Pane-Joyce Genealogy
16683. Thomas Green. Born 1 (2) 1653 [1 Apr 1653] in Malden, MA.216
16684. Rebecca Green. Born ca 1654 in Malden, MA.25 Rebecca died in Malden, MA on 25 May 1725.227

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Thomas Newhall married Nov., 1674, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Hills) Greene of Maiden, born 1654. On the death of Mrs. Greene, administration on her estate was granted (4–lmo–1674-5) to Thomas Newhall “in behalfe of his wife and ye other children,” and, on account of his delay in this business, a citation was issued 13 April, 1700, on the “petition of John Venton who md. one of the daughters of Trumpeter Green agst. Tho. Newhall who md. another and is administrator of Rebecca” &c. The maternal Grandfather of Mrs Newhall was Joseph Hills, Esq., of Malden and afterward of Newbury, Representative, Speaker of the House, an active and energetic magistrate, a trusted elder of the Church and compiler of the laws of the Colony, in the performance of the duties of which latter office he lost the use of his eyes, as appears from a petition on file at the State House. One of his wives was probably a sister of Henry Dunster, the first President of Harvard College.
Bef 9 Nov 1674 Rebecca married Lieut. Thomas Newhall (17349) , son of Ens. Thomas Newhall (6372) (ca Apr 1629-1 Apr 1687) & Elizabeth Potter (8158) (ca 1634-Feb 1686/7).227 Born on 18 Nov 1653 in Lynn, MA.228 Thomas died in Malden, MA, on 13 Jul 1728; he was 74.227 Occupation: Husbandman & weaver.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Mr. Newhall probably removed to Maiden on his marriage, for we find on Record in Middlesex Deeds (B. 8, L. 543), a deed of gift, 9 th Nov., 1674, from Joseph Hills “father of Rebecca wife of Thomas Greene” to Thomas Newhall, Jr., of Lynn and his wife Rebecca. March 16, 1681, he, then of Malden, bought, for 53 £ of Joseph and Ann Hills of Newbury their farm in Malden, of sixty acres, then leased to another and subject to said lease. This estate was bounded N. by Mount Prospect and W. by Capt. Wait’s land. In 1691, in a deed to Sam1 Greene, he is called husbandman or weaver. He was a Lieutenant and a Selectman of Maiden in 1700,1701, 1702 and 1712. No probate or division of this estate has been found. He died 3 July, 1728, in the 75th year of his age, says the inscription on the grave stone in the old Burying Ground at Maiden. On the same authority, Rebeckah, the wife of Lt. Thomas Newhall, died 25 May, 1726, in the 73d year of her age.

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Thomas was appointed administrator, “in behalf of his wife and the other children,” of the estate
of the widow Rebecca Green, his wife’s mother, March 4, 1674-5. Joseph Hills of Newbury, conveyed, Nov. 9, 1674, to the aforesaid Thomas Newell and Rebecca his wife, two parcels of land, containing ten acres, and “sometimes in the occupation of Thomas Green;” in consideration of payments to be made to Hannah (sister of the grantee's wife) and to Samuel (her brother) when they should become of age. Furthermore, Samuel Green, last mentioned, was to be “brought up” by the said Newell. In this deed, Joseph Hills calls himself “father of Rebecca, the wife of Thomas Green, late of Maulden.” [Midd. Deeds, 8 : 543-5.] The same land was conveyed, April 24, 1690, by the said Thomas Newell “of Maiden,” to the said Samuel Green. [Midd. Deeds, 12 : 449.1 Mrs. Rebecca Newell d. May 25, 1726, æ. 73. [Gravestone in Maiden.]
Their children include:
Rebecca Newhall (ca 1676-7 Oct 1694)
Lieut. Thomas Newhall (ca 1680-bef 6 Apr 1776)
Hannah Newhall (ca 1682-)
Daniel Newhall (ca 1685-3 Feb 1760)
Lydia Newhall (17 Apr 1687-aft 1739)
Samuel Newhall (26 Apr 1689-17 Apr 1733)
Martha Newhall (ca 1691-)
Elisha Newhall (ca 1693-)
16685. Thomas Green. Born (12) 1655 [Feb 1656] in Malden, MA.216
16686. John Green. Born 16 (11) 1658 [16 Jan 1659] in Malden, MA.216 John died in Malden, MA.
16687. Hannah Green. Born 16 (8) 1658 [16 Oct 1658] in Malden, MA.216 Hannah died in Malden, MA 25 (1) 1659 [25 Mary 1659].216
16688. Hannah Green. Born 24 (12) 1659 [24 Feb 1660] in Malden, MA.216 Hannah died in Braintree, MA ca 1741.
On 16 Aug 1677 Hannah married John Vinton, son of John Vinton (ca 1620-3 Aug 1664) & Anna (-3 Aug 1664), in Malden, MA. Born on 2 Mar 1651 in Lynn, MA. John died in Woburn, MA, on 13 Nov 1727; he was 76.
Their children include:
John Vinton Esq. (ca 1678-1760)
Hannah Vinton (26 Jan 1682-20 Feb 1753)
Rebecca Vinton (26 Mar 1683-)
Samuel Vinton (3 mar 1694/5-17 Jul 1756)
Abiathar Vinton (10 May 1700-1740)
Thomas Vinton (ca 1717-22 Mar 1763)
Benoni Vinton (12 Jun 1720-10 Oct 1760)
16689. Thomas Green. Born in Feb 1666 in Malden, MA. Thomas died in Malden, MA 15 (2) 1674 [15 Apr 1674].216
16690. Capt. Samuel Green. Born 5 (8) 1670 [5 Oct 1670] in Malden, MA.216 Samuel died in Leicester, MA 2 Jan 1734/5.

From the Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Samuel is mentioned in the Will (dated Sept. 14, 1687: Suff. Prob., 10 : 241) of his grandfatlier Joseph Hills of Newbury, (formerly of Maiden,) together with his sister Hannah Vinton. That he married Elizabeth Upham is certain from an original deed to him from Joseph Lynde of Maiden, dated Jan. 14, 1701-2, now [1858] in the possession of his descendant, William N. Green of Worcester, which thus distinguishes him from other Samuel Greens, “that Samuel Green which married Elizabeth Upham.”
    He resided in Maiden till about 1717, when he removed with his family to Leicester, of which town he was one of the original founders. That township was granted by the General Court, Feb. 10, 1713-14, and Capt. Green was one of the committee (with Col. William Dudley of Roxbury and others) appointed by the proprietors to settle it. He owned three lots of forty acres each, and two of thirty acres each, in said town. [Midd. Deeds, 29 : 329.] He was a very influential man in all the afiairs of the new settlement. That part of the town, occupied by him and hia relatives, who soon afterwards moved from Mliden, is now called Greenville, in honor of him. It is a village in the south part of Leicester, about a mile north of South Leicester R.R. Depot. [South Leicester is also called Rochdale.]
    He died Jan. 2, 1735-6. His Will, dated Malden, April 18, 1717,— just before removing to Leicester; proved Feb. 5, 1735-6; recorded Worcester Probate, mentions wife Elizabeth, son Thomas, (who has the real estate, except that one-half of the real and personal is for his mother's use during her life) and six daughters.
On 28 Oct 1691 Samuel married Elizabeth Upham, daughter of Lieut. Phineas Upham (ca Mar 1635-bef 12 Oct 1676) & Ruth Wood (ca 1637-18 Jan 1696/7), in Malden, MA. Born ca 1668 in Malden, MA. Elizabeth died in Leicester, MA ca 1761.215

Elizabeth died age 62.215
Their children include:
Elizabeth Green (4 Apr 1693-aft 6 Mar 1735/6)
Rebecca Green (4 Apr 1695-)
Ruth Green (ca 1697-1750)
Rev. Thomas Green (1699-19 Aug 1773)
Bathsheba Green (ca 1701-)
Lydia Green (ca 1705-)
Abigail Green (ca 1707-16 Nov 1759)
Anna Green (ca 1710-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.