Pane-Joyce Genealogy
9959. Thomas Clap. Born on 15 Mar 1639 in Weymouth, MA.310,53 Thomas was baptized in Dedham, MA, in May 1640.25 Thomas died in Dedham, MA 29 Jan 1691/2.

"Thomas lived at Dedham, and is the ancestor (we believe) of the Claps of Walpole."53

From The Clapp Memorial:310
    Thomas removed and settled in Dedham; he lived in that portion which was afterward incorporated as Walpole, the incorporation os which took place in 1724. He was a housewright by trade, and died previous to Jah. 29, 1691, when his Will was proved.
    The late Elisha Clapp, and Charles Clapp, of Bath, Me., had the impression (and so have it recorded) that Thomas died in 1703, and was the first person buried in the Walpose burying-ground, and this appears to have been the prevailing idea in Walpole; but it was his son Thomas how died in 1703-4. I have taken great pains in looking up this branch, and find that all who preceded me had omitted one family of children, those of Thomas 2d, of Dedham."

Will: From The Clapp Memorial:310
    In the Yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-eight in ye fourth Yeare of the Reigne of our sovoraigne, King James the 2nd, and the fourteenth day of December, I Thomas Clap Senr of Dedham in the county of Sullolk in his Majestys Terrytorys in New England, calling to mind my mortality and being put in mind of my change by weakness and infirmity atending me Do therefore now in the time of the enjoymt of my understanding and memory upon good consideration make and ordaine this to be my last will and testament tor tbe disposing of my estate, wherein first I comit my soul into the hands of Almighty God in & through the Lord Jesus, my blessed Redeemer, & my body to the earth to be therein interred after my decease in Christian Buryall at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named. 
 Impris: I do give unto my deare and well beloved wife Mary Clap one bedd with all the furniture thereto belonging and to the value of fifty shillings in household stuff all at her choyce & one end of my Dwelling house & eight pounds p. year each year she live a widow, three pounds thereof per year in money and other five pounds p. year in corne and such other provisions as may be suitable for her use; & if my said Wife do marry againe then she is to have only the use or Rent of the thirds of my buildings & lands, & aforesaid bedd & moveables to return to my children after her decease, and further my mind and will is that my estate should be aprized as money & being devided into nineteen parts for quantity of paymt to be devided amongst my children as followeth:
 Imp : I do give and bequeath to my eldest son Thomas Clap four parts of the said nineteen whereof he have received forty pounds in the house & lands I bought for him that he now live in. 
 Item, I give and bequeath unto my other sons Joshua Clap, Eliezer Clap & Samuel Clap nine parts of the aforesaid nineteen parts to be equally divided viz each one of them three parts. 
 Item, I give unto my three daughters Mary, Abigail & Hannah, the other six parts not disposed of aforesaid to be equally divided betwixt them viz to each one of them two parts. My lands are to be equally devided betwixt my sons by Overseers or supervisors as they judge most equall & what each son receive in lands more than their portions as aforesaid they are to make payment in good currant Country paymt to their sisters each child to receive their portions at one and twenty years of age, or marriage which time come first my daughters to be paid their portions in three equal payments in three years after the aforesaid time. If any of my aforesaid children dye before they attayne the aforesaid age or Marryage their portion is to be divided betwixt them of my children that survive. By the rules aforesaid each child aforesaid at their receiving their portion or any put thereof is then legally to engage to pay their just proportion in the eight pound p. yeare each yeare to their mother according to the ------ as aforesaid during all the time aforesaid & if my said Wife after my decease while she continues a widow shold by sickness or weakness any way suffer so as the aforesaid eight pounds p. yeare prove not sufficient for her needful maintenance there shall be so much added as the three overseers hereafter named shall judge & determine needful for her supply to be paid by each child their due proportion answerable to their aforesaid portions on my said estate. My mind & Will is that my buildings should be aprized so that my son or sons that shall inherit them may not be to much disadvantaged in meet accommodations of lands, & paying Legacys.
 I do appoint and empower my loving sons Thomas Clap & Joshua Clap to be my Executors of this my last Will & Testament & do request my loveing friend Samuel Barber my loveing brother John Fisher, and my loveing sousin John Plimpton, all of them of Medfield to be the supervisors & overseers whose order advice and counsell my executors must attend & in all waity matters, in all parts of my Will & division of estate to my children, their determination or the surveying of them shall be as of legal force and value at all times as if myself had done and acted the same things. To confirm all the premises I the said Thomas Clap, Senr have set to my hand & scale in the presence of us
 Thomas Battell, 
 Joshua Fisher,
 John Aldis, Jr.
Furthermore, upon good consideration I do add to the aforesaid portion of my daughter Mary ten pounds to be added to her aforesaid portion out of my said estate. This addition is before signing and sealing.
 Thomas Clap, Senr.
On 10 Nov 1662 when Thomas was 23, he married Mary Fisher, daughter of Joshua Fisher (ca Apr 1621-10 Aug 1672) & Mary Aldous (ca Oct 1623-3 Sep 1653), in Dedham, MA.190 Born 23 Mar 1643/4 in Dedham, MA.190 Mary, the Daughter of Richard & Mary Fisher, was borne the 23 of the 1 mo. 1644.

Mary was mentioned in the will of her grandfather, Joshua Fisher of Medfield, dated 1 May 1674.
Their children include:
Thomas Clap (26 Sep 1663-28 Jan 1704)
John Clap (Died soon) (28 Feb 166[4/]5-12 Mar 1664/5)
Joshua Clap (ca 1667-30 Mar 1728)
Mary Clap (13 Dec 1669-)
Eleazer Clap (4 Nov 1671-)
Abigail Clap (12 Apr 1674[/5]-26 Feb 1693/4)
Hannah Clap (28 Mar 167[8/]9-10 May 1761)
Samuel Clap (21 Aug 1682-13 Jun 1762)
9960. Increase Clap. Born in May 1640 in Dorchester, MA.310 Increase was baptized in Dorchester, MA, on 14 May 1640.310 Increase died in Rochester, MA on 13 Sep 1716.

From The Clapp Memorial:310
    Concerning his history, little is known. I am persuaded that he was the Increase that was baptized in Dorchester May 14 1640; that was probably about the period that his fater removed from Weymouth to Scituate, and the controversy concerning Mr. Lenthial, the minister of Weymouth, was probably the cause of his bringing his son to Dorchester, his former place of residence, to be baptized by Ref. Richard Mather. He removed to Barnstable, Mass., and married the widow of Nathaniel Goodspeed in October, 1675. Her maiden name was Elizabeth, daughter of John Bursley. Increase went to Barnstable aobut 1661-2, and bought the estate of the Rowleys He probably removed to Rochester, Mass., the latter part of his life. I find in the Plymouth Records he was of Rochester in 1710, and bought twenty acres of land of William Griffiths, one of the original lots granted to William Clark (Lot 11).
In Oct 1675 Increase married Elizabeth Bursley, daughter of John Bursley (ca 1600-bef 21 Aug 1660) & Joanna Hull (ca 1620-aft 1683), in Barnstable, MA.170 “Increase Clap & Elizabeth Goodspeed y^e vid: of Nath^ll Goodspeed Married In Octo^r 1676”. Born ca 1649 in Barnstable, MA. Elizabeth was baptized in Barnstable, MA, on 25 Mar 1649.16 Elizabeth died in Rochester, MA on 26 Jun 1707.
Their children include:
John Clap (Oct 1676-bef 1754)
Charity Clap (Mar 1677[9?]-8 Feb 1697/8)
Thomas Clap (Died soon) (Jan 1681-Jan 1683)
Thomas Clap (Jan 1684-20 Apr 1716)
Benjamin Clap (ca 1679/1686-)
9961. Dea. Samuel Clap. Born ca 1638/1642 in Scituate, MA. Samuel died in Scituate, MA on 18 Mar 1733.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    From Samuel descended the distinguished family of the name in this vicinity. He succeeded to his father's residence. He married Hannah, the daughter of Thomas Gill of Hingham 1666. His children were Samuel born 1667, Joseph 1668, Stephen 1670, Hannah 1673, Bethia 1675, John 1677, Abigail 1679, David 1684, Deborah 1686, Jane 1689.

From The Clapp Memorial:310
    Samuel resided at the family homestead. He was a distinguished man of his time, and one of the most so of his native town, Scituate. He was a Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts 1692-96, 99, 1703-05, 07-09, and 14-15, after the Massachusetts and Plymouth Colonies were united. Previous to this he had been a Deputy to the Government of the Plymouth Colony 1680-86, and 90-91. He was one of the committee chosen May 27, 1686, by the town 'to draw up their grievances, and impart their apprehensions to the town' concerning the new laws that day read to them. In 1682, he was one of the commissioners to settle the boundary between Scituate and Marshfield; also to divide the line between Conihasset grant and Scituate. In many other ways he served the Town and State with great zeal and fidelity, and died at an age somewhat advanced. He and John Cushing, of Scituate, addressed a 'very spriited declaration' to Gev. Andros, in 1687, upon the account of his granting a warrant to Humphrey Johnson to lay out lands for Johnson's use. He had a grist and saw-mill where the Stockbridge Mills have since stood.
On 14 Jun 1666 Samuel married Hannah Gill (12007) , daughter of Thomas Gill (ca 1616-24 Feb 1704/5) & Hannah Otis (4082) (ca 1618-25 Jan 1675/6), in Scituate, MA.110 Born on 10 Nov 1645 in Hingham, MA.45 Hannah died in Scituate, MA, on 27 Feb 1722; she was 76.52
Their children include:
Samuel Clap (14 May 1667-)
Joseph Clap (14 Dec 1668-ca 1747)
Dea. Stephen Clap (4 Mar 1670-11 Dec 1756)
Hannah Clap (15 Jan 1673-10 Dec 1734)
Bethia Clap (ca 1675-)
John Clap (31 Sep 1677-bef 1722)
Abigail Clap (Oct 1679-2 Mar 1753)
Thomas Clap (ca 1682-)
David Clap (Nov 1684-)
Deborah Clap (Feb 1686/7-)
Jane Clap (Nov 1689-)
9962. Eleazer Clap. Born in Scituate, MA.53 Eleazer died in Rehoboth, MA on 15 Mar 1676.310

"Eleazer lived at Barnstable, and left no family."53

From The Clapp Memorial:310
    Eleazer probably never married. He removed to Barnstable, being admitted an inhabitant there between 1660 and 1670. He was killed in that desperate battle with the Narragansett Indians of March 15, 1676. He faught under the command of Captain Michael Pierce, of Scituate. It as a bravely contested and sanguinary battle, and out of 70 whites and friendly Indians, 63 were killed. This fight took place in the town of Rehoboth. The whites and their company killed about three times their number of Indians.
9963. Elizabeth Clap. Elizabeth died in Scituate, MA on 18 Mar 1698.52 Born ca 1647.

The printed vital marriage record for Scituate52 have Thomas Ring as Elizabeth’s husband instead of Thomas King.
On 20 Apr 1669 Elizabeth married Dea. Thomas King (6302) , son of Eld. Thomas King (2482) (ca 1613-24 Sep 1691) & Sarah Tinker (3005) (ca 1619-6 Jun 1652), in Scituate, MA.52 Born on 21 Jun 1645 in Scituate, MA.62,52 Thomas was baptized on 7 Sep 1645.129 Thomas died in Scituate, MA, on 1 Dec 1711; he was 66.52

Thomas first married Elizabeth Clap, second Deborah Briggs, probably Deborah (Hawke) Briggs, widow of John Briggs.

“Thomas and Elizabeth resided on the north side of Rotten March, but before 1680 Deacon King purchased Nathaniel Rawlins’ farm at Stony Cove Brook, and built the house now (1936) standing in ruins.”42

Thomas was a deacon of the church since the death of Deacon Thomas Robinson in 1676.42

“Dea. Thomas King’s will, dated 1711, gives ‘to son Daniel the homestead; (of Elder Thomas King, late deceased, on the neck); he allowing daughter Anne to live in the house. To son John a farm in Marshfield. To son George the farm where I now dewll, also a lot adjoining my brother Samuel Clap’s land. To daughter Mercy Winslow 30£. To daughter Anne King 30£. To son Ichabod, &c.’”53
Their children include:
Sarah King (3 Jan 1669[/70]-)
Thomas King (Died soon) (30 Aug 1671-12 Apr 1673)
Jane King (14 Nov 1673-)
Daniel King (Jul 1675-)
John King (Apr 1677-1721)
Mercy King (Nov 1678-16 Feb 1732/3)
Ichabod King (Oct 1680-1753)
Dea. George King (Aug 1682-16 Jun 1754)
Ebenezer King (22 Feb 1685-)
Anna King (May 1684-)
9964. Prudence Clap.

Prudence was living and unmarried when her father made his will in 1684.310
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D. Pane-Joyce
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