Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2536. Nathaniel Beal. Born ca 1620 in Hingham, Norfolk. Nathaniel was baptized in Hingham, Norfolk, 2 Mar 1620/1. Nathaniel died in Hingham, MA on 20 Dec 1708.45 Occupation: Cordwainer.

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    Nathaniel was constable 1676, selectman seven years ranging from 1667 through 1686, representative at the General Court 1667, 1683, 1691, and 1693. In 1669 he was chosen by the selectmen ‘to keep an ordinary, and to sell sack and strong water in the town of Hingham by retail, and also to be considered to the County Court for their approbation thereto.’ Nathaniel and Martha resided on South St. opposite Thaxter’s Bridge.
    His will, dated 3d of March, 1706-7, names children and grandchildren, and gives legacies to each.
Ca 1645 Nathaniel married Martha. Martha died in Hingham, MA on 10 May 1692.45
Their children include:
Martha Beal (ca 1646-)
Nathaniel Beal (ca 1648-bef 1708)
John Beal (Died young) (ca 1650-23 Nov 1655)
Mary Beal (21 Feb 1652/3-)
Christian Beal (ca 1654-20 Sep 1677)
Hannah Beal (ca 1656-14 Sep 1717)
John Beal (Died soon) (7 Dec 1659-6 Jan 1659/60)
Sarah Beal (Died young) (18 Dec 1662-bef 1667)
Susanna Beal (3 Mar 1664/5-22 Jun 1689)
Sarah Beal (ca 1667-)
2537. Martha Beal. Born 20 Jan 1619/20 in Hingham, Norfolk. Martha died in Plymouth, MA on 26 Apr 1690.63
On 16 Mar 1640 Martha first married William Fallowell, son of Gabriel Fallowell (ca 1584-28 Dec 1667) & Katherine Finney (ca 1596-1673/6), in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1614 in England.245 William died by 1649.

William, of Plymouth.45
On 29 Jun 1649 Martha second married Samuel Dunham, son of Dea. John Dunham (ca 1587-2 Mar 1668[/9]) & Abigail Ballou (-aft 1669), in Plymouth, MA.62 Born ca 1623 in England.16 Samuel died in Plymouth, MA 20 Jan 1711/2.16

Samuel, could bear arms Aug 1643, freeman 7 Jun 1648. He served as a juryman between the years of 1657 and 1672. On June 7, 1665 he was granted thirty acres of land on the westerly side of the Namasskett River. He was appointed a deputy in Plymouth June 3, 1668, constable 1674, and surveyor of highways 1675.
Their children include:
Sarah Dunham (10 Apr 1650-23 Apr 1738)
(infant son) Dunham (Twin, died young) (29 Dec 1651-)
(infant son) Dunham (Twin, died young) (29 Dec 1651-)
2538. Mary Beal. Born ca 1623 in Hingham, Norfolk. Mary was baptized in Hingham, Norfolk, on 28 Oct 1623. Mary died in Hingham, MA on 12 Dec 1696.45
On 30 Dec 1647 Mary married James Whiton in Hingham, MA.45 James died in Hingham, MA on 26 Apr 1710.45 Occupation: Farmer.

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    James was an inhabitant of Hingham as early as 1647. Freeman 1660. Resided at ‘Liberty Plain,’ South Hingham. In his will, dated 29 Sept. 1708, he provides liberally for his ch. and gr. ch.; mentions three sons and one dau. then living, also seven gr. ch. ‘who are the issue of my son Thomas Witon, deceased.’ In this instrument his name is written ‘James Witon;’ although sev. of his ch. were bt. by the surname Whiting. In 1657 he received a grant of land from he town, and at subsequent dates other lots of meadow and upland. He was one of the larger tax-payers of Hingham at the time the new meeting-house was erected, 1681, and at his decease possessed much landed property in the neighboring towns of Scituate, Abington, and Hanover, as well as in Hingham. ‘Apr. 20, 1676, the houses of Joseph Jones, Anthony Sprague, Israel Hobart, Nathaniel Chubbuck, and James Whiton were burned by the Indians’.

From Barry’s History of Hanover:174
    In 1657, land was granted to James Whiton, and to Onesiphorus Marsh, in Hingham; and he owned large tracts in Scituate, Abington, and Hanover. In Apr 1676, his house, and “Jno. Jones’s, Anthony Sprague’s, Israel Hobart’s, and Nathl. Chubbuck’s,” were burned by the Indians.
    His wife died Feb. 12, 1696/7, and he April 26, 1710, leaving a will, dated Sep. 29, 1708, in which he gives to his eldest son James, land bought of Joseph Church; land bought of William Ripley; land at Scituate, bought of Richard Dwelley, and “butting on the pattent line”; part of a lot bought of Humphrey Johnson, at Great Plain; 3 shares of the common land in Hingham; and one fourth of a lot in the “small shares,” being in Abington.
To son Matthew, he gives 5 shares in the eighth lot, 2nd division of upland in Cohassset; 12 acres at Great Plain; a lot in the 4th division of lands in Hingham, and the meadow adjoining; the 2d part of his 3d division of Cohassset upland”; and one fourth of the “small share” lot.
To Enoch, he gives one half of a lot of fresh meadow, bought of Richard Dwelley, and Humphrey Johnson, lying east of the river, at Mast Bridge, Hingham; part of a lot in the 4th division in Hingham, bought of Jeremiah Beal; one fourth of the “small share” lot; two and a half shares of the common land in Hingham; the front part of his 3d division in Cohasset; and the lands now in his possession, adjoining his dwelling house in Hingham, &c.
To the children of his son Thomas, deceased, he gives his dwelling-house, barn, outhouses, and land on which they stand, with the orchard, of 25 acres, and all other lands and meadows that the said Thomas possessed while living; also one half the meadow at Mast Bridge; one fourth of the small shares; and two and a half shares of the common land in Hingham; and the names of these childrenare given as Thomas, Jonathan, Eleazer, Joanna, Jael, Leah, and Rachael.
To his da. Mary Jordan, widow, he gives £36, to be paid out of what was left his 3 sons, and the children of Thomas.
Their children include:
James Whiton (Died soon) (15 Aug 1649-11 Nov 1650)
James Whiton (ca Jul 1651-20 Feb 1724/5)
Matthew Whiton (ca Oct 1653-22 Jul 1725)
John Whiton (Died soon) (2 Dec 1655-)
David Whiton (Twin, died young) (22 Feb 1657/8-18 Mar 1657/8)
Jonathan Whiton (Twin, died young) (22 Feb 1657/8-12 Mar 1657/8)
Sergt. Enoch Whiton (8 Mar 1659/60-5 May 1714)
Thomas Whiton (18 May 1662-17 Sep 1708)
Mary Whiton (29 Apr 1664-)
2539. Sarah Beal. Born ca 1625 in Hingham, Norfolk. Sarah died in Braintree, MA on 9 Nov 1710.45
22 Mar 1648/9 Sarah first married Thomas Marsh (2810) , son of George Marsh (1217) (-2 Jul 1647) & Elizabeth (-11 Jan 1676/7), in Hingham, MA.45 Born in Hingham, MA. Thomas died in Hingham, MA on 2 Aug 1658.45 Occupation: farmer.

Thomas, of Hingham, resided on the paternal homestead, North St. His will was dated three days prior to his decease.45
Their children include:
Sarah Marsh (22 Dec 1649-6 Oct 1726)
Thomas Marsh (4 Dec 1651-22 Mar 1724/5)
John Marsh (Died soon) (5 Feb 1653/4-10 Feb 1653/4)
Ephraim Marsh (1 Jul 1655-21 Apr 1715)
Mary Marsh (22 Feb 1657/8-)
On 5 Sep 1662 Sarah second married Edmund Sheffield, son of Edmund Sheffield (-bef 4 Jan 1631) & Tamazin, in Braintree, MA.45 Born ca Aug 1612 in Sudbury, Suffolk. Edmund was baptized in All Saints, Sudbury, on 16 Aug 1612. Edmund died in Braintree, MA on 13 Oct 1705. Buried in Hancock Cemetery, Quincy.
Their children include:
Mary Sheffield (20 Jun 1663-1 Oct 1718)
Nathaniel Sheffield (16 Mar 1664/5-)
Deborah Sheffield (23 Jun 1667-18 jan 1690/1)
2540. John Beal. Born ca 1627 in Hingham, Norfolk.45 John died in Hingham, MA on 12 Sep 1694.45 Occupation: Carpenter.

John first wife’s name was Elizabeth. He married second Mary Gill.

John resided on the paternal homestead which he inherited by will.45 Freeman in 1672.
6 Jan 1658/9 John first married Elizabeth in Hingham, MA.45 Elizabeth died in Hingham, MA 1 Feb 1659/60.45
Their children include:
Elizabeth Beal (19 Nov 1659-)
On 14 Nov 1660 John second married Mary Gill (12005) , daughter of Thomas Gill (ca 1616-24 Feb 1704/5) & Hannah Otis (4082) (ca 1618-25 Jan 1675/6), in Hingham, MA.45 Born ca 1643/4 in Hingham, MA. Mary was baptized in Hingham, MA, Jan 1643/4.45 Mary died in Hingham, MA on 17 Jun 1701.45
Their children include:
Mary Beal (Died soon) (7 Sep 1661-29 Sep 1661)
Mary Beal (ca 1662-6 Jun 1748)
John Beal (Died soon) (26 Mar 1665-6 Dec 1666)
John Beal (Died soon) (17 Sep 1667-21 Oct 1668)
John Beal (19 Dec 1669-26 Aug 1731)
Thomas Beal (15 Mar 1671/2-)
Hannah Beal (13 Mar 1675/6-16 Feb 1698/9)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.