Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6470. Charles Stockbridge. Born ca 1633/4 in Rayleigh, Essex. Charles was baptized in Rayleigh, Essex, 26 Jan 1633[/4].14 Charles died in Scituate, MA on 28 Dec 1683.52 Occupation: wheelwright, miller.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    “Charles, the only son [of John] who survived [not so, since John’s son John also had children], succeeded to the possession of the mills and the Mansion-house near it. In 1665 he purchased George Russell’s half of the mill. He also built, (by contract) the 2d. water mill in the town of Plymouth 1676. In 1673, he was allowed by the Town ‘30 acres of land on the 3d. Herring brook, on condition that he erect a Corn-mill on that brook and keep and tend the mill fourteen years.’ That mill was built 1677, (now [1831] Jonah’s mill, so called).”
    “Charles “died intestate, his estate divided 1684, ‘to Charles, oldest son, (surviving) land at 3d. Herring brook, and half the corn-mill and three fourths of the saw-mill there: To Thomas, land also on 3d. Herring brook, half the corn-mill, and one fourth of the saw-mill: to Joseph 50 acres of land in Duxbury, near Indian-head river, (mpw [1831] Pembroke–where late William Torrey, Esq. deceased,) also the reversion of a house of Hester Stockbridge in Scituate: to Abigail, wife of Henry Josselyn 18£. To Sarah and Elizabeth 17£ each. To widow Abigail, all the house, land, corn-mill and saw-mill on 1st Herring brook, until Samuel the youngest be of age, then Benjamin to ahve the above, except the Parlour.’”

    Probate record for the estate of Charles Stockbridge: [1: 344: OS Docket # 19,472 contain the appraisal/division]. The appraisal of the estate of Charles Stockbridge, deceased, which by settlement of his estate were to belong to Samuel and Benjamin Stockbridge, when the youngest son came of age, they rendering to their mother [now Abigail Turner] rent during her life time, was dated 1 August 1700. Appraisers: John Bryant, William Perry, Zachariah Damon who made oath to the appraisal/division on 15 March 1700/1.267
In 1659 Charles married Abigail in Charlestown, MA. Born ca 1636/38.239 Abigail died in Scituate, MA Mar 1709/10.52

Abigail first married Charles Stockbridge, second Nathaniel Turner.

Who was Abigail? d. of Anthony and Margery Pierce? Or Abigail James Pierce, b. ca. 1636 Hingham, d. of Michael and Ann Pierce? Or Abigail James, daughter of Hannah James who later married Captain Michael Pierce as his second wife?
Their children include:
John Stockbridge (Died soon) (2 Dec 1659-1 Feb 1659/60)
Abigail Stockbridge (24 Feb 1660-15 Jul 1743)
John Stockbridge (Died young) (ca 1662-)
Charles Stockbridge (4 Feb 1663-7 Apr 1731)
Sarah Stockbridge (30 May 1665-between 6 Feb 1755 and 17 May 1765)
Ens. Thomas Stockbridge (6 Apr 1667-3 Mar 1717[/8])
Elizabeth Stockbridge (13 Aug 1670-bef 27 Apr 1698)
Dea. Joseph Stockbridge (28 Jun 1672-11 Mar 1773)
Benjamin Stockbridge (9 Oct 1677-11 Jun 1725)
Samuel Stockbridge (9 Jul 1679-20 Jul 1758)
6471. Hannah Stockbridge. Born ca 1637 in Scituate, MA. Hannah was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 24 Sep 1637.52 Hannah died in Scituate, MA on 5 Jul 1665.52

From The Ticknor Family in America:334
    The tragic deaths of Hannah and her eldest son are thus described in the Roxbury church records: “July 5. There happened a very sad accident at Situate. lieftenant Torry, having rec’d order from the Governor of Plimouth (by reason of the kings letter y’t informes of ye Hollanders coming ag’st vs) to look to ye powder & ammunition of ye towne. He went into ye House of Goodman Tiokner where ye Magazine of ye Town was, w’ch was but two barrels of powder & opened y’m & while ye said lieftenant was drying some of ye powder, abroad upon boards & doores, by some accident, G. knows what, ye powder was fired booth in ye house & and that abroad, & ye house blown up & broken in pieces, And ye woman of ye House Goodwife Tickner miserably burnt esp’ly on her belly (for it seems she was at that instant stepping upon ye barrell y’t was in ye house to reach something & a little childe also was sadly burnt & buryed amongst ye rubbish & Timber, but ye woman & childe lived sev’rall houres after about 10 or 11. Also ye lieftenant was sadly burnt esp’ly on his breast, face hands & armes, yet he lived till ye next day and then dyed.”
On 29 Oct 1656 Hannah married Sergt. William Ticknor in Boston, MA.25 Born ca 1633.239 William died 1696/7.239

William first married Hannah Stockbridge, second Deborah Hyland.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    “Sergeant William Tickner appears in Scituate 1656, in which year he married Hannah, the daughter of John Stockbridge, and succeeded to the mansion house of his father in law at the Harbour, (Mr. Stockbridge having removed to Boston about that time). Serj. Tickner was engaged in agriculture, navigation and mercantile pursuits. His ‘warehouse’ is mentioned in our records in 1660. His farm was three fourths of a mile south-west from the harbour, now [1831] the well known place of Abijah Otis. He was often engaged in municipal affairs, as selectman, assessor, surveyor, &c. He was also in Philip’s war in 1676, being a Serjeant in Gen. Cudworth’s guard or ‘particular company.’”

For more William and his descendants, soo The Ticknor Family in America by James Melville Hunnewell, Boston, 1919.334
Their children include:
John Ticknor (Died young) (ca 1659-5 Jul 1665)
William Ticknor (ca 1664-2 Mar 1731/2)
6472. Elizabeth Stockbridge. Born ca Jan 1639/40 in Scituate, MA.239 Elizabeth was baptized in Boston, MA, on 10 Jul 1642.25 Elizabeth died aft 19 Mar 1706/7.
1 Jan 1661/2 Elizabeth married Thomas Hyland (3812) , son of Thomas Hyland (1517) (ca 1604-1683) & Deborah, in Scituate, MA.110 Born ca 1629 in England. Thomas was baptized in Tenterden, Ashford, Kent, on 15 Nov 1629. Thomas died in Scituate, MA between 15 Nov 1629 and 19 Mar 1706/7.

Thomas succeeded to his father’s residence.53

Constable 6 June 1683 [Plym. Col. Rec., 6:107].
Their children include:
Thomas Hyland (25 Jan 1662/3-1690)
Elizabeth Hyland (15 Aug 1665-)
Mary Hyland (15 May 1667-5 Nov 1729)
John Hyland (17 Mar 1670/1-5 Nov 1729)
Ruth Hyland (15 Jun 1673-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.