Pane-Joyce Genealogy
12774. Samuel Weld. Born ca 1651 in Roxbury, MA. Samuel was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 20 Jul 1651.78 Samuel died in Roxbury, MA in Aug 1653. Buried on 26 Aug 1653 in Roxbury, MA.78
12775. Rev. Thomas Weld. Born ca 1653 in Roxbury, MA. Thomas was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 12 Jun 1653.78 Thomas died in Dunstable, MA on 9 Jun 1702.54 Education: Harvard 1671.

“According to John Eliot, ‘1679; mont 2, day 27, Mr. Tho. Weld Jun^r confessed & joyned to full communion’ in the First Church in Roxbury (Thwing, History of the First Church in Roxbury). He was Freeman 12 May, 1675; took the oath of allegiance in Roxbury, 1678 or 1679 (Boston Record Commission 29.153, 170). he graduated from Harvard College in the Class of 1671. He taught school in Roxbury: ‘28/2/1674, Roxbury; vote of all the feofees chose Mr. Thomas Weld, Jr., school master for the year ensuing.’ He studied theology with his uncle Ref. Samuel Danforth, Harvard, 1643; began to preach in Dunstable, 1 May 1679; gathered a church and was ordained 16 Dec., 1685; after the deposition of Andors, he represented Deerfield in the Genearl Court, 23 May, 1689. His labors at the pioneer town of Dunstable were much appreciated, and his early death lamented. A monument to him near the state line in the city of Nashua, N.H., makes the erroneous statement that he was ‘probably massacred by Indians while defending the settlement.’ A diary by John Marshall, under date of 1702, says: ‘Mem. on the 11^th day of June last, M^r Thomas Weld, the pastor of the Church of Dunstable was buryed he was an eminent preacher of the word of god, a man well beloued and much Lamented by them that knew him. His death is justly to be accounted a great Loss to the prouince in genrall and to the poor town of dunstable in particuler.’
    The conditions under which Thomas Weld began his ministry in Dunstable are reflected in a deed recorded in Middlesex county (Middlesex Deeds 13.64). According to this deed, Jonathan Tyng of Dunstable, for a consideration of a valuable sum of money, sold to Worshipful Peter Buckley, Esq., of Concord, to the Rev. Samuel Whitney of Billerica and to Mr. Cornelius Waldo Towl of Dunstable, farmers, as also to such of the proprietors of teh Town of Dunstable asare now residing in Dunstable, that is to say, Mrs. Mary Tyng, Mr. Thomas Weld, Samuel Warner, gent., John Blanchard, Robert Parris, John Cummings, gent., Isaac Cummings, John Cummings, Junr., Thomas Cummings, John Acres, Samuel French, Andrew Cooke, Thomas Lund, John Sollendine, Robert Usher, Robert Proctor, Christopher Read, Joseph Wrtght, Joseph Haskell, Obadiah Perry, Chrlstopher Temple, Francis Cooke, John Goole, Samuel Beale, Joseph Parker, Senr., all the right, titIe, interest, &c., which he had by virtue of a deed signed by John Ushind, alias Cassamassit, and Bess Nomphow, Indians, inhabitants of Weymessit, and land formerIy the property of Joseph Wheeler, also in Dunstable; and to Cornellus Waldo, Senr., of Dunstable, the whole farm of 700 acres in Dunstable; dated 29 Jan., 1683.
    “ln 1727, 27 April, Habijah lVeld (then of Woburn), gent., allas clerk, deeded to John Usher of Dunstable, cooper, several pleces of land in Dunstable, among them 35 acres adjoining the exact spot where the house was built for the first settled minister, on the west side of the Merrimack River, by measure 33 poles. That Rev. Thomas Weld died a naturel death rather than a violent one at the hands of Indians is proved by the account of his administrator, Nathanlel Brewer of Roxbury, who pald Dr. Minot £1:4s, Dr. Pres cot £ l:4s, and nurse Shedd £2, for attendance on him in his last illness (Middlesex Probate Records 6. 459). The charges for his funernl were £7 4s, 5d.
    “The inventory of Rev. Thomas Weld was taken by Rev. Nehemiah Walter, Timothy Stevens, and Samuel Williams in Roxbury, 18 Nov., l7O2; books ln Cambrldge by John Hancock and Thomas Clark, 25 Nov., 1702; and the estate in Dunstable by Robert Parris, Jonathan Richardson, and Joseph
Farwell, 24 Nov., 1702.”54
On 9 Nov 1681 Thomas first married Elizabeth Wilson (12997) , daughter of Rev. John Wilson (4436) (ca 1624-23 Aug 1691) & Sarah Hooker (7441) (ca 1629/30-20 Aug 1725).54 Born ca Sep 1656 in Medfield, MA.270 Elizebeth, d. of John & Sarah, [torn] 1656 [rec. after Sept.]. Elizabeth died in Roxbury, MA on 19 Jul 1687.54

Elizabeth, of Medfield.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Weld (Died soon) (13 Oct 1682-bef 1684)
Thomas Weld (7 Feb 1683-21 Jul 1704)
Elizabeth Weld (Died soon) (5 Jan 1684-11 Apr 1686)
John Weld (Died soon) (5 Feb 1685-25 Jul 1686)
On 22 May 1700 Thomas second married Mary Savage, daughter of Capt. Habijah Savage (1 Aug 1638-1669) & Hannah Tyng (7 Mar 1639/40-28 Oct 1688), in Cambridge, MA.54 Born on 27 Aug 1667 in Boston, MA.54 Mary died in Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachusetts, on 2 Jun 1730; she was 62.54 Buried in Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachusetts.
Their children include:
Samuel Weld (Died young) (4 Mar 1701-18 Jan 1715/6)
Rev. Habijah Weld (Posthumous) (2 Sep 1702-14 May 1782)
12776. Samuel Weld. Born ca 1655 in Roxbury, MA. Samuel was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 10 Aug 1655.78 Samuel died in Roxbury, MA on 2 Sep 1737.78 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: C307.

Samuel was freeman 1690.
On 28 Jun 1683 Samuel married Susannah Polley, daughter of John Polley (ca 1618-2 Apr 1689) & Susanna Bacon (ca 1625-30 Apr 1664), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born on 22 Dec 1661 in Roxbury, MA. Susannah died in Roxbury, MA, on 20 Apr 1729; she was 67.78 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: C308b.
Their children include:
Dorothy Weld (28 May 1684-26 Oct 1710)
Samuel Weld (Died soon) (31 Jul 1686-9 Aug 1686)
Samuel Weld (Died soon) (30 Oct 1687-20 Apr 1689)
Ebenezer Weld (Died young) (24 Jan 1689/90-19 Sep 1693)
Susanna Weld (ca 1692-)
12777. John Weld. Born on 9 Oct 1657 in Roxbury, MA.78 John was baptized on 11 Oct 1657. John died in Roxbury, MA, on 25 Jul 1686; he was 28.78 Buried in Roxbury, MA GR1. Occupation: weaver.

John took the oath of allegiance in Roxbury 1678 or 1679. His will leaves all his estate to his brother Edmund on condition that he pay within six months after his mother’s death ten pounds to his brother Joseph and five pounds each to his brothers Thomas and Samuel and sisters Dorothy Denison and Margaret Weld.54
12778. Edmund Weld. Born on 29 Sep 1659 in Roxbury, MA.78 Edmund was baptized on 2 Oct 1659. Edmund died in Roxbury, MA in Jul 1748.54 Occupation: Cooper.

Edmund took the oath of allegiance in Roxbury in 1678 or 1679, and held a pew in the meeting house of the First Church in 1693. He held a house in Roxbury, one half of which he deeded 15 Feb 1723/4 to his son Edmund Weld, joyner, as also one half right in the Training Field of Roxbury which was destined to be the subject of later controversy. He provided in this deed that Edmund, if he survived him, should have the right to buy the other half of the house at it appraisal value, upon condition that if he should marry again, and his wife should survive him and remain his widow, his half should remain to her during her widowhood. His wife’s property was of sufficient importance for him to be appointed by Judge Samuel Sewall administrator for her personbal estate, teh wri of adminstration specifically excepting her real estate.54

Edmund’s will was made 18 Jun 1744, and probated 14 Apr 1747, and administration letters granted 26 Jul 1748 to widow Clemence and son Samuel.54
On 10 Nov 1687 when Edmund was 28, he married Elizabeth White (9109) , daughter of Lieut. John White (3085) (ca 1642-28 Mar 1695) & Elizabeth Bowles (5488) (ca 1650/1-7 Jan 1699/1700), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born ca 1667 in Roxbury, MA. Elizabeth was baptized in Roxbury, MA CR1, 22 Mar 1667/8.78 Elizabeth died in Roxbury, MA on 20 Dec 1721.78 Elizabeth died of smallpox.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Weld (21 Feb 1689-1 Nov 1746)
John Weld (ca 1690-24 Jul 1763)
Joseph Weld (Died soon) (ca 1693-21 Feb 1693/4)
Edmund Weld (23 Jun 1695-13 Jun 1748)
Dorothy Weld (ca 1700-16 Apr 1765)
Rev. Thomas Weld (Nov 1702-)
Samuel Weld (Died young) (-29 Mar 1698)
12779. Daniel Weld. Born ca 1661/2 in Roxbury, MA. Daniel was baptized in Roxbury, MA CR1, 16 Mar 1661/2.78 Daniel died in Roxbury, MA in Jun 1663. Buried on 25 Jun 1663 in Roxbury, MA GR1.78
12780. Dorothy Weld. Born on 28 Apr 1664 in Roxbury, MA.78 Dorothy was baptized in Roxbury, MA CR1, on 24 Apr 1664.78 Dorothy died in 1740.54

Dorothy first married William Denison, second Samuel Williams as his third wife.
On 12 May 1686 when Dorothy was 22, she first married William Denison (12795) , son of Capt. Edward Denison (1614-26 Apr 1668) & Elizabeth Weld (4366) (9 May 1625-5 Feb 1716), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born ca 1664 in Roxbury, MA. William was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 18 Sep 1664. William died 22 Mar 1716/7. Education: Harvard 1681.

William and Dorothy were second cousins; his maternal grandfather and her paternal grandfather were brothers.
On 28 Apr 1720 when Dorothy was 56, she second married Lieut. Samuel Williams, son of Dea. Samuel Williams (ca 1632-28 Sep 1698) & Theoda Parke (26 Jul 1637-2 Aug 1718), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born 15 Apr 1655[6?] in Roxbury, MA.78 Samuel was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 27 Apr 1656.25 Samuel died in Roxbury, MA in Aug 1735.78

Samuel first married Sarah May; second Mary (Payson) Capen, widow of Preserved Capen; and third Dorothy (Weld) Denison, widow of William Denison.
12781. Joseph Weld. Born on 3 May 1666 in Roxbury, MA.78 Joseph died bef 11 Mar 1695.54

It is uncertain whether Joseph was married.54 His will was dated 8 Apr 1690, proved 11 Mar 1695.
12782. Margaret Weld. Born on 29 Nov 1669 in Roxbury, MA.78 Margaret died in Roxbury, MA, on 25 Jul 1704; she was 34.
On 17 Mar 1692 when Margaret was 22, she married Nathaniel Brewer, son of Nathaniel Brewer (11 May 1635-26 Feb 1697/8) & Elizabeth Rand (29 Jan 1638/9-1 May 1702), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born on 16 Jul 1667 in Roxbury, MA. Nathaniel died in Roxbury, MA, on 22 Apr 1733; he was 65.
Their children include:
Margaret Brewer (Died soon) (2 Apr 1692-4 May 1692)
Nathaniel Brewer (17 Sep 1694-1747)
Dorothy Brewer (19 Jun 1697-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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