deborah Annable. Born ca 1637 in Scituate, MA. Deborah was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 7 May 1637.110,52
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.