Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Remember Morton (4608) & Abraham Jackson
13516. Lydia Jackson. Born on 19 Nov 1658 in Plymouth, MA.62 Lydia died in Hingham, MA, on 19 Dec 1729; she was 71.45

Lydia first married Israel Leavitt, second Preserved Hall.
10 Jan 1676/7 Lydia first married Israel Leavitt (10016) , son of Dea. John Leavitt (ca 1608-20 Nov 1691) & Sarah Gilman (3374) (ca 1622-26 May 1700), in Plymouth, MA. Born ca 1648 in Hingham, MA. Israel was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 23 Apr 1648.45 Israel died in Hingham, MA on 26 Dec 1696.45 Occupation: husbandman.

Israel resided on Leavitt St. He died intestate.45
Their children include:
Ens. John Leavitt (6 Jul 1678-29 Jul 1749)
Israel Leavitt (1 Aug 1680-30 May 1757)
Solomon Leavitt (24 Oct 1682-)
Elisha Leavitt (16 Jul 1684-27 Oct 1769)
Abraham Leavitt (27 Nov 1686-21 Jan 1767)
Sarah Leavitt (8 Feb 1688/9-)
Lydia Leavitt (ca 1691-)
Hannah Leavitt (30 Jun 1693-10 Feb 1753)
Mary Leavitt (18 Feb 1695/6-11 Sep 1777)
25 Jan 1698/9 Lydia second married Preserved Hall, son of Edward Hall & Hester Thayer, in Hingham, MA.45 Preserved died in Hingham, MA on 5 Aug 1740.45 Occupation: cooper.
13517. Abraham Jackson. Born say 1660 in Plymouth, MA.
7 Jan 1684/5 Abraham married Margaret Hicks (7078) , daughter of Samuel Hicks (ca 1611-ca 1676) & Lydia Doane (2642) (ca 1625-bef Oct 1681). Born on 9 Mar 1654 in Plymouth, MA.62
Their children include:
Abraham Jackson (9 Dec 1686-)
Samuel Jackson (15 Aug 1689-)
Sarah Jackson (14 Feb 1691-)
Israel Jackson (11 Dec 1693-)
Lydia Jackson (22 Mar 1696-)
Seth Jackson (7 Jun 1698-)
13518. John Jackson. Born ca 1664 in Plymouth, MA.

John was of Plymouth when he married Abigail.52
On 24 Dec 1695 John married Abigail Woodworth (6579) , daughter of Walter Woodworth (2526) (ca 1612-bet 26 Nov 1685 and 25 Feb 1685/6), in Scituate, MA.110 Born ca 1664 in Scituate, MA.16
Their children include:
13519. Nathaniel Jackson. Born ca 1664 in Plymouth, MA. Nathaniel died in Plymouth, MA on 4 Jul 1743.

Will: The last will and testament of Nathaniel Jackson Senr of Plymouth in the County of Plymouth in New England yoeman. I Nathaniel Jackson being aged and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind & memory, do make & appoint these presents to be my last will and testament in manner and form following: I commend my soul to God that gave it, & my body to a decent funeral hopeing for a joyfull resurrection through Jesus Christ—And as to my worldly Estate after my just debts & funeral charges, with the legacies in this will mentioned, are paid and discharged by my Executor hereafter in these presents mentioned, I give and bequeath as follows
 Imprimis To my eldest son Nathaniel Jackson all the land with the appurtenances that I bought of Isaac Doten and one half of my pasture near the house where Eleazer King now lives, all in Plymouth aforesd with one half of my land in Hallifax or Middlebro near to Tomsons, and half my right in the grist mill, & half my right in the saw mill there, all to him his heirs & assigns forever. I also give him three eighths of the new Scooner I built ye last winter which John Kempton is now master, and ye bed I lye upon with the furniture belonging to it
 I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Jackson all my right and interest in Plimton in the County aforesd viz, housing land meadow & swamps with the appurtenances to him, his heirs and assigns forever, and also one bed & the beding belonging to it and the sawmill on the premises in Plymton aforesd. I say all my right there but what Jno. Richard and I owned together in the first Great Lot
 I give and bequeth unto my daughter Ruth Turner wife to David Turner of Plymouth aforesaid one hundred pounds in bills of the old tenour, to be paid within a year after my decease, and one bed and furniture thereof
 I give to John Jones and Sarah Jones children of my daughter Ann, deceas'd ten pounds apiece in bills of the old tenour to be paid within a year after my death
 I give and bequeath unto Joseph Treble son of my said Daughter Ann the land I bought of James Shurtleff lying by Little Pond so called in Plymo aforesd not far from the sd pasture near Eleazer King’s and all my remaining right in the First Great Lot that Mr. John Richard deceased & I owned together in the propriety of Plymouth and Plymton aforesd with the appurtenances, to him, his heirs and assigns forever
 I give to John Treble son of my sd daughter twenty shillings old teneur.
 I give & bequeath to Joseph Jackson son of my son Joseph Jackson deceased the home I built with ye land where my father formerly lived with all my right on that side [of] ye street near to or adjoining on Spring Hill so called in Plymouth aforesd, with the appurtenances except I intend all on the east side of ye street only to the sd Joseph Jackson my Grandson, to him his heirs and assigns forever
 I give to Lois Jackson daughter to my sd son Joseph deceased the sum of five pounds, old tenour.
 I give to Nicholas Spinks my great grand child twenty shillings old tenour, and finally all the rest and residue of my Estate whatsoever & wheresoever both Real & Personal, I give & bequeath to my son Thomas Jackson whom I do make and constitute sole executor of this my last will and tesament (to receive debts & pay all debts and legacies out of his part) by these presents--hereby revoking and disanulling all former wills by me made, & confirming this to be my last will and testament only, and in testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of April One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Three
    Signed Sealed & Delivered to be his last will & testament in presence of Josiah Cotton, Josiah Carver, Benjamin Jackson, [?] Adams
 Nathaniel Jackson
Mayflower Society Library, Plymouth Mass. Probate microfilm vol. 9, p. 110.
On 20 Dec 1686 Nathaniel married Ruth Jenny, daughter of Samuel Jenny (ca 1616-) & Ann Lettice, in Plymouth, MA. Born ca 1663 in Plymouth, MA. Ruth died in Plymouth, MA on 29 Mar 1742.
Their children include:
Samuel Jackson (-2 Nov 1745)
Nathaniel Jackson (ca 1687-aft 16 Jul 1744)
Joseph Jackson (ca 1690-)
Ruth Jackson (Nov 1700-28 Mar 1755)
Capt. Thomas Jackson (ca 1703-10 Jul 1775)
13520. Eleazer Jackson. Born in Oct 1669 in Plymouth, MA.62 Eleazer died in Carver, MA on 14 Jul 1736.
29 Jan 1689/90 Eleazer married Hannah Ransom, daughter of Robert Ransom (say 1636-14 Dec 1697), in Plymouth, MA. Born ca 1671. Hannah died in Carver, MA on 30 Mar 1758.
Their children include:
Joanna Jackson (22 Feb 1695/6-10 Jun 1753)
Mary Jackson (15 Apr 1701-aft Oct 1767)
Susanna Jackson (25 Jul 1706-4 Nov 1734)
Ransom Jackson (22 Jun 1708-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.