Pane-Joyce Genealogy
35784. Johannis Van Tassel. Born in 1699 in Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York. Johannis was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 24 Apr 1699.157 Johannes, son of Jacob Van Texel & Aeltje his wife, witness David Storm [Aeltje’s brother]. Johannis died ca 1784.

Johannis and Helena Van Thexel were witnesses at the 1739 baptism of Johannis, son of Cornelus & Aantie Van Thexel.

Johannes resided at Ossining, the location of Sing Sing prison.
On 26 Sep 1726 Johannis married Helena Hammond, daughter of William Hammond (ca 1690-) & Maritje Walgraf (10 Jun 1688-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Johannis Van Thessel, j.m., born in Phillips Burgh, and Helena Hemmen, j.d., born in Nieuw Jorck, both living in Phillips Burgh”. Born ca 1708 in New York. Helena was baptized on 21 Mar 1708.410

Children of Jan Van Tassel and Helena Hammond:
    i. Jacob Van Tassel, 19 Aug 1727, m. Catrina Davids;
    ii. Maritie Van Tassel, 27 Jul 1729, m. Harmon William;
    iii. Aeltjie Van Tassel, 1731, m. 1751 Abraham Raton;
    iv. William Van Tassel, 17 Apr 1733, d. 1781;
    v. Johannis Van Tassel, 23 Apr 1734;
    vi. Ester Van Tassel, 1 Apr 1735, m Jacob Van Tassel;
    vii. Johannis Van Tassel, 23 Apr 1737, m. Rachel Van Tassel;
    viii. Abraham Van Tassel, 10 Apr 1739, m. Goertje Van Tassel;
    ix. Eemee Van Tassel, 12 Sep 1741;
    x. David Van Tassel, 28 Jun 1743, m. Margaret Bush; and
    xi. Isaac Van Tassel, 22 Jun 1745, m. Lea Duyster (Dutcher), d. 1828 at Wecham, S.Queens Co., New Brunswick.

Johannis & Leena were witnesses at the 1741 baptism of Maritie, daughter of Hendreck & Annatie Davidse.
Also the 1744 baptism of Raghel, daughter of Jan & Annatie Giellewee. Also the 1755 baptism of their grandson Johannis, son of Abraham Rutan. Also the 1756 baptism of their granddaughter Antie, daugher of Harmon Williams.
Their children include:
Willem Van Tassel (1733-1781)
Esther Van Tassel (1735-10 Dec 1811)
John Van Tassel (1737-11 Apr 1807)
35785. Dirck Van Tassel. Born ca 1702 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.
On 25 Sep 1742 Dirck married Mary Cranckheyt (37297) , daughter of Herck Cranckheyt (18112) (ca Nov 1685-) & Helena Van Wert (1692-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Derck Van Thexel, j.m, and Maritie Crancheyt, j.d. Both b. and l. in Philips Burgh”. Born ca 1726 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.

Are these the Dirk & Marytje van Texel who had a daughter Maria, b. 16 May 1757, bp. 10 Jun 1757 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Hackensack (wit: Johannes Jurrigsen, Engeltje Travers, mar.)?
35786. Annetje Van Tassel. Born in 1704 in Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York. Annetje was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 10 Mar 1704.157 Annatje, daughter of Jacob Van Texel & wife Antje, witnesses: Barent de Witt & wife Sara [Van Texel, aunt].

Teunis and Antje resided in Philipsburgh until he moved to Hopewell, Dutchess Co., some time between 1741 and 1745. He was living in 1758 but probably died before 1767 when his wife alone was a sponsor at the baptism of her granddaughter Aeltje.277

Thunnis & Annatie were witnesses at the 1740 baptism of their neice Janitie, daughter of David & Janitie Fosuur.

Children of Teunis Cranckheyt and Antje Van Texel, baptized at Sleepy Hollow:157
    i. Matthew Cranckheyt, b. ca. 1729;
    ii. Aeltje Cranckheyt, bp. 1 Apr 1735 (wit: Louwerins Crancheyt [Teunis’s brother] & Lea Van Thexel [Teunis’s sister]), m. ca. 1752 John Ferguson;
    iii. Jacob Cranckheyt, bp. 23 Apr 1737 (wit: Johannis & Helena Van Thesel), d. 17 Oct 1796, m. at Rombout 4 Dec 1755 Anne Ferguson;
    iv. Johannis (also known as John) Cranckheyt, bp. 10 Apr 1739 (wit: Jan & Annatie Gellewie), d. 1816 at Stanford, NY, m. 1st at Rombout 14 Oct 1760 Deborah Kenney, m. 2nd 29 Jan 1766 Susannah Hoff (dau. of Lawrence Hoff), resided at Hopewell, and later at Stanford where he died.; and
    v. Abraham Cranckheyt, bp. 20 Oct 1741 (wit: Johannis & Aaentie Crancheyt [prob Teunis’s brother and sister]), d. Mar 1811, m. at Rombout 4 Aug 1762 Wyntje Hoff.276
Abraham Ecker (ca 1726-)
On 2 Nov 1728 Annetje second married Teunis Cranckheyt (37272) , son of Hendrick Cranckheyt (18110) (ca Jun 1682-) & Antje Bankert (ca Mar 1686-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Thunis Krancheyt, j.m., and Antie Van Tessel, j.d., both b. and l. in Phillips Burgh”. Born ca Jan 1708 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Teunis was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 1 Jun 1708.157 Theunis, son of Hendrick Krankheyt & wife Antje, witnesses Theunis Krankheyt & wife Sophia [grandparents]. Teunis died in 1767.

Theunis lived in Philipsburg until about 1745 when he was first taxed in Rombout. He was on the tax list throught 1773.276
35787. Hendrick Van Tassel. Born in 1706 in Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York. Hendrick was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 Mar 1706.157 Hendrick, son fo Jacob Van Texel & wife Aaeltje, witnesses Carel Davidze and wife Antje [van Lent]. Hendrick died Mar or Apr 1771.

In his will, signed 1 Mar 1771 and proved 3 Apr 1771, Hendrick left to his sons John and Hendrick all his improvements; legacies to his daughter Mary and granddaughter Baithy Stymes.; his wife Balitie, Peter Bont, and Cornelius Van Tassel, executors; mentions a claim to lands on Long Island; witnesses John Embers, Thomas Buys, and Robert Graham. (Early Wills of Westchester County, New York, by William S. Pelletreau, New York, 1898.)
On 24 Oct 1730 Hendrick married Belytie Buys (29026) , daughter of Pieter Ariense Buys (23387) (ca Dec 1679-ca 1742) & Geertie Hoppe (12270) (ca Dec 1682-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Hendreck Van Tessel, j.m., b. on the Mennaer of Cortlandt, and Belytie Buys, b. in Acqueggenock; both l. in Phillips Burgh”. Born in 1706 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.410

Children of Hendrick and Belytie: Rachel 1732, Johannis 1734, Maritie, Annatie 1738, Geertje, and Hendrikus 1747.410

Hendreck and Belytie were witnesses at the 1739 baptism for their nephew Petrus, son of Joannis Syfer & his wife Lea (Buys).
Their children include:
Johannis Van Tassel (1734-22 May 1813)
35788. Marytie Van Tassel. Born in 1708. Marytie was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 30 Mar 1708.157 Marytje, daughter of Jacel & Aeltje Van Texel, witnesses Gregoris Storm [uncle] & wife Engeltje.
35789. Cornelis Van Tassel. Born in 1710 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Cornelis was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 8 Nov 1710.157 Cornelis, son of Jacob Van Texel & wife Aeltje, witnesses Cornelis Van Texel [uncle] & wife Antje.
On 26 Aug 1732 Cornelis married Antie Willems, daughter of Robert Willems (ca 1696-) & Maritje Jurckse (ca 1696-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Cornelis Van Texel, j.m., and Antie Willems, j.d., both born and living in Phillips Burgh”. Born ca 1714 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.
Their children include:
Maratie Van Tassel (1735-27 Apr 1823)
35790. Willem Van Tassel. Born in 1713 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Willem was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 24 Mar 1713.157 Wilhelmus, son of Jacob Van Texel & wife Aeltje, witnesses Abraham Lent & Maria Lent.

Willem was a witness at the 1735 baptism of his neice Maratie, daughter of Cornelius & Aantie Van Thexel.
On 1 Nov 1746 Willem married Susanna Willems (42613) , daughter of Cornelis Willems (ca 1698-) & Maria Storm (22747) (1700-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Willium Van Tessel, j.m, and Susanna Williumse, j.d., both born and living in Philfsburgh”. Born ca 1723 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Susanna was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 23 Apr 1723.157 Zusanna, daughter of Cornelis & Maria Willemse, witnesses Staas Storm & wife Susanna.

Childrem of William and Susanna: Jacob 1749, Cornelius 1750, Maria 1753, Aeltie 1755, Catrina 1759, Benjamin 1761, William 1763, Susanna 1767, and Abraham 1769.410
Their children include:
Altie Van Tassel (Died soon) (1755-)
35791. Theodore Van Tassel. Born in 1718 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.410

Theodorus moved from Philipsburg to Orange County by 1752.
Theodore married Maritje Boen. Born ca 1723. Maritje died ca 1770.
Their children include:
John Van Tassel (ca 1750-)
35792. Catrina Van Tassel. Born in 1720 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Catrina was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 31 Aug 1720.157 Catharina, daughter of Jacob & Altie Van Texel, witnesses Joannis Van Texel [uncle] & wife Catharina.

Children of Henrick and Catrina:
    i. Frederick Bankert, bp. 1751;
    ii. Emie Bankert, bp. 1753;
    iii. Altye Bankert, bp. 28 Oct 1753 (wit: Jacob Van Tessel & Aaltje Van Tessel [perhaps grandparents]);
    iv. Jan Bankert, bp. 1755; and
    v. Fiebe Bankert, bp. 1756.410

Catrina was a witness at the 1745 baptism of her nephew Abraham, son of Cornelis Van Tessel.

Hendrick and Catrina were witnesses at the 1759 baptism of Catrina, daughter of William Van Tessel [Catrina’s brother]. Also the 1760 baptism of Antie, daughter of Jacobus Sie.
On 17 Nov 1750 Catrina married Hendrick Bankert, son of Fredreck Bankert (ca 1698-ca 1737) & Aeltje Storm (1701-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Hendrick Banker, j.m., and Catrina Van Tessel, j.d., both born and living in Philipsburgh. Born ca 1727 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Hendrick was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 28 Oct 1727.157 Hendreck, son fo Fredreck & Aeltie Bancken, witnesses Hendreck Bancken & wife Maritie.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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