Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6377. Mary Newhall. Born ca 1633 in Buckinghamshire. Mary died in Lynn, MA 14 Feb 1727/8.230
Mary married Richard Hood, son of John Hood (-ca 1683) & Elizabeth [Hood]. Born ca 1625 in Lynn Regis, Norfolk. Richard died in Lynn, MA on 12 Sep 1695.230

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Richard is said to have come from Lynn Regis, Co. of Norfolk, England. (In B.I, P. 58, Registry of Deeds for Essex County, Mass., appears record of conveyance by John Hood of Lynn for 30£ to Win. Crofts of “three dwelling howses or tenements wth all thereto belonging in Halsted in the County of Essex in old England wth a covenant for further assurance. And the said Willm is to pay 40s peice to the sisters of the said John according to his father’s will the wch apeth in the bargain and sale by deed dated the 10th day of December, 1652.)
    The following deposition relating to him is taken from Essex Co. Court Papers, B. III, L. 51. “The deposishion of Georg Kezer that saith that littell before Mr Geforde went away from the Iorn worckes that I went to Richard hode diueres times to gett the saide Richarde hode to doe som saueing worcke for me & I couelld not gett hime to hellpe me by noe menes and I asked hime what ones the plancke was for and he sayd thay was to doe something about the forge worckes and furder that I saw Richard hod sometimes a sailing of slitt worcke and sometimes cellowe bordes — and the place were Richard hode saued was in the pitt before [the] Iorn Workes ware houese neare to the Smith Shope and furder I say not.” Sworne in Court 27–4–56.”
    Administration on the estate of Richard Hood, Senr, of Lynn, deceased intestate, was granted to his son Richard, 9 Dec, 1695; but he dying before administion was finished; his brother John was appointed administrator 7 Sept., 1696, and rendered the account of his trust 14 Dec, 1696, when the estate was divided among the widow and children, viz., “The children of the eldest son, he being dee’d,” two shares, and John, Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Benjamin, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Ruth, Rebeckah, Hannah and Anna Hood each one share.
Their children include:
Mary Hood (ca 1653-)
Richard Hood (18 Nov 1655-1696)
Sara Hood (2 Aug 1657-)
Elizabeth Hood (Nov 1658-)
Ruth Hood (Jul 1660-)
Rebecca Hood (7 Feb 1662-)
John Hood (7 May 1662-4 Dec 1730)
Hannah Hood (21 Oct 1665-28 Sep 1740)
Samuel Hood (12 May 1667-9 Mar 1749/50)
Nathaniel Hood (9 Jun 1669-30 Oct 1748)
Anne Hood (13 Feb 1672-)
Joseph Hood (8 Jul 1674-14 Dec 1729)
Benjamin Hood (3 Jan 1667/8-1696)
6378. Ens. John Newhall. Born ca 1634/5.230 John died in Lynn, MA 6 Jan 1725/6.228 Occupation: Carpenter.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    During the life time of his cousin John he went by the name of John Newhall, jr., or, more commonly, John the son of Anthony Newhall. As early as 1696 he had attained to the military rank of ensign. In 1677 he bought of Samuel Frayle two and three-fourths acres “at the head of Newhall’s Lane, a little way from e Graves, bounded with the Towne Common Southwardly, Mathew Farringtons Eastwardly ye Land of the said John Newhalls Northerly and ye Lane Westerly.” This gave him a frontage along the whole easterly side of Federal street from Lynn common to Boston street. Elizabeth, the wife of John Newhall, junr , died 5th Oct., 1712, and his own death is recorded thus :— “John Newhall the father of John Newhall quartus,” died 6th Jan’y, 1725–6. His estate does not appear in probate, but on the 2 th of March, 1720, he made a deed of gift to his grandson John Newhall, of Lynn, weaver, he “haveing lived long with me and done much for me in my age & weakness and in consideration that my sd Grandson pay to my Children & other Grandchildren the severall Legacies or Gifts as hereafter sett forth viz: To my son Nathaniel Newhall Twelve pounds” &c. ... “To Timothy Breed & Joseph Breed each of them Ten shillings to be paid within one year after my decease having given considerable to their mother in her life time. To Sarah Norwood ten shillings to Elizabeth Trevitt who hath lived long with me live pounds to be paid within one month after my decease having oiven considerable to their mother in her life time, to my Two daughters namely Rebecca Collins & Mary Newhall all my indoor moaveables to be equally devided betwixt them & that if my Grandson Henry Newhall shall see cause to dwell in Lynn He to have sixty poles of Land sett out by said John Newhall att ye Notherly head end of my homestead to build an House on for his own improvement for an habitation provided he so build within three years after my decease” etc., etc. In consideration of the above he conveys to his grandson John all the rest of his estate, both real and personal. In this deed he is called John Newhall, Senr, carpenter. On the same day in which the above deed was recorded (10 Jan'y, 1725), there was entered for record another deed from him to his son John, made 5 June, 1705. In this he is styled John Newhall, Junr, carpenter, and he gives to his son a dwelling house, where he [the son] now lives, with the land it stands upon and half the barn near said house, also one-half of the upland “where I now live,” also one-half of his four acre lot in the Millstreet Field, etc., etc.
    The age of Ensign Newhall is given on his gravestone as 92 years, 6 Jan’y, 1726; and it is shown in a deposition on tile among the Mass. Archives, with that of his cousin Thomas already referred to, and dated 8 Oct., 1683. He there calls himself “aged 47 yeares or thereabout” & “Testifieth and saith that about eighteene or nineteene yeares agoe the said Deponent sold to John Peirson Senr of Redding thirty acres of undivided Land Lyeing on a neck of land in s d Redding against Pooles Mill (wch Neck of Land is said to be called pritchetts playne) being ye one half part of yt threescore acres of undivided Land wch was given to his ffather and Uncle. The wood and Timber thereon being cutt of and ye Land thereby Impoverished was the occasion of the sd Deponts selling sd Land.”
On 31 Dec 1656 John married Elizabeth Normanton in Lynn, MA.230 Elizabeth died in Lynn, MA on 5 Oct 1712.228

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Nothing is known of Elizabeth’s parentage. She may have been a relative of Mr. Abraham Normanton who was keeping school in Lynn from 1695 to 1702. The following appears in the Town Records under date of 8 Jan’y, 1695-96: “The selectmen did agree with Mr Normenton to be scoolemaster for ye Town for y year ensewing and the Town to giue him line pounds for his Labour & ye Town is to pay twenty fiue shillings towards the hire of Nathaniell Newhalls house for one year to keep scoole in & ye sd Mr Normenton to hire ye sd house.”
Their children include:
Nathaniel Newhall (3 Apr 1658-bet 22 Sep 1730 and 24 Jan 1731)
Sarah Newhall (22 Aug 1662-Nov 1693)
John Newhall (11 Oct 1664-3 May 1718)
Elizabeth Newhall (ca 1668-23 Oct 1694)
Rebecca Newhall (6 Dec 1670-4 Jun 1739)
Mary Newhall (Died unmarried) (27 Sep 1673-)
Priscilla Newhall (Died young) (24 Nov 1676-31 May 1683)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.