Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Thomas Newhall (2493) & Mary Wood(ard)
6369. Francis Newhall. Born ca Oct 1619 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. Francis was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 8 Oct 1619.
6370. Rebecca Newhall. Born ca Mar 1622 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. Rebecca was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 30 Mar 1622.
6371. Susannah Newhall. Born ca Apr 1624 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. Susannah was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 11 Apr 1624. Susannah died in Lynn, MA on 7 Feb 1682.228

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Her age is shown in the following deposition (Essex Co. Court Papers, B. VI, L. 96) : — “The testimonye of Susanna Haven aged about thirtye seuen years sworne saith that the wife of Will. Longlye came to my housbands house (it was the weeke of boston county court last): and I asked her what news at boston, she said John Hathorne was cast and the bulls were recouered from him and that the magistrats said they might charg him the said Hathorne with fellony but sayes she, that which is worse then all this is; that John Hathorne had put more into a writing then should be & that it was forgerye and that the magistrats did very much check him for it — & further saith not. Sworne in Court at Salem” [1661]. But in a deposition made 5th Nov., 1678 she calls herself about fifty six, which would place the date of her birth at about 1622.
Ca 1644 Susannah married Richard Haven. Born say 1620 in England.415 Richard died in West Lynn, MA ca 1703. Occupation: carpenter.

Richard settled at Lynn in 1645 on a farm near Flax pond.359

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Richard, who is said to have come from the West of England and to have been in Lynn as early as 1645, made his will 21 May, 1701, in presence of John Burrill, jr., Joseph Burrill & Sarah Ballord. It was proved 14 June, 1703. In it he mentions son John, son Nathaniell, grandson Joseph, son of son Richard Haven dee’d, son Moses, dau. Hannah Gooddell, son in law John Tarbox, dau. Sarah Whitney, grandson “Westol Cogswell, grand dan. Hannah Parker, gr. dan. Hannah Gooddell, son Moses Haven’s children, dan. Hannah’s children. The homestead, which he left to his son Moses, except that part of it where his daughter Hannah’s house stood, lay North of Mill Street and next East of the lot which William Longley sold to Thomas Browne in 1663. It embraces all those house lots lying West of the extension of Federal Street and running from Mill Street back to the Rocks or to the road leading to Fresh Marsh. Moses Haven, in 1704, after his removal to Framingham, sold it to Joseph Hart; and his sister, the widow Hannah Goodale, of Sudbury, together with her brother Moses, sold to Samuel Hart her dwelling house and land 4 Jan’y, 1705–6. The Haven house, which Joseph Hart bought, he conveyed. 24 April, 1728, to his son Samuel Hart and has ever since been known as the Sam Hart house until its recent demolition by the order of its last owner, the Hon. James E. Newhall.
Their children include:
Hannah Haven (22 Feb 1645-31 Dec 1726)
Mary Haven (12 Mar 1647-17 Nov 1690)
Joseph Haven (22 Feb 1649/50-bef May 1701)
Richard Haven (25 May 1651-)
Susanna Haven (24 Apr 1653-bef May 1701)
Sarah Haven (4 Jun 1655-23 Apr 1718)
John Haven (10 Dec 1656-bef 2 Apr 1705)
Martha Haven (Died soon) (16 Feb 1658-14 Jun 1659)
Samuel Haven (Died soon) (31 May 1660-1 Dec 1660)
Jonathan Haven (Died soon) (18 Jan 1662-ca 3 Jul 1664)
Nathaniel Haven (30 Jun 1664-20 Jul 1746)
Dea. Moses Haven (20 May 1667-14 Nov 1747)
6372. Ens. Thomas Newhall. Born ca Apr 1629 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. Thomas was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 26 Apr 1629. Thomas died in Lynn, MA on 1 Apr 1687.228 Buried on 1 Apr 1687 in Lynn, MA.228

Several publications have stated that Thomas Newhall, son of Thomas, was baptized by the Ref. Stephen Bachiler as the first which child born in Lynn. Bachiler arrived in New England in 1632. But his father Thomas actually settled in New England between 14 Jul 1637 when his daughter Mary was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, England, (see TAG 73 (1998):119-121), and 1638 when he received a division of 30 acres in Lynn, MA. This Thomas was baptized in Sherington on 26 Apr 1629. See Dean Crawford Smith’s article “When did Thomas Newhall of Lynn, Massachusetts, really immigrate to America?” TAG 293 (1999), 50-52.

“His residence was near the present [1908] site of George Kesar’s tannery near the center of the town.”108 ”In the March term, 1663, Thomas was tried before the quarterly court on an action of assault and bettery for striking the wife of WIlliam Longley. The testimony showed that Goody Longley accacked Newhall with a broadax, while her two daughters threw stones and struck Newhall several blows with ‘a peace of a pulle,’ while Newhall was trying to help run a line between land of John Newhall and William Longley. ... He was ensign in the military company. His homestead adjoined land of Benjamin Potter bounded on the common northerly and on the country road of highway southerly. He had a malt house.”47

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    In the March Term of 1663, Thomas was tried before the Quarterly Court on an action of Battery for striking the wife of Willm Longley, when the following deposition was taken :—
    “The testimony of Elizabeth Newhall ye wife of John Senier and Mary Haven whoe sayth yt Thomas Newhall Junier was desiercd for to howld a poole for to rone a line between Will Longley and John Newhall: ye sayd Thomas Newhall stode one ye land of John Newhalls: then came ye two dafters of ye sayd Longley; namely Mary Longley & Anna Longley and threue stons at ye sayd Thomas Newhall; afterward ye sayd Anna toke up a peace of a pulle & stroke ye sayd Newhall severall blows with it, & presently after ye wife of ye sayd Longley came with a broad axe in hir hand and cam to ye sayd Newhall and violently stroke at ye sayd Newhall with ye axe, but ye sayd Newhall sliped aside & soe ye axe mised him: orwise wee cannot but thinke but yt hee had bine much wounded if not killed: then presently after ye wife of Will Longley layd howld upone ye poole with hir two dafters to pull ye poole away from ye sayd Newhall: but ye sayd Newhall pulled y e poole from ym. All this time ye sayd Thomas Newhall did stand upon ye land of John Newhalls. Taken upon oath 28–lm–’63.” It is but fair to say that there was another side to the story, according to the testimony of Mary Longley, who deposed that she, with her mother and sister Anna, was “striuing to get a poole from Thomas Newhall Junior, that he was holding up as I concerned to runne a line, he hauing hold
on one end we on the other and the said Newhall being on one side of our orchard fence and wee three on the other side of the said fence within our orchard; wee had almost pulled the poole out of his hands but his brother John came and helped him and pulled it from us, and after the said Newhall had got the poole againe he strucke my mother seuerall blows with the poole so thai one of her hands was black and blue severall dayes after.”

Also from The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    The Lynn Records inform us that Thomas Newhall, Senr , was buried the first of April, 1687. He probably left a Will; for, on the 14th of April, 1687, an Inventory of Ensigne Thomas Newhall of Lynn, late deceased, appraised 8th of April, 1687, by John Fuller, Senr. Ralph King and John Burrill, was presented by John Newhall, “one of the Executors,” and is recorded in Suffolk County; but no record of the Will appears and neither Will nor Inventory has been found in the Files. The Record of the latter shows that he was possessed of property valued at nearly 700£ . Of furniture he had, inter alia, a long table and two forms, a cupboard, cupboard cloth and cushion, a table-chair, a livery cupboard, with cupboard cloth and cushion and glass case, a table, six joined stools with a carpet and a joined chair and cushion. There were found five guns, for fowling and training, at four pounds, two swords at twenty shillings and books at twelve shillings. Of live stock he had a mare and a colt, two horses, thirty-eight sheep and fourteen lambs, four oxen (two at Josephs), six cows, besides numerous calves, yearlings, two-year olds, four-year olds, and swine. In the inventory of Real Estate we find “The Dwelling house and mault house & mault mill and house over it with all appurtenances belonging to the mault house and other prviledges with the Conveniences to the well, as also a six acre Lott adjoyning to the Dwelling house, and an orchard appertaining and an old Barne with all priveledges 170£–00s–00d;” 18 acres adj. the house of John Newhall; Blood’s neck marsh (7 1/4 acres); 3 acres of marsh at Burch Islands; 3 acres at E. side of Great Island in Runmey Marsh; 6 1/2 acres in Battie’s lot; 2 acres in Ramsdell’s neck ; 1 1/2 acre in Town marsh; 7 acres at Fox Hill; 30 acres in Reading; two ten-acre lots; 30acres possessed by Nath1 Newhall in the country; and a six-acre lot, only some part taken off that fronts upon the highway.
    The location of Ensign Newhall’s homestead has been very carefully ascertained. Mr. Lewis had placed it on the present borders of Lynnfield; but the probabilities seem altogether opposed to that theory. The depositions made in the case of the death of his daughter Elizabeth show that in 1665 he was living near Geo. Keser’s Tannery, which would be likely to be near the centre of the town. Moreover the land in the Northerly part of the town he seems not to have bought until 30th Nov., 1679, when Ezekiel and Sarah Needham made a conveyance to him of threescore acres, bounded easterly with the dividing line between Salem and Lynn, westerly by the commons, northerly by “a certaine farme comonly caled Mr Humphries but now Major Rainsberry’s farme,” and southerly by the commons; which land the said Needham purchased of Daniel King, Senior, of Lynn, deceased. No houses are mentioned and a proper inference would be that Ensign Newhall bought this land for a farm with which to portion off his sons, Joseph, who was then recently married and was afterwards certainly in possession of some of this very land, and Nathaniel, another son, who appears in possession of another portion. The eldest son Thomas, it is well known, removed to Maiden. This leaves John and Samuel (one or both) to inherit the paternal homestead. John’s home, as will appear in a deed of gift to his son Jacob (1734), was next to the Great Bridge; while Samuel, as will also later appear, died in 1718, possessed of a homestead consisting of a dwelling house, two barns, one malt house and about twelve acres, bounded easterly with the land formerly of John Newhall, Senr, deceased, westerly with the land of Benjamin Potter, northerly with the common and southerly with the Country Road or Highway. From the fact that a malt house is mentioned, we may conjecture that this last described place was the homestead of Ensign Thomas Newhall, and from its bounding on the estate of his brother John, deceased, we may also infer that it formed a part of the farm of the first Thomas Newhall.
On 29 Dec 1652 Thomas married Elizabeth Potter (8158) , daughter of Nicholas Potter (2891) (ca 1604-ca Oct 1677) & Eme Carter (-ca 1636), in Lynn, MA.228 Born ca 1634 in Newport-Pagnall, Buckinghamshire. Elizabeth was baptized in Newport-Pagnall, Buckinghamshire, on 8 Apr 1634.119 Elizabeth died Feb 1686/7. Buried 22 Feb 1686/7 in Lynn, MA.228

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    The parentage of Thomas’s wife Elizabeth is shown in a Deed of Nicholas Potter, of Salem, bricklayer, to his son Robert Potter of Lynn, in which he mentions his daughter, Robert’s sister, Elizabeth Newhall, wife of Corporal Thomas Newhall, 26th of May, 1675.
Their children include:
Lieut. Thomas Newhall (18 Nov 1653-13 Jul 1728)
John Newhall (14 Feb 1655/6-20 Jun 1738)
Joseph Newhall (22 Sep 1658-29 Jan 1705/6)
Nathaniel Newhall (17 Mar 1660-23 Dec 1695)
Elizabeth Newhall (Died young) (21 Mar 1662-2 Apr 1665)
Elisha Newhall (3 Nov 1665-Feb 1687)
Elizabeth Newhall (22 Oct 1667-)
Mary Newhall (18 Feb 1669-)
Samuel Newhall (19 Nov 1672-bef 2 Jan 1719)
Rebecca Newhall (17 Jul 1675-23 Dec 1737)
6373. John Newhall. Born ca Jan 1631/2 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. John was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, 15 Jan 1631/2. John died aft 4 Feb 1711/2.227
3 Feb 1657/8 John first married Elizabeth Leighton in Lynn, MA.228 Elizabeth died in Lynn, MA on 22 Oct 1677.228

Elizabeth died within two weeks of her daughter’s birth.

Elizabeth was possibly the daughter of Thomas Laighton, or Laughton.227 The Salem records give Elizabeth’s surname as Paton.86
Their children include:
Sarah Newhall (Died soon) (9 Oct 1677-9 Oct 1677)
17 Jul 1659 [1679] John second married Sarah Flanders, daughter of Stephen Flanders (ca 1620-24 Jun 1684) & Jane Sandusky (ca 1624-19 Nov 1683), in Lynn, MA.228 Born on 5 Nov 1654 in Salisbury, MA.

Sarah was mentioned in her fathre’s will of 4 Feb 1683/4.86
Their children include:
Hannah Newhall (6 Mar 1679/80-4 Jan 1756)
John Newhall (Died soon) (13 Oct 1681-2 Nov 1681)
Joseph Newhall (18 Dec 1682-bef 4 Feb 1711/2)
Jeremiah Newhall (12 Feb 1684-)
Elizabeth Newhall (Died soon) (28 May 1687-12 Apr 1689)
Sarah Newhall (6 Sep 1690-)
John Newhall (28 Jan 1692-bef 3 Nov 1778)
Mary Newhall (12 Oct 1694-)
6374. (infant child) Newhall. Born ca Jun 1634 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. (infant child) was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 15 Jun 1634.
6375. Mary Newhall. Born ca Jun 1637 in Sherington, Buckinghamshire. Mary was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, on 4 Jun 1637. Mary died aft 21 Apr 1701.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Mary, born in Lynn about 1637, m.
Thomas Browne of Lynn, who was born about 1628, according to his own deposition, taken 1– 5mo–1668 (Essex Co. Court Papers, B. XIII, L. 62), when he calls himself “aged ffourty years or thereabouts.” He “departed this life the 28: of August 1693,” and his widow Mary was appointed administratrix 9th Oct., 1693, her sureties on the bond of administration being John Newhall, Senr, (her brother) and Ebenezer Browne (her son). On the same day was taken down in writing from the lips of the witnesses the nuncupative will of Thomas Browne, Senr, commencing as follows :— “Memorandum :— about two years since though in ye last sickness of Thomas Browne thereafter named he declared ye following sentences as his last will & testament who dyed about 6 weeks agoe.” In this will, which is not on record, but remains on file in the office of the Register of Probate in Salem, he mentions his wife, his eldest son Thomas, sons Joseph, John, Daniel and Ebenezer, and daughter Norwood, and constitutes his “brother John Newhall” and Robert Potter, Senr, overseers. The witnesses to this will were Jeremiah and Mary Shepard, and John Newhall, Senr. The widow rendered an account of administration 26th August, 1695, when distribution was made among the children, viz. :— Thomas, Joseph, John, Eliezer, Ebenezer, Daniel and Mary (”Norwood alias Browne”). The age of Mary Browne is shown in a deposition made in the case already referred to on the preceding page, as follows:
    “The deposition of Mary Browne aged about thirty one years whoe testilieth and saith, That her cousin John Haucks being at my brother John Newhal his house whoe was ye constable; at a tyme when shee this deponant was there & did heare ye said John Hawckes say; yt Daniell Hutchens said that hee would deliuer up all the cattle yt ye constable had attached, and then this deponant opposed yt saying and asked him whether hee did not say yt hee would deliuer up all his right yt hee had in them, then John Hawckes said, yea hee did speake such word : & further saith not. Sworne in Court at Salem 1 : 5mo : 68. Attestes Hillyard Veren Clerics.”
    In Book VI, Leaf 96, Essex Co. Court Papers, the following deposition may be found :— “The testimony of Mary Browne aged about fower & tewenty years of age sworne saith that spaking with the wife of William Longlye about John Hathorne shee tould me many things; but this amoungst other things, that sayes shee if he had nameing John Hathorn,. attached a cow or soe; it had not bin much, but to attach all that they had, it was more then he need to haue don: I sayd to her, I suppose he esteemes his name more then all your estate, shee sd againe to me, his name: is his name so good, or what is his name worth, has he redeemed his name spaking in a slite derideing waye (to my understanding) and spaking further to mee about that which Andrew Mansfeild had said against the sd Hathorne, sayes she what was that; a greal peece of busienes; of his name and reputation & further saith not —
    ye aboue written is sworne to in Court at Salem ye 25 : 4 : 61 as atestes Hilliard Veren Clerics.”
    These depositions seem to show clearly enough that she was born about 1637, while her husband was about nine years older, and may have had some of his children born to him by a previous wife; but Mary was undoubtedly the mother of all his children from and after 1658, when her name, as his wife, first appears on the records. Her husband was a dish-turner and was said to be “of Grawton Middlesex” in June, 1663, when he bought of Wm Longley of Lynn his houselot (six acres) bounded E. with land of Richd Haven, W. with land of John Newhall, S. on Mill Street and N. on the common. It was doubtless over the fence separating this very lot from John Newhall’s lot that “ye two dafters” of goodman Longley “threue stons at ye sayd Thomas Newhall,” a few months before, and then, with the help of their mother, “layd howld upone ye poole ... to pull ye poole away from ye sayd Newhall.”
    Of her children Thomas, John and Eliezer removed to Stonington, Connt , as appears on Record of Deeds for Essex Co., B. 18, L. 181, in which deed the widow Mary Browne makes her last appearance on the Records, 21st April, 1701.
Mary married Thomas Brown. Born ca 1628. Thomas died in Lynn, MA on 28 Aug 1693.

It is unlikely that Thomas was a son of Nicholas Brown of Reading and Lynn. Nicholas’ will of 1673 mentions five sons, a daughter, and a wife, but there is no Thomas listed among his children.

For more information about the descendants of three of the sons of Thomas Brown, see the Brown genealogy of many of the descendants of Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown by Cyrus Henry Brown416, Everett Press, Boston, 1907. Three volumes
Their children include:
Thomas Brown (ca 1654-27 Dec 1723)
Mary Brown (Died young) (10 : 12 m : 1655 [10 Feb 1656] -18 : 3 : 1662 [18 May 1662])
Sarah Brown (Died soon) (20 : 7 m : 1657 [20 Sep 1657]-1 : 7 m : 1658 [1 Sep 1658])
Joseph Brown (16 : 11 m : 1658 [16 Jan 1659]-28 Feb 1723/4)
Sarah Brown (Died soon) (13 : 8 m : 1660 [13 Oct 1660]-11 : 2 m : 1662 [11 Apr 1662])
Jonathan Brown (Died soon) (say 1662-12 : 7 m : 1666 [12 Sep 1666])
John Brown (ca 1664-Aug 1733)
Mary Brown (28 : 6 m : 1666 [28 Aug 1666]-bef 14 May 1757)
Jonathan Brown (24 : 11 m : 1668 [24 Feb 1669]-)
Eleazer Brown (4 : 6 m : 1670 [4 Aug 1670]-30 Nov 1734)
Ebenezer Brown (16 : 1 m : 1671/2 [16 Mar 1672]-ca 1700)
Daniel Brown (Died young) (29 : 9 m : 1673 [29 Nov 1673]-bef 1679)
Anne Brown (Twin, died young) (4 Jan 1674-7 Jan 1674)
Grace Brown (Twin, died young) (4 Jan 1674-7 Jan 1674)
Daniel Brown (1 Feb 1676-12 Jun 1761)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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