Pane-Joyce Genealogy
13705. Capt. James Cudworth. Born ca 1635 in Scituate, MA. James was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 3 May 1635.52 James died in Scituate, MA on 17 Dec 1697. Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Capt. James, the oldest son [of General James Cudworth], had lands in Freetown, in his father's right, and my have resided there for a time, but most of his children are recorded in Scituate. They were mary born 1667, Sarah 1669, Capt. James 1670, who deceased at Freetown, 1729, Joanna 1671, (wife of Zachary Colman 1696), Elizabeth 1672, Abigail 1674, John 1677. John (last named) settled in Scituate, and left sons John born 1706, James 1715, both of whom left sons.
    Capt. James, sen. decesaed before 1699. His widow Mary deceased 1699, leaving legacies 'to sons James and John, and daughters Mary, Sarah, Joanna Colman, and Eliz. and Abigail.'
    John (born 1706, above named) married Mary Briggs, 1731, his sons were John, jr. and Capt. Joseph. John, jr. married Elizabeth Clap 1772, and had sons John, Job, Charles, Abiel, Arvin. This family resided on Hooppole neck. Capt. Joseph married Elizabeth Souther 1775, and has sons Elijah of Scituate and Peter of Boston.

The births of James and Mary’s children were all recorded at the Society of Friends of Pembroke. Apparently they adhered to the Quaker faith at tht point in their lives.
Ca 1664 James married Mary Howland (1920) , daughter of Henry Howland (773) (ca 1600/1605-1 Jan 1670/1) & Mary (-16 Aug 1674). Born ca 1643. Mary died in Scituate, MA bef 5 Jan 1699.
Their children include:
James Cudworth (3 Jun 1665-bef 11 Sep 1729)
Mary Cudworth (14 Mar 1667-aft 4 Nov 1699)
Sarah Cudworth (13 Apr 1669-aft 4 Nov 1699)
Joanna Cudworth (8 Aug 1671-)
John Cudworth (2 May 1674-ca 1755)
Elizabeth Cudworth (4 Mar 1677-aft 10 May 1730)
Abigail Cudworth (9 Mar 1680-8 Apr 1750)
13706. Mary Cudworth. Born ca 1637 in Scituate, MA. Mary was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 23 Jul 1637.52 Mary died in Scituate, MA ca 1699.

Concerning Robert and Mary’s difficulty in getting the authorities to recognize their marriage, from The Whitcomb Family in America, page 50:313
    Robert Whitcomb and Mary Cudworth for disorderly coming together without consent of parents and lawfull marriage is sentenced to pay ten pounds fine and Imprisoned during the pleasure of the Court; and being desirouse to bee orderly married, accordingly were, this 9th of March, 1660.
    Ezekiell Mayne for accompanying and countenancing of the said ptyes in theire extravigant course for the accomplishing of theire eregulare purposes, was fined twenty shillings.
    Officers were appointed by the Court to apprehend the Quaker preacher, “Henry Hobson of Road Iland, and to take securities for his appearance at the Court att Plymouth to answare for his derision of authoritie in counterfeiting the solemnising of the marriage of Robert Whetcom and Mary Cudworth.”— (Plymouth Colony Records; Vol. III.)
9 Mar 1660/1 Mary married Robert Whitcomb (10139) , son of John Whitcomb (ca 1600-24 Sep 1662) & Frances Coggan (3406) (ca 1605/6-17 May 1671).14 Born on 14 Sep 1629 in Taunton, Somerset. Robert was baptized in St James, Taunton, on 20 Dec 1629.32

Robert remained at Scituate when his father removed to Lancaster. He was the first of the family that settled in ‘the beaches’ or beach woods where several generations of his posterity have resided.53

From The Whitcomb Family in America, page 49:313
    When, in 1654 Robert’s father John removed his family from Scituate, Mass., to Lancaster, Mass., Robert remained behind, perhaps in the family of his oldest sister Catherine Ellmes, who was settled there, she having been married ten years before. From the fact that Robert remained and was given real estate, it is reasonable to suppose him to have been one of the older sons. It is recorded by several authorities that in this year, 1654, Robert received from his father a half interest in the Conihasset lands and it is probable that this was recognized as his share of his father's estate, as in the division of the property after his father’s death he was awarded no part, nor was he mentioned in the will of his mother.
    Events proved that Robert, like his brother-in-law, Rhodolphus Ellmes, and his neighbors, Gen. Cudworth and family, sympathized with the Quakers and possibly his inclinations led him to remain with these friends rather than to accompany his Puritan relatives to Lancaster. It is certain that six years later he was married by a Quaker preacher in Rhode Island to Mary (born July 23, 1637), daughter of Gen. James Cudworth, but this marriage being pronounced unlawful he was remarried by a Puritan preacher, March 9, 1660.
    Robert Whitcombe was the first to settle at “Beechwood” in the Beeches, the family place at Scituate where several generations of Whitcombes have resided.
    He seems to have died intestate and there is no record of his children except in the will of Gen. James Cudworth, who left legacies to four grandchildren. Another child, Elizabeth, is named elsewhere. Dates of the death of Robert and his wife are unknown at this writing (1903).
Their children include:
Israel Whitcomb (ca 1662-5 May 1733)
Mary Whitcomb (say 1665-aft Mar 1707)
James Whitcomb (1668-26 Jun 1728)
Elizabeth Whitcomb (say 1672-24 Aug 1730)
Robert Whitcomb (ca 1674-25 Dec 1704)
13707. Jonathan Cudworth. Born ca 1638 in Scituate, MA. Jonathan was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 16 Sep 1638.52 Jonathan died in Scituate, MA in Sep 1638.52 Buried on 24 Sep 1638 in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.52
13708. Israel Cudworth. Born ca 1641 in Barnstable, MA. Israel was baptized in Barnstable, MA, on 18 Apr 1641.166

"Israel (son of Gen. Cudworth) removed to Freetown, (as is said), but he retained an interest in Conihasset lands in Scituate as late as 1700. He had one daughter born in Scituate, Mary 1678, (wife of Jacob Vinal 1695)."53
Israel married Joanna.
Their children include:
Mary Cudworth (17 Oct 1678-1 Mar 1755)
13709. Joanna Cudworth. Born ca 1643 in Barnstable, MA. Joanna was baptized in Barnstable, MA, on 26 Mar 1643.166

Joanna married a Mr. Jones.166
13710. (infant son) Cudworth. Born ca 1644 in Barnstable, MA. (infant son) died in Jun 1644. Buried on 24 Jun 1644 in Barnstable, MA.14 “A man child of James Cudowrth, unbaptized”.
13711. Jonathan Cudworth. Born ca 1646 in Scituate, MA.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    "Jonathan (son of Gen. Cudworth) resided in Scituate. He married Sarah, the daughter of Jonathan Jackson. His children, Nathaniel born 1667, Bethia 1671, Hannah 1674, (wife of Thomas Hatch 1695), Sarah 1676, Jonathan 1679, James 1682, Israel 1683, Rachel 1689. Of these sons, most of them had families - The sons of Nathaniel were Israel born 1706, Jonathan 1710, Nathaniel 1712. The sons of James were James born 1714, Zephaniah 1719. The sons of Zephaniah were Noah, Melzar and James."
On 31 May 1667 Jonathan first married Sarah Jackson (12568) , daughter of Samuel Jackson (ca 1610-bef 30 Oct 1682) & Hester Sillis (4294) (ca 1619-), in Scituate, MA.110 Born ca 1648 in Scituate, MA.
Their children include:
Nathaniel Cudworth (7 Sep 1667-ca 1730)
Bethia Cudworth (Died soon) (25 Nov 1671-Dec 1671)
Hannah Cudworth (8 May 1674-7 Dec 1731)
Jonathan Cudworth (15 Apr 1679-1719)
James Cudworth (Jan 1682-)
Israel Cudworth (18 Oct 1683-bef 1717)
Rachel Cudworth (11 Oct 1689-)
Jonathan second married Elizabeth.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.