Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2493. Thomas Newhall. Born in 1596.227 Thomas died in Lynn, MA on 25 May 1674.228 Occupation: farmer.

Thomas Newhall settled in New England between 14 Jul 1637 when his daughter Mary was baptized in Sherington, Buckinghamshire, England, (see TAG 73 (1998):119-121), and 1638 when he received a division of 30 acres in Lynn, MA. This Thomas was baptized in Sherington on 26 Apr 1629. See Dean Crawford Smith’s article “When did Thomas Newhall of Lynn, Massachusetts, really immigrate to America?” TAG 293 (1999), 50-52.

“He was a farmer, and owned all the land on the eastern side of Federal street, as far north as Marion. His house stood on the east side of Federal street, south of where the brook crosses. In the division of lands in 1630 he received thirty acres in Lynn.”47


    Estate of Thomas Newhall, Sr. of Lynn
        Essex Probate Docket # 19393

    The last will and testament of Thomas Newhall Senior of Lyn in the county of Essex hauinge his perfect memory and understandinge
    Imprimis I bequeath my Spirritt to the Lord that gaue it and my Body to the dust from whence it was taken
    I bequeath my twelf acres of salt marsh to my sonn Thomas Newhall and my sonn John Newhall the six acres that my sonn Thomas shall haue is three Acres in Rumley marsh neere the Island and the rest is a pcell lyinge in the Towne marsh called Gaines his necke and another pcell lyinge in the Towne marsh adioyninge to my Brother Farrington and the six Acres yt my sonn John shall haue lyeth in the last Divission in Rumley marsh but if my soon John should haue noe child before he dyeth then the six Acres I giue to my sonn John to return to my sonn Thomas and his heirs for ever but if my sonn John should haue a child or childeren then the sd Acres to bee att his owne disposse forever.
    I bequeath to my sonn Thomas Brownes his childeren twenty Pounds equally to be
devided between them and the sixteen Pounds wch he hath already of mine in his hands is
to be part of this twenty pounds I giue to his childeren.
    I bequeath to my sonn Richard Haven his childeren twenty pounds to be equally devided amongst them namly betweene Joseph Haven Richard Haven Sarah Haven Nathaniell Haven & Moses Haven this not to be paid vntill they com to the age of twenty one years,
    I bequeath to my tow daughters Susana Haven & Mary Browne each of them a paire of sheets and each of them too pillow beares.
    Alsoe I constitute & make my lawfull & sole executor and to pforme this my last will and testament my sonn, Thomas Newhall. I doe alsoe bequeath vnto my sonn Thomas Newhall his childeren thirty pounds and that this is my trn will and testament I haue set to my hand This first of Aprill 1668.

    Thomas (his T mark) Newhall senier
    Witness: Thomas laughton
    Robart Potter

Proved in Salem count 1:5m:1674 by the witnesses.

Inventory taken 25:4:1674 by Oliver Purchis and Robert (his mark) Burges:
An old dwelling house with an old barne & 6 Acres of Upland and 12 acres of Meddow
£95; 30 Acres of Land in the woods, some part meddow, £30; an old fether bed, 1 Bolster, 1
pillow, 1 pillowgear, £2; 2 pr of sheets, 1 table cloth & 3 napkins, £2; 1 Hatt & his wearing
apparrell with 2 bands, £3; 1 yrd & 1-2 of Red Cotton or such like, 4s 6d; 5 vessels of
Brass, kettls, pots & skillett, £2; an iron Kettle & skillett, 8s; pewter as 3 platters, 1 small
flaggon, 1 bowl & 1 Candlestick, 1 pott of a pint or more, £1 2s; 1 pr of pothookes, £1 1s; 1
warming pan, 6s; 1 Bible & 4 other good bookes, £1 5s; 1 press Cubboard, 2 old Chests, £1
10s; 2 chayres, 12s; 1 Box & some small matters in it, as two small black hankerdhiefs, 1
black quoife, 1 Bonnet & two small Remnants Linnen, 16s; money, 5s, 7 1-2d; a small
parcel of land about an Acre neer ye overshut mill betweene the mil wast & ye Cawewey
bridge, £3; estate in ye hands of John Newhall his son, £20; one-halfe pinte pott, 1s 6d;
some debts due to him weaving &c, £6; total £173 1s 7 1-2d

Attested in Salem court 1:5m:1674 by Tho. Newhall

Source: Essex County Quarterly Court Files 22:9,10
Submitted by: Mariana Bean Ruggles
On 12 Jun 1618 Thomas married Mary Wood(ard) in Clifton Reynes, Buckhinghamshire.229 Mary died in Lynn, MA on 25 Sep 1665.228
Their children include:
Francis Newhall (Died young) (ca Oct 1619-)
Rebecca Newhall (Died young) (ca Mar 1622-)
Susannah Newhall (ca Apr 1624-7 Feb 1682)
Ens. Thomas Newhall (ca Apr 1629-1 Apr 1687)
John Newhall (ca Jan 1631/2-aft 4 Feb 1711/2)
(infant child) Newhall (Died soon) (ca Jun 1634-)
Mary Newhall (ca Jun 1637-aft 21 Apr 1701)
2494. Anthony Newhall. Anthony died in Lynn, MA 31 Jan 1656/7.228

Anthony was in Lynn in 1638.25

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Anthony’s will, of 14 Jan’y, 1656, was proved in Court 31 March, 1656–7. He mentions grandchildren Richard Hood and Elizabeth Hood. To his dafftter Mary he bequeaths the third part of the entrest of his orchard for seuen years. He also gives her “that pcell of ground that lys one the other syde the brook at the north end of my hows lott uppon condittyon that her hussband doe build a dwelling hows oppon it.”
    Then follow certain legacies to dafter Mary and son John. The remainder of his estate he divides between his two children, two parts to John and one part to Mary; son John to have “my hows and land that I now live in bounded from the brook att the north end upp to the land of Gorg ffrayll at the south end;” Mary to have “that lott lying betwixt the land of John hawthorne and John Ramsdell.” Of the land lying by Jonathan Hudson’s John to have four acres and Mary two acres. John to have twenty acres and Mary ten acres of the “oupland lying oup in the Country.” Sundry other parcells of meadow and marsh lands are divided in the same proportions. He appoints Nathaniel Kertland, Matthew Farrington and John Fuller overseers. The inventory, taken 6–12mo–1656, shows that the homestead consisted of house and barn and tive acres of land and an orchard; it mentions “fowr akers of opland by John Hawthorn’s house.”
    Richard and Mary Hood conveyed 7 July, 1682, to Matthew Farrington, jr., a dwelling house and all that parcell of land sometime in the possession of Anthony Newhall deceased, viz., four acres more or less, or two-thirds of a six acre lot where the house stood, bounded Westerly with land of John Gillow, Easterly with land of John Hawthorne, Northerly with land of Robert Potter, Senr, Southerly with the country highway that lyeth in the mill street. This was undoubtedly the four-acre lot next Hathorne's that Mr. Newhall bequeathed to his daughter, and here probably her husband built a house for their homestead, instead of on the small lot North of the brook, spoken of in the will.
    Anthony Newhall’s own homestead, which descended to his only son, John, can be shown very conclusively to have been on the east side of Federal street, where Mr. Lewis has erroneously placed the other common ancestor of the family, Thomas Newhall.
Anne Newhall (ca 1620-)
On 6 Nov 1632 Anthony second married Mary White in Olney, Buckinghamshire.229

Mary was Anthony’s second wife.230
Their children include:
Mary Newhall (ca 1633-14 Feb 1727/8)
Ens. John Newhall (ca 1634/5-6 Jan 1725/6)
2495. Elizabeth Newhall. Born ca 1586.14 Elizabeth died in Lynn, MA 15 : 10 [Dec] : 1678.228

See Helen S. Ullman’s article “Elizabth New(h)all, wife of Edmund Farrington of Lynn, Massachusetts,” The American Genealogist 66 (1991):9. Also, TAG 65:66-67.
On 29 Nov 1613 Elizabeth married Edmund Farrington in Sherington, Buckinghamshire.229 Born ca 1588.14 Edmund died in Lynn, MA 20 : 11 [Jan] : 1670[/1].228 Occupation: felmonger.

Edmund (Edward) of “Oney” aged 47, with wife Elizabeth 49, and children Sarra 14, Mathew 12, John 11, and Elizabeth 8, emigrated with others of the Olney Cluster on the Hopewell in 1635, and settled in Lynn.229

See Dorothy Farrington Parker, The Farringtons, Colonists and Patriots, pp. 67-157, 1976. Also NEHGR 118:216. These correct NEHGR 50:301-2.229
Their children include:
Edward Farrington (ca 1615-bef 1 Jul 1676)
Sarah Farrington (ca 1618-)
John Farrington (ca 1622-2 May 1666)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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