Pane-Joyce Genealogy
29805. Elizabeth Weld. Born on 13 Oct 1682 in Dunstable, MA.54 Elizabeth died bef 1684.
29806. Thomas Weld. Born on 7 Feb 1683 in Dunstable, MA.54 Thomas died in Roxbury, MA, on 21 Jul 1704; he was 21.78 Education: Harvard 1701, AM 1704.

“Thomas was admitted to full communion in the First Church in Roxbury in May, 1703; graduated at Harvard College in 1701, A.M. 1704. The Boston New Letter of 24 July, 1704, says he sickened on the Friday following Commencement; “dyed 21st current at Braintree, and buried at Roxbury of the 22d’ [Sewall in his Diary says: ‘July, 21, 1704. Mr. Thomas Weld, who proceeded Master of Arts this Commencement, July 15th, died this day at his unkle Wilson’s at Braintry. July, 22 Feria septima, is buried from his unkle Weld’s at Roxbury. Mr. Bromfield in the Calash. Mr. Walter paryed in the Orchard. Mr. Bromfield and I follow’d the Relations; them Mr. Danforth and Mr. Walter.’]”54
29807. Elizabeth Weld. Born on 5 Jan 1684 in Dunstable, MA.54 Elizabeth died on 11 Apr 1686; she was 2.54

Was this third child Elizabeth, or Eleazer?
29808. John Weld. Born on 5 Feb 1685 in Dunstable, MA. John died on 25 Jul 1686; he was 1.54
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.