Pane-Joyce Genealogy
29024. Christina Buys. Born ca 1703 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.

Derck and Crestena were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1726 for Abraham Ecker, son of Aentie Van Thessel
    1740 for Geertie, daughter of Hendreck Van Thexel & his wife Beelitie (Crestena’s sister);
    1741 for Willem, son of Joannis Duyster and his wife Meyno (Crestena’s sister);
    1752 for their grandson Jacob, son of Adrianus Van Wormen & Aentie Van Tessel.
On 9 Feb 1723 Christina married Dirck Van Tassel (35757) , son of Cornelis Van Tassel (17144) (7 Jan 1668-) & Antije Storm (ca 1670-20 May 1713), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born on 25 Dec 1699 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.552 Dirck was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 24 Apr 1699.157 Dirck, son of Cornelis Van Texel & wife Antje, witnesses: Jacob Sie & wife Catharena [Antje’s sister]. A second entry for the same baptism occurs on 20 Aug 1700 with the cryptic annotation “After finding the truth, so is the son baptized”.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
9 Feb 1723. Dirck Van Tessel, y.m, b. Flipsburgh, & Christina Buÿs, y.d., b. Acquiggenonck, both l. Flipsburg

Dirck and Christina were admitted members of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church on 5 Sep 1724.157
He was Deacon from 1743 to 1745. They lived in the Saw Mill River valley near Elmsford, Westchester Co.410
“Derrick Van Tessel” was on the 1760 Philipsburg Manor rent roll.543
Their children include:
Aentie Van Tassel (late 1723-)
Lea Van Tassel (ca 1731-bef 1788)
Cornelis Van Tassel (ca 1735-6 Mar 1820)
29025. Catherina Buys. Born in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. Catherina died aft 1771.

Johannis and Annatie were witnesses the the 1738 baptism of their neice Annatie, daughter of Hendreck & Belytie Van Thexel. Also, the 1738 baptism of their nephew Johannis, son of Marten & Esther Crancheyt.
On 21 Nov 1724 Catherina married Johannis Van Tassel (35755) , son of Cornelis Van Tassel (17144) (7 Jan 1668-) & Antije Storm (ca 1670-20 May 1713), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Johannis Van Tessel, j.m., b. on the Minnaer [Manor] of Cortlant and Treintie Buys, j.d., of Achquakenonck [Passaic, NJ] both l. in Phillips Burgh. Born on 4 Mar 1696.552 Johannis was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 22 Apr 1696.159 Johannes, son of Cornelis Janszen & Annetje Storms, witnesses Arent Fredricxcen & his wife Hester Nathaniels. Johannis died between 23 Dec 1771 and 23 Jan 1785.
Their children include:
Johannes Van Tassel (1726-bef 1758)
Peter Van Tassel (15 May 1728-17 Sep 1784)
Catharina Van Tassel (1733-11 Apr 1806)
Rachel Van Tassel (Died young) (1736-)
Rachel Van Tassel (1739-22 Sep 1819)
Jacob Van Tassel (1 Sep 1744-24 Aug 1840)
29026. Belytie Buys. Born in 1706 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.410

Children of Hendrick and Belytie: Rachel 1732, Johannis 1734, Maritie, Annatie 1738, Geertje, and Hendrikus 1747.410

Hendreck and Belytie were witnesses at the 1739 baptism for their nephew Petrus, son of Joannis Syfer & his wife Lea (Buys).
On 24 Oct 1730 Belytie married Hendrick Van Tassel (35787) , son of Jacob Van Tassel (17147) (1676-) & Aeltie Storm (1680-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Hendreck Van Tessel, j.m., b. on the Mennaer of Cortlandt, and Belytie Buys, b. in Acqueggenock; both l. in Phillips Burgh”. Born in 1706 in Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York. Hendrick was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 Mar 1706.157 Hendrick, son fo Jacob Van Texel & wife Aaeltje, witnesses Carel Davidze and wife Antje [van Lent]. Hendrick died Mar or Apr 1771.

In his will, signed 1 Mar 1771 and proved 3 Apr 1771, Hendrick left to his sons John and Hendrick all his improvements; legacies to his daughter Mary and granddaughter Baithy Stymes.; his wife Balitie, Peter Bont, and Cornelius Van Tassel, executors; mentions a claim to lands on Long Island; witnesses John Embers, Thomas Buys, and Robert Graham. (Early Wills of Westchester County, New York, by William S. Pelletreau, New York, 1898.)
Their children include:
Johannis Van Tassel (1734-22 May 1813)
29027. Jannetje Buys. Born in 1707 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.410
On 22 Sep 1727 Jannetje married Martin Bant, son of Johannes Bant (29 Mar 1676-) & Willmentje Phillips, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Marthen Bant, j.m., b. and l. in Niu Jorck, and Jenneke Buys, j.d., b. in Achquecgenock and l. in Phillips Burgh”. Born on 16 Aug 1704.
Their children include:
Willementje Bant (1 Oct 1733-)
29028. Adriaen Buys. Born ca 1708 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Adriaen died bef 1784.410

Adrian Buys, also spelled Boyce.
On 27 Jul 1734 Adriaen first married Jannitje de Revier (37287) , daughter of Abraham de Revier & Wyntje Herrickse Cranckheyt (18111) (ca Mar 1684-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Adreannis Buys, j.m., and Jannetie de Revier, j.d. Both b. and l. in Philips Burgh”. Born in 1712 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Jannitje was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 Mar 1712.157 Jannitje, daughter of Abraham & Weyntje de Revier, witnesses Sybout Herrikze & Jannitje Puw.

Jannetie and her brother Johannis were witnesses at the 1732 baptism of Jannetie, daughter of Marthen Crancheyt (their half-nephew) & Esther his wife.
Their children include:
Petrus Buys (1735-)
Abraham Buys (1737-)
Wyntie Buys (1739-)
Jacob Buys (Died young) (1744-1785)
Jacobus Buys (1749-)
Willem Buys (1751-)
Rachel Buys (1755-)
Adriaen second married Catrina Davids.
29029. Mynno Buys. Born in 1710 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Mynno was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 21 Mar 1710.157 Mynett, daughter of Pieter & Gerritje Buys, witnesses Jacob Van Weert & wife Beeltje. Mynno died in Irvington, Westchester County, New York on 17 Aug 1770.

Mynett, or Myno, Buys.

Children of Joannis and Mynno include, baptized at Sleepy Hollow:
    i. Jacob, bp. 25 Apr 1732 (wit: Pieter & Geertie Buys [grandparents]);
    ii. Johannis, bp. 20 Nov 1736 (wit: Hendreck & Belytie Van Thesel);
    i. Willem, bp. 6 Jun 1741 (wit: Derck & Crestena Van Texel).157
On 27 May 1727 Mynno married Johannes Dutcher, son of Barent De Duytser (ca 1675-8 Aug 1751) & Marytje Conklin, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Johannis Duyser, j.m., and Myno Buys, j.d., both born and living in Phillipls Burgh”. Born in 1704 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Johannes was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 10 Mar 1704.157 Johannes, son of Barent Duytser & his wife Maria [Conklin], witnesses Gerridt Van Weerdt & Antje Van Weerdt [Maria’s brother-in-law and sister-in-law]. Johannes died in Irvington, Westchester County, New York on 16 Sep 1776.
29030. Lea Buys. Born in 1712 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Lea was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 Mar 1712.157 Lea, daughter of Pieter & Geertje Buys, witnesses Jacob Buys & wife Marytje. Lea died bef May 1714.

Lea and her brother Ary were witnesses at the 1731 baptism of their neice Lea, daughter of Derck & Crestena Van Texel.
29031. Lea Buys. Born in 1714 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Lea was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 May 1714.157 Lea, daughter of Pieter & Geertje Buys, witnesses Niclaes d’Vouw & Maritje Buys.

Children of Joannis Syffer & Lea Buys include, baptized at Sleepy Hollow:
    i. Catharina, bp. 17 Oct 1732 (wit: Joannis & Mynno Duyser);
    ii. Geertie, bp. 21 Aug 1734 (wit: Pieter & Geertie Buys);
    iii. Johannis, bp. 23 Apr 1737 (wit: Johannis & Treintie Van Thesel);
    iv. Petrus, bp. 23 Jun 1739 (wit: Hendreck Van Thexel & Belytie his wife [aunt]);
    v. Maritie, bp. 12 Sep 1741 (wit: Derck & Crestena Van Thexel);
    vi. Willem, bp. 30 Apr 1743 (wit: Willem & Aantie Bryt).157

Johannes and Lea were witnesses at the 1747 baptism of Hendrick, son of Hendrick Van Tessel & Belitie Buys (Lea’s sister).
On 16 Oct 1731 Lea married Johannes Syffer in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Joannis Zyfer, j. m., b. in Duyslandt, and Lea Buys, j. d., b. in Phillips Burgh. Both l. here”. Born in Germany. Johannes died ca 1762.

Joannis Zyfer, or Syffer.
Their children include:
Rachel Syffer (-3 Mar 1825)
29032. Jacob Buys. Born ca 1716 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.410 Jacob died bef 17 May 1755.410
On 19 Sep 1741 Jacob married Engeltje Storm, daughter of Thomas Storm (1691-) & Christina Van Wert, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Jacob Buys, j.m., and Engeltie Storm, j.d., both born and living in Philips Burgh”. Born in 1719 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Engeltje was baptized in 1719.277
29033. Abraham Buys. Born ca 1720 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Abraham died bef 1756.410
On 27 Oct 1744 Abraham married Rachel Storm, daughter of Nicolaes Storm (ca 1697-) & Rachael Conklin (1702-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Abraham Buys, j.m., and Rahgel Storm, j.d., both born and living in Philips Burgh”. Born ca 1724 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.
29034. Rachel Buys. Born ca 1720 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.

Children of Thomas Storm and Rachel Buys, baptized at Sleepy Hollow,157 include:
    I. Crestena Storm, bp. 10 Apr 1739 (wit: Thomas Storm & Engeltie Storm); and
    ii. Anatie Storm, bp. 9 Nov 1740 (wit: Jacob Buys [Rachel’s brother] & Annatie Van Thexel).
On 8 Oct 1737 Rachel first married Thomas Storm, son of Thomas Storm (1691-) & Christina Van Wert, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Thomas Storm, j.m., and Raghel Buys, j.d., both born and living in Philips Burgh”. Born in 1715 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Thomas was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 11 Jun 1715.157 Thomas, son of Thomas & Christina Storm, witnesses Gerridt & Catharina Van Weerdt [grandparents].
On 10 Oct 1747 Rachel second married Thomas Emmet in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Thomas Emens, widower, b. on Langh Eylandt, l. in Nieuw York, and Rachel Buys, widow of Thomas Storm, b. and l. in Phillipsburgh. Born in Long Island.

Thomas Emens
29035. Johannes Buys. Born in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Johannes was baptized on 16 Nov 1723.410

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
Ent. at Peremus. Joannes Buÿs, y.m., b. & l. Fishkill, & Sara DeBaen, y.d., b. Hackinsack, l. Peremus. Married 25 Sep 1742.
On 25 Sep 1742 Johannes married Sara Debaun, daughter of Jacobus Debaun (ca 1683-1753) & Anna Canniff (ca 1687-1736), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born on 25 Feb 1725 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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